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Blair Peach Killed By Police


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USS liberty ring any bells rog.


Liberty was at worst a case of “Blue on Blue”. End of.


Why would the israeli government need a facility with 300 consoles manned 24 hours a day 7 days a week, fully employed in cyber space,


Planning to introduce a competitor to E_Bay? Something offering a “buy in now for xxxx but to you, yyyy.”


why would such a tiny part of the worlds total population be so utterly image concious, and expend so much of her rescources on defending her world image?


To counter the nonsense put about by liars and picked up by fools such as yourself who delight in thinking that their anti-Semitism is justified.

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blue on blue eh rog.


Pilot identifys the ship as THE UNARMED uss liberty, us sailors wave to pilot, pilot waves back, pilot ordered to open fire on liberty, pilot refuses, pilot ordered again to open fire on liberty, again pilot protests and refuses, pilot ordered again to open fire on liberty, pilot refuse once again, pilot ordered to return to base and arrested.


Transmitions from liberty are jammed and gunboat and ariel assault goes into operation, gunboats are flying jordanian flags, ship is totalled by air assault and the injured are helped over board by survivers who are then strayffed in the water by gunboat machinegun fire, its where most of the deaths occur, blue on blue rog..??


Maybe your revised version of history could do with a shakeup.

Have a peek behind the curtain rog.


By Admiral Thomas Moorer

Houston Chronicle



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blue on blue eh rog.


pilot identifys the ship as uss liberty, us sailors wave to pilot, pilot waves back, pilot ordered to open fire on liberty, pilot refuses, pilot ordered again to open fire on liberty, again pilot protests and refuses, pilot ordered again to open fire on liberty, pilot refuse once again, pilot ordered to retuRn to base and arrested.


Transmitions from liberty are jammed and gunboat and ariel assault goes into operation, gunboats are flying jordanian flags, ship is totalled by air assault and the injured aRE helped over board by survivers

who are then strayffed in the water by gunboat machinegun fire, its where most of the deaths occur, blue on blue rog..??


Certainly. Confusion and error are stock in trade during war. Especially war against an enemy who follows a religion where lying and deceit are recommended in their "national" religion.


Why not try using Occams razor again. Where would be the gain in deliberately knocking out a US ship?



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Your words may hold water in some cases rog, and only in a war zone, liberty wasnt in a war zone was it rog.

Nothing strange in the jordanian flags flying on the attack boats then, torpedo boats at that as the ship was to be sunk with the loss of all life witnesses as admitted.

The mere fact israel was at war with them at the time is of no consequence then.

Go on rog take a deep breath and have a little look behind the curtain.

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Your words may hold water in some cases rog, and only in a war zone, liberty wasnt in a war zone was it rog.

Nothing strange in the jordanian flags flying on the attack boats then, torpedo boats at that as the ship was to be sunk with the loss of all life witnesses as admitted.

The mere fact israel was at war with them at the time is of no consequence then.

Go on rog take a deep breath and have a little look behind the curtain.


That is a whole lot funnier than you will ever know.

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Not as funny s i find your reluctance to do anything other than hand wave.



Adm. Thomas Moorer, a former chief of naval operations and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, wrote in a memorandum on June 8, 1997, the 30th anniversary of the attack, that Israel deliberately attacked to hide its intentions in the war.


"I am confident that Israel knew the Liberty could intercept radio messages from all parties and potential parties to the ongoing war, then in its fourth day, and that Israel was preparing to seize the Golan Heights from Syria despite President Johnson's known opposition to such a move," Moorer wrote.


"I believe (then-Israeli Defense Minister) Moshe Dayan concluded that he could prevent Washington from becoming aware of what Israel was up to by destroying the primary source of acquiring that information, the USS Liberty." Israel took the strategic Syrian territory and still holds it 37 years later.




See rog history is littered with israeli treachery, if taking a 15 year over-view of 911 and 7/7 before and after so to speak, and alot of the roads lead to israel, then questioning the facts and motives of those who gained most does not make one a woo or an anti-semitic.

One doesnt need to get into the machanics of the events themselves or the guilty parties, theres enough info out there to give one

a very useful insight into who made the events possible and who sanctioned them.

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This is how much it was blue on blue rog.

Its a short version about the pilot as the events haunted him even tho he refused to open fire.

I have read his full transcript, its very enlightening rog.




Fifteen years after the attack, an Israeli pilot approached Liberty survivors and then held extensive interviews with former Congressman Paul N. (Pete) McCloskey about his role. According to this senior Israeli lead pilot, he recognized the Liberty as American immediately, so informed his headquarters, and was told to ignore the American flag and continue his attack. He refused to do so and returned to base, where he was arrested.


Later, a dual-citizen Israeli major told survivors that he was in an Israeli war room where he heard that pilot's radio report. The attacking pilots and everyone in the Israeli war room knew that they were attacking an American ship, the major said. He recanted the statement only after he received threatening phone calls from Israel.


The pilot's protests also were heard by radio monitors in the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon. Then-U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Dwight Porter has confirmed this. Porter told his story to syndicated columnists Rowland Evans and Robert Novak and offered to submit to further questioning by authorities. Unfortunately, no one in the U.S. government has any interest in hearing these first-person accounts of Israeli treachery.

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Not as funny s i find your reluctance to do anything other than hand wave.



Adm. Thomas Moorer, a former chief of naval operations and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, wrote in a memorandum on June 8, 1997, the 30th anniversary of the attack, that Israel deliberately attacked to hide its intentions in the war.


"I am confident that Israel knew the Liberty could intercept radio messages from all parties and potential parties to the ongoing war, then in its fourth day, and that Israel was preparing to seize the Golan Heights from Syria despite President Johnson's known opposition to such a move," Moorer wrote.


"I believe (then-Israeli Defense Minister) Moshe Dayan concluded that he could prevent Washington from becoming aware of what Israel was up to by destroying the primary source of acquiring that information, the USS Liberty." Israel took the strategic Syrian territory and still holds it 37 years later.




See rog history is littered with israeli treachery, if taking a 15 year over-view of 911 and 7/7 before and after so to speak, and alot of the roads lead to israel, then questioning the facts and motives of those who gained most does not make one a woo or an anti-semitic.

One doesnt need to get into the machanics of the events themselves or the guilty parties, theres enough info out there to give one

a very useful insight into who made the events possible and who sanctioned them.


I’ll try to spell it out in terms simple.


No American ship was known to be where the Liberty was, in fact the Liberty was believed to be a hundred miles away.


There was a very hot war taking place, ships were flying “false” flags. What should a commander do? Wait until the bloody thing had turned out to be a false flag and many Israeli people killed, or work on the basis of probability and take out what was perceived to be a threat. Keep in mind that a smoking gun is one that has been fired.


You know nothing beyond what you’ve read that lines up with what you want to believe and the very fact that you quoted an item from ‘rense’ proves so very much.


You, sir, are a fool twice over. Once for presenting the rubbish that you have, second for apparently believing it

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Oh they knew rog, same as you know, in fact, Israels attack on the Liberty was as accidental as japans attack on pearl harbor.


Liberty was hard to mistake, it was the most advanced communications ship in the us navy and was very distinguishable from a distance never mind the freshly painted 10ft letters LIBERTY and flying the american flag a 13ft version rog.


larger flag — the ship’s “holiday colors” — that measured 13 feet long.


Your answers are just more hand waving rog and simply wave away the obvious to anyone with a pea for a brain.




According to this senior Israeli lead pilot, he recognized the Liberty as American immediately, so informed his headquarters, and was told to ignore the American flag and continue his attack. He refused to do so and returned to base, where he was arrested.



which show that Israel's attack was deliberate the lengthy and careful surveillance, the radio jamming, etc.



Afterward, in one of their ever changing explanations, the Israelis claimed to have learned the ship's identity when they heard its distress signals. But the attack continued for sixty six minutes after the first distress signal, which the Israelis had jammed, was sent. Had this particular Israeli claim been true, they would have recalled the torpedo boats before they even reached the ship.



Immediately preceding the attack, an Israeli pilot recognized Liberty as a U.S. ship and radioed this information to IDF headquarters. He was instructed to attack anyway. This dialogue was intercepted at the U.S. embassy in Beirut. Former U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Dwight Porter revealed the existence of this intercept in 1991.



Department legal advisor Carl Salans performed an assessment of Israel's official explanation; with only the Navy's highly incomplete and erroneous preliminary investigation to go on, he thoroughly discredited the Israeli Government's claims of innocent error. The logical next step was to confront the Israelis with his findings, but that was not done. The U.S. Government's inaction was completely out of keeping with the outrageousness of the attack.



Oliver Kirby, former deputy director for operations/production, National Security Agency. Kirby participated in NSA's investigation of the attack and reviewed translations of intercepted communications between pilots and their headquarters which he reports show conclusively that they knew their target was an American ship. Kirby is considered the "Godfather" of the USS Liberty and USS Pueblo intercept programs.



"I found it hard to believe that it was, in fact, an honest mistake on the part of the Israeli air force units. I still find it impossible to believe that it was."

-- Paul C. Warnke, Undersecretary of the Navy and later general legal counsel to the Department of Defense.



Inman said he "flatly rejected" the Cristol thesis that the attack was an accident. "It is just exceedingly difficult to believe that [uSS Liberty] was not correctly identified" based on his talks with NSA seniors at the time having direct knowledge of intercepted communications. No NSA official could be found who dissented from the "deliberate" conclusion.

-- Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, USN, Director National Security Agency 1977-1981, reported in Proceedings, June, 2003




John P. Stenbit

March 13, 2003

The Israelis called us up one day and said, "If you don't

get that ship, the LIBERTY, out of this place we're going to sink

it in twenty-four hours."



No amount of hand waving will clear the stink of liberty away rog.


You as an ordinary every day jew will still try and deny the obvious, like so many of your race, and you wonder why your government is despised the world over, theres no humility in you, you give as much of a fuck about those sailors as the leaders of your country who ordered it.

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Oh they knew rog, same as you know, in fact, Israels attack on the Liberty was as accidental as japans attack on pearl harbor.


Liberty was hard to mistake, it was the most advanced communications ship in the us navy and was very distinguishable from a distance never mind the freshly painted 10ft letters LIBERTY and flying the american flag.


Your answers are just more hand waving rog and simply wave away the obvious to anyone with a pea for a brain.




According to this senior Israeli lead pilot, he recognized the Liberty as American immediately, so informed his headquarters, and was told to ignore the American flag and continue his attack. He refused to do so and returned to base, where he was arrested.



which show that Israel's attack was deliberate the lengthy and careful surveillance, the radio jamming, etc.



Afterward, in one of their ever changing explanations, the Israelis claimed to have learned the ship's identity when they heard its distress signals. But the attack continued for sixty six minutes after the first distress signal, which the Israelis had jammed, was sent. Had this particular Israeli claim been true, they would have recalled the torpedo boats before they even reached the ship.



Immediately preceding the attack, an Israeli pilot recognized Liberty as a U.S. ship and radioed this information to IDF headquarters. He was instructed to attack anyway. This dialogue was intercepted at the U.S. embassy in Beirut. Former U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Dwight Porter revealed the existence of this intercept in 1991.



Department legal advisor Carl Salans performed an assessment of Israel's official explanation; with only the Navy's highly incomplete and erroneous preliminary investigation to go on, he thoroughly discredited the Israeli Government's claims of innocent error. The logical next step was to confront the Israelis with his findings, but that was not done. The U.S. Government's inaction was completely out of keeping with the outrageousness of the attack.



Oliver Kirby, former deputy director for operations/production, National Security Agency. Kirby participated in NSA's investigation of the attack and reviewed translations of intercepted communications between pilots and their headquarters which he reports show conclusively that they knew their target was an American ship. Kirby is considered the "Godfather" of the USS Liberty and USS Pueblo intercept programs.



"I found it hard to believe that it was, in fact, an honest mistake on the part of the Israeli air force units. I still find it impossible to believe that it was."

-- Paul C. Warnke, Undersecretary of the Navy and later general legal counsel to the Department of Defense.



Inman said he "flatly rejected" the Cristol thesis that the attack was an accident. "It is just exceedingly difficult to believe that [uSS Liberty] was not correctly identified" based on his talks with NSA seniors at the time having direct knowledge of intercepted communications. No NSA official could be found who dissented from the "deliberate" conclusion.

-- Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, USN, Director National Security Agency 1977-1981, reported in Proceedings, June, 2003




John P. Stenbit

March 13, 2003

The Israelis called us up one day and said, "If you don't

get that ship, the LIBERTY, out of this place we're going to sink

it in twenty-four hours."



No amount of hand waving will clear the stink of liberty away rog.


You as an ordinary every day jew will still try and deny the obvious, like so many of your race, and you wonder why your government is despised the world over, theres no humility in you, you give as much of a fuck about those sailors as the leaders of your country who ordered it.


Anti-Semitic fool.


If you took the time to check the FACTS and not the anti - Israeli propaganda you would see just what too place, and it is VERY different from the malicious crap you're posting.


End of story.

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Anti-Semitic fool.


If you took the time to check the FACTS and not the anti - Israeli propaganda you would see just what too place, and it is VERY different from the malicious crap you're posting.


Your abit of a joke really rog aint ya.

Just more hand waving.

Why not dispute what i am saying with documented fact, is the reason your failing to do that because its indefensible.



One more quote from a man who ws involved just for good measure.


behind the sealed vault door at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha, where Steve Forslund worked as an intelligence analyst for the 544th Air Reconnaissance Technical Wing, then the highest-level strategic planning office in the Air Force.


“The ground control station stated that the target was American and for the aircraft to confirm it,” Forslund recalled. “The aircraft did confirm the identity of the target as American, by the American flag.


“The ground control station ordered the aircraft to attack and sink the target and ensure they left no survivors.”


Forslund said he clearly recalled “the obvious frustration of the controller over the inability of the pilots to sink the target quickly and completely.”


“He kept insisting the mission had to sink the target, and was frustrated with the pilots’ responses that it didn’t sink.”




And how they did try to sink her heh rog, torpedos napalm all the best shit a mirage could throw at them for 2 hours rog.



On that June day in 1967, the weather was beautiful... Clear and sunny, visibility unlimited... the LIBERTY, an elaborate state-of-the art intelligence gathering platform, was in international waters off the Gaza strip and was flying the Stars and Stripes. Israeli reconnaissance planes flew overhead for hours. Pilots and ship's crew waved to each other. Then, inexplicably, unmarked Israeli aircraft began attacking the ship.



I know rog i know its all lies and anti-semitic propaganda.

The rest of the world need someone to hate so we all decided to hate a little tiny race of people called the jews.


Rather ironic that it was a russain destroyer that came to libertys rescue considering liberty was there to spy on them.


Soviet guided missile destroyer sends flashing-light message in English: “Do you need help?” Soviets “I will stand by in case you need me.”


Too cowardly to hang around and mix it with the fully armed russian destroyer after 2 hours of pummelling an unarmed vessel the israelis scurried away.

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Anti-Semitic fool.


If you took the time to check the FACTS and not the anti - Israeli propaganda you would see just what too place, and it is VERY different from the malicious crap you're posting.


Your abit of a joke really rog aint ya.

Just more hand waving.

Why not dispute what i am saying with documented fact, is the reason your failing to do that because its indefensible.



OK, I’ll play along with you a little further and let’s deal with the facts, not the interpretation put on things by ‘interested parties’ but what actually took place. The story that emerges is one of clusterfuck and communications breakdown mostly by the US.


Let’s start with the assertion “If you don't

get that ship, the LIBERTY, out of this place we're going to sink

it in twenty-four hours.”


The TRUTH was that the Israeli’s announced that they would fire on unidentified ships in their waters if there was any belief that such ships were in any way belligerent or supporting the belligerent.


And the problem with that at a time of hot war is?


Then at what came out at the US court of enquiry.


Then the “fly-by’s” From the Captain of the ship :- Quote


“The passes from Israeli aircraft earlier in the day were made at a range of 12-15 miles from the craft. Not all passes were at that range, but obviously not all passes were at a close range.”


Two points. Firstly the fly-by’s early in the day were around 12 miles distance and early in a day of continuing and rapidly changing activities.


Next as the day progressed events were taking place that included shore installations being shelled from the sea and so Liberty was one of several boats operating in the area.


What’s more the Liberty was out of position by over 80 miles because the US orders to it to get out of town had not been heard by the ships communications crew. The Israeli forces believed that there were NO non-hostiles in the area because they had been told all ships had been withdrawn from the theatre of operations. To add insult to bloody stupidity the US ensign being flown was unusually small as one ship’s officer told at the US held inquiry.


What’s more the instant that the ship identified itself by signal light the attack was instantly broken off and all help immediately offered by the ships in theater. There was no radio comms from the ship, a fact admitted to by the ship’s cams officer who told of a faulty transmitter and a subsequent power failure.


(All of this is on record, and can be found not in the Israeli records but in the US inquiry report.)


And so it emerges, not from Israeli sources but from the inquiry by the “injured Party” that what it all comes down to was clusterfuck and breakdown in communications during a very short very hot very intense war.


But in spite of what’s real those low life creeps who delight in creating libel after libel and distortion of truth into downright lies, and the stupid fools who believe them continue top perpetrate their nonsense. Continue to perpetrate ‘Der ewige Jude’ rubbish.


I don’t know who I despise the most, the creators of the lies and propaganda or the idiots who delight in rolling in it like pigs in shit.


So there you go, fool, there’s the facts. Sorry they don’t line up with what you would like them to.


Now go roll in that thing you roll in so well.

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This is the funniest bit of your reply rog.


What’s more the instant that the ship identified itself by signal light the attack was instantly broken off and all help immediately offered by the ships in theater. There was no radio comms from the ship, a fact admitted to by the ship’s cams officer who told of a faulty transmitter and a subsequent power failure.


Exactly which part of the 2 hour pummelling did that all come about rog.


How many sailors/survivors have ever been able to give evidence at a board of enquiry..?

answer nil.

Thats what the survivors are still protesting for to achieve rog, THEY want to tell their side and they want nothing more than an honest apology, which they will never get from you fuckers.


Quote your source rog, lets see it all, and for the third time liberty was in international waters.


How can you possibly claim that the ship was only sighted from 15 miles away, when i quoted you a sailor who waved to the box plane and the co-pilot smiled and waved back, does that sound like 15 miles to you rog.


Heres the timeline of events rog.

Hope you dont mind me giving you the actual survivers timeline evidence, i mean they were only there rog.





0600: Israeli Nord 2501 Noratlas (flying boxcar) reconnoiters Liberty.


0603: Reconnaissance aircraft reports to Israeli naval headquarters that “GTR-5” is written on the ship, identifying it as an NSA intelligence vessel.


0720: Fresh American flag is raised.


0900: Jet aircraft approaches Liberty, then veers off towards Gaza. Liberty crewmen unable to identify markings.


1000: Two unmarked, rocket-armed, delta-winged jets circle Liberty three times. Liberty officers can count rockets and see the pilots, but see no identifying marks on the plane. The jets radio Israeli headquarters that the ship is flying an American flag.


1030: Israeli “flying boxcar” with Israeli markings circles Liberty at about 200 feet. Crew member Larry Weaver says, “I was actually able to wave to the co-pilot, a fellow on the right-hand side of the plane. He waved back, and actually smiled at me.”


1055: Pinchas Pinchasy, naval liaison officer at Israeli air force headquarters, reports to Naval Headquarters that the ship cruising slowly off El Arish is “an electromagnetic audio-surveillance ship of the U.S. Navy, named Liberty, whose marking was GTR-5.”


1100 & 1130: Israeli reconnaissance aircraft again circle Liberty.


1205: Three Israeli motor torpedo boats leave Ashdod at high speed headed toward Liberty. They are followed by Israeli air force fighters, loaded with 30mm cannon ammunition, rockets, and napalm.


1215 & 1245: Israeli reconnaissance aircraft again circle Liberty.


1341: Israeli torpedo boats spot Liberty and call for an immediate air strike


1358: Two unmarked delta-winged Mirage jets attack Liberty. After taking out gun mounts, they target ship’s antennae and bridge with heat-seeking missiles.


1405: Three unmarked Dassault Mystère IIIC jets attack with napalm and rockets. Ship tries to contact Sixth Fleet headquarters, but five of Liberty’s six shore circuits are jammed. Radio operator manages to send distress signal from Captain McGonagle: “Under attack by unidentified jet aircraft, require immediate assistance.” Attack lasts approximately 22 minutes, involving 30 to 35 sorties, killing nine men and wounding around 60. Israeli pilot reports to base: “Great, wonderful, she’s burning, she’s burning.”


1409: Captain Joe Tully of the USS Saratoga acknowledges call for help, dispatches four F-4 Phantom jets, and informs Liberty that help is on the way. Within minutes U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert MacNamara orders rescue jets to return: “Tell Sixth Fleet to get those aircraft back immediately.” Rear Admiral Geis relays message and tells them to re-launch jets in 90 minutes.


1424: Three French-built 62-ton Israeli motor torpedo boats approach Liberty in attack formation. Because the Israeli fighters had destroyed the American flag, Captain McGonagle orders the signalman to hoist the “holiday ensign,” the largest flag the ship has.


1435: Torpedo boats launch five German-made 19-inch torpedoes at Liberty. One torpedo strikes starboard directly into NSA area, accounting for 25 of the 34 men who would be killed. Torpedo boats then circle, machine-gunning the ship with armor-piercing projectiles for another 40 minutes.


1450: Commander of Sixth Fleet orders carriers USS America and USS Saratoga to send aircraft to defend Liberty.


1500: NSA Sigint Command Center receives first notice of the attack from either the America or Saratoga: “USS Liberty has been reportedly torpedoed by unknown source in Med near 32N 33E. Request examine all communications for possible reaction/reflections and report accordingly.”


1505: Message sent to Liberty from Sixth Fleet: “Sending aircraft to cover you. Surface units on the way.” Liberty is off the air and does not receive the message.


1511: First “official” notice that Liberty is under attack reaches National Military Command Center in Washington.


1515: After the order to “prepare to abandon ship” comes over the loudspeaker system, the lifeboats are lowered into the water. Israeli torpedo boats move in closer and fire on them, as well as those still on deck, making them all unusable. “I watched with horror as the floating life rafts were riddled with holes,” recalled Lieutenant Lloyd Painter, in charge of the evacuation. Said Petty Officer Rowley, who also witnessed the event: “They didn’t want anyone to live.” After destroying the life rafts, the Israeli boats departed. Next, two Israeli SA-321 Super Frelon Hornet assault helicopters carrying soldiers in battle dress circle ship several times, then depart.


1520: Commander of Sixth Fleet announces that 12 aircraft will be launched at 1545 to arrive near Liberty at 1715.


1532: Walt Rostow, President Johnson’s Special Assistant for National Security Affairs, notifies the president of the attack.


1536: Israeli torpedo boats return, then leave.


1545: USS Saragota and America launch second rescue flights.


1555: Liberty regains its transmitter; still has no receiver.


1600: Liberty transmits: “Flash, flash, flash. I pass in the blind. We are under attack by aircraft and high-speed surface craft.” Deputy Director Louis Tordella is informed by Deputy Director of Joint Reconnaissance Center, Captain Vineyard, that “consideration was then being given by some unnamed Washington authorities to sink the Liberty in order that newspaper men would be unable to photograph her and thus inflame public opinion against the Israelis.” Tordella makes an “impolite” comment about the idea, writes a memo of the conversation for the record, and stores it away.


1605: Liberty transmits: “Request immediate assistance. Torpedo hit starboard side.”


1614: American embassy relays Israeli apology to White House, Department of State, and Sixth Fleet that an unidentified “maybe Navy” ship has been erroneously attacked.


1615: Two unidentified jets approach Liberty, then veer off.


1630: Israeli jets and three torpedo boats return, offer assistance. Captain McGonagle refuses their help. Boats leave after 12 minutes.


1639: Secretary of Defense McNamara again orders rescue planes recalled; order is confirmed by President Johnson because “we are not going to embarrass an ally.” Naval Air Attaché at U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv, Commander Ernest Castle, is summoned to Israeli Defense Forces headquarters.


1717: Deputy Secretary of Defense orders that all news releases on attack are to be made in Washington. Soon after, Israeli helicopter approaches Liberty and requests permission to land. McGonagle refuses. Helicopter departs.


1729: Rear Admiral Lawrence Geis, commander of the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean, protests decision to recall rescue planes to Secretary of Defense McNamara. At that point President Johnson comes on the phone and says he didn’t care if the ship sunk, he would not embarrass his allies. Admiral Geis tells Lt. Commander David Lewis, head of the Liberty’s NSA group, of the remark, but asks him not to repeat it until after he dies. It is a promise Lewis will honor.


1915: Captain McGonagle, wounded and exhausted, dictates first report on estimated casualties: 10 dead; 15 severely wounded; 75 total wounded; undetermined missing. His estimates would prove low.



No mention of the russains in the timeline, you have to go to foia docs for that, like memos between departments etc, its all there tho.

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