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This could have gone into the sports section, but I think there are wider issues concerning these two stories


Lord Triesman quits FA and 2018 World Cup bid jobs

Lord Triesman is to stand down as chairman of the Football Association as well as the England 2018 World Cup bid.

His exit follows what he has called his "entrapment" by the Mail on Sunday.

The newspaper article said he suggested Spain could drop its 2018 bid if rival bidder Russia helped bribe referees at this summer's World Cup.


Half of Russians believe bribery solves "problems"

Fifty-five percent of respondents to a Levada Centre poll of 1,600 Russians said they believed that "bribes are given by everyone who comes across officials" in Russia. Findings by the Levada Centre showed that Russians still pay bribes to obtain better medical services, prefer to "buy" their driving licences, bribe police when caught violating traffic rules, or pay to ensure that their child can dodge the draft or get a place at the right school.


Is bribery acceptable? Are there times when it is and times when it isn't?

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SOP in some ME countries especially when trying to sell them something

As for getting something done



Thank goodness nothing like this could ever happen in the Isle Of Man..

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Thankk goodness nothing like this could ever happen in the Isle Of Man..


Yes perish the thought.


I often wonder what makes an ex mlc/mhk such good company director material upon retirement from office, when they do not comefrom a business background,i wonder for instance if its a backhanded payment for services rendered whilst in office or for lobbying in future.


But thats synical, their probably thoroughtly nice blokes to have about the office a couple of times a year.

Besides most of them are to thick to take bribes, they just do it for nowt.

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