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The Gingers Are Getting It


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LDV then if you are ginger you should know how this can effect people especially with the hatred you have had to face with your lifestyle.

My hair is a little red. But anyway, was only joking by making ridiculous comments about gingerness, which I thought were too ridiculous to take them seriously.

But I feel a little unsure as to what you mean by the hatred I have had to face. When homophobia has been levelled at me it hasn't been done very often in the form of verbal bullying. I don't think I have experienced hatred exactly, not for being gay anyway.

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Obviously the idiot has never been with a redhead or he would know better and this is from someone who has been married to one for over 26yrs and wouldn't swap for any other hair colour.

He? She! :)




Guardian has the vid & stills:




Awesome video and the song remotely reminds me of

, although it's getting easy publicity by simple being violent and controversial - and breaching YT terms of use, which always seem to generate a publicity boost.


And if you two could stop your ginger war, that'd be nice. Christ, you lot can turn any thread into a political discussion about the meaning of life, the universe and everything else :rolleyes:

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Thats a fair question from amadeus jim 26 years married to a he or she ?, i only ask as it may have some bearing on your constant flirting with LDV.


You really are a total knob

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