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Hahaha. So funny. Number 7 is the best!

I think it's odd that you found it amusing. I didn't see anything remotely funny.


Perhaps it might be funnier next time when they propose drawing a gay day or a jew day...

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Seems to have been removed, or at least blocked: I get taken to my profile page when I click on the link. From the Google cached version the message of the group seems to be pro-free speech rather than specifically anti-Muslim, although clearly the subject matter is very provocative to Muslims.


As far as I'm concerned nobody's beliefs should deserve some special protection from ridicule or enforcement in law purely because those beliefs are genuinely held by some people.

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As far as I'm concerned nobody's beliefs should deserve some special protection from ridicule or enforcement in law purely because those beliefs are genuinely held by some people.


I agree with you, but I also feel people shouldn't be subjected to ridicule just because they hold beliefs. Unless they are Rog. Or LDV.

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As far as I'm concerned nobody's beliefs should deserve some special protection from ridicule or enforcement in law purely because those beliefs are genuinely held by some people.


I agree with you, but I also feel people shouldn't be subjected to ridicule just because they hold beliefs. Unless they are Rog. Or LDV.


But in this case it's not individual believers that are being ridiculed, but the beliefs themselves.

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From the Google cached version the message of the group seems to be pro-free speech rather than specifically anti-Muslim, although clearly the subject matter is very provocative to Muslims.

There's a subtle difference between free speech and hate speech.

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Hahaha. So funny. Number 7 is the best!

I think it's odd that you found it amusing. I didn't see anything remotely funny.


Perhaps it might be funnier next time when they propose drawing a gay day or a jew day...

I think you are missing the big difference between caricaturing people because of their race/sexuality - which is oppressive, and poking fun out of people's beliefs which lead to the veneration of what was probably some ranting Arab who just happened to form a cult over a 1000 years ago.


Put this into context though. These pictures are a reaction to the nutters who threatened to kill others and carry out violent attacks because someone make some jokes about their faith. And governments and the media have largely responded, understandably in some cases, to censoring themselves out of fear. It also created the idea that such a reaction from a SMALL GROUP of Muslims means that the Danish caricatures are wrong and shouldn't have been drawn.


Of course, these cartoons aren't to enlighten and educate others who have irrational beliefs, that isn't its purpose. But it isn't always necessary.


If it was caricaturing Arabs or others because of their race then it would be a different thing altogether and worthy of condemnation.


Sorry if you find it too much, but if people have despicable beliefs those beliefs are worthy of ridicule.

Why the concern just because someone is simply offended?

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The actual blog which started it all off is still up:




I have to admit I am slightly conflicted by this - you can get all Voltaire about free speech, but some are simply justifying crude anti-Arab xenophobia etc.


That said, some are thoughtful or provokative in ways I approve, but I have to say they are the minority most are just crude.


But quite simply the idea that murder is a justified response to these drawings should be sickening to all right thinking people whether Muslim or of any other faith or of none.


That is the message I approve of - no matter how offended you are by someone else's free expression you cannot use that to justify killing.


Until Muslims accept that it isn't surprising that people will react to their violence with crude ridicule.

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These pictures are a reaction to the nutters who threatened to kill others and carry out violent attacks because someone make some jokes about their faith.

So by your count, every muslim must be guilty?


..but if people have despicable beliefs those beliefs are worthy of ridicule.

That sums you up nicely. Who are you to say other people beliefs are despicable? What if someone believed that being gay was despicable, would you agree that they then have the right to ridicule you?

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As far as I'm concerned nobody's beliefs should deserve some special protection from ridicule or enforcement in law purely because those beliefs are genuinely held by some people.


I agree with you, but I also feel people shouldn't be subjected to ridicule just because they hold beliefs. Unless they are Rog. Or LDV.


But in this case it's not individual believers that are being ridiculed, but the beliefs themselves.


Sorry, I was just trying to poke fun at Rog and LDV

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So by your count, every muslim must be guilty?

What? You think that all or even most Muslims will now be set to kill or be violent because of these cartoons?


That sums you up nicely. Who are you to say other people beliefs are despicable? What if someone believed that being gay was despicable, would you agree that they then have the right to ridicule you?

Who am I to say??? Are you trolling for once, Stavros?


I can say because I can assess and evaluate a religion based on the morals that most of us have in society.

I find beliefs despicable to demand servility from their followers, for example. That's just one.


But you are asking a silly question. Two for you: Do you find the BNP policies and beliefs despicable? And what bothers you so much about what I have said?

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