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Two for you: Do you find the BNP policies and beliefs despicable? And what bothers you so much about what I have said?

Firstly, you're asking me about BNP policies and beliefs whilst you yourself have taken great delight to laugh at those pictures. Do you not detect a sense of irony there?


Secondly, what bothers me is your pathetic crusade to jump in and defend all and anything gay whislt having the audacity to inflict your vile indignations on other people.

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Two for you: Do you find the BNP policies and beliefs despicable? And what bothers you so much about what I have said?

Firstly, you're asking me about BNP policies and beliefs whilst you yourself have taken great delight to laugh at those pictures. Do you not detect a sense of irony there?


Secondly, what bothers me is your pathetic crusade to jump in and defend all and anything gay whislt having the audacity to inflict your vile indignations on other people.


Good point there Stavros, not often you get so serious.

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Two for you: Do you find the BNP policies and beliefs despicable? And what bothers you so much about what I have said?

Firstly, you're asking me about BNP policies and beliefs whilst you yourself have taken great delight to laugh at those pictures. Do you not detect a sense of irony there?


Secondly, what bothers me is your pathetic crusade to jump in and defend all and anything gay whislt having the audacity to inflict your vile indignations on other people.

No, there isn't any irony at all.


What I have noticed is that you proclaim your disgust or dislike of what I have said, BUT you haven't done anything to explain why, other than making some brief reference to homophobia, as if they were the same.

You've said very little other than making silly comments.


Now this makes me think that on this occasion alone you are just trolling, but I can't think why and you haven't done so before. The other alternative is that you somehow FEEL it is wrong to ridicule religion and equate such ridicule as similar to racism and homophobia, however ignorant such a view or feeling would be.


I welcome you or anyone else to try and explain why my views are vile, rather than resorting to childish and stupid comments.


As for defending anything gay, well that's bollocks. I talk about those issues and matters regarding sexuality that are oppressive or, I think, wrong. I could just as well comment on how the Catholic preacher who was brought before the courts should have been allowed his free speech and not have the interference from some scumbag who arrested him for preaching about sinfulness of homosexuality. Instead I have brought up the more awful aspects of how gay people are treated to give people an idea of just how bad things are, make some people aware of them if they weren't already, and because it pisses me off.

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Me and my boy drew a picture of Mohammed today and Jesus and Buddha and Shiva and Loki and Odin. We even put in Blink 182 'cos they're rock gods.


Woot woo!


I have to be careful as he goes to a Church funded school! Mark Hoppus isn't Jebus and Tom Delonge isn't god.






Oh and the word Bollocks can no longer be used as a little prayer to Jebus to ask for help. he knows it's a bad word now.


Carry on!

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But if it has anything to do with some idiotic belief itself that other people's beliefs deserve respect or that people shouldn't be offended

That's enough for me. I couldn't really be bothered reading the rest of your drivel let alone try to decipher and try to respond to it. I dislike you and will continue to treat you with the contempt I believe you deserve.

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Str8 talking is what we manx do best ldv, and stav was pretty much to HIS point.

No, he wasn't. He hasn't made any other point other than saying he thinks my views on this are vile.

And I wouldn't discredit the Manx as a whole with being the best at talking crap.


Probably taking it a bit too seriously. When I recognise that people start spouting meaningless babble that amounts to one sentence expressions of approval or disapproval on something they probably haven't thought about, I should cop out.


I think the best post has been made by Bananaman.

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  • 3 months later...


Looks more like Fatwa Day to me...


... quite simply the idea that murder is a justified response to these drawings should be sickening to all right thinking people whether Muslim or of any other faith or of none.


That is the message I approve of - no matter how offended you are by someone else's free expression you cannot use that to justify killing.


Until Muslims accept that it isn't surprising that people will react to their violence with crude ridicule.


Well sadly the response to ridicule has been, as is so often the case, threats of violence - the cartoonist who came up with the idea of Evryone Draw Mohammed Day has had to go into hiding because of threats of violence. Link

Too many followers of Islam are so insecure that they use threats of, and acutal, violence against anyone who disagrees with them. Even worse as far as I am aware they are directly following the precepts of their religion when they do this.


People have no right not to be offended, or no religion has a right to be free from ridicule; for people to respond to ridicule with terrorism is totally unacceptable.


How to take a stand and make it clear that blasphemy is not a crime in a modern society?

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