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*Quiet cough at the back of the room*


I have to back DJDan up on the Dominoes' box as I saw one by the Cooil Roundabout a couple of weeks before they opened which I thought was odd and then later learnt that they were opening. It could have been cast out of the window of a visiting car, it could have been flown over by albatrosses, who knows? But he is right you know.


Thank You Gladys. No doubt they won't be calling you a liar though.. :)

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Mæŋksmən, don't you get bored of this crap trolling?


*Quiet cough at the back of the room*


I have to back DJDan up on the Dominoes' box as I saw one by the Cooil Roundabout a couple of weeks before they opened which I thought was odd and then later learnt that they were opening. It could have been cast out of the window of a visiting car, it could have been flown over by albatrosses, who knows? But he is right you know.


Yeah, but you believe in the tooth fairy, so you're opinion on all subjects is null and void!

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You want to bandy words/BAIT like hate and racist around dan then crack on, but heres some examples of real racism and real hate.


David Jones, of the Daily Mail describes the brutal assault of a white woman, Mrs. Ame Brown, in her Johannesburg home, in the absence of her husband, who was working a night shift. Mrs. Brown's two young sons were bound at the wrists and forced at gunpoint to watch by the four-strong black gang which had broken into their flat as their mother was violated in turn by each of the gang members. Says Jones: "As the first man made way for the second, he spat out the hate-filled words Ame, an Afrikaner, will never forget: "For years you Boers always took from us. Now we're taking from you."In fact, Ame Brown worked as a care assistant looking after mainly black children at a Johannesburg home for youngsters. But her work on behalf of such an underprivileged, have-not section of the population obviously cut no ice with her assailants. Her race was all that mattered as far as they were concerned.


Lambert Theron, 20, Kempton Park Wimpy manager - CCTV filmed this young Afrikaner's last moments: being hacked to death in a revenge-murder by two black co-workers – who accused him of 'lying like all white men do'.


Then there is Jock de Gouveia? This elderly gentleman died after robbers dragged him for some kilometres on a rope behind his bakkie.(Pick-up)His face was totally disfigured. The police caught the three perpetrators after one was caught having Mr. de Gouveia's sim card and TV in his possession.


One of the most shocking recent examples in 2009 was that of two anti-white racist crimes involving the torture-murders of Alice Lotter, 77, and her daughter Helen, 57, which caused a wave of abhorrence amongst the entire white community because of its incredible cruelty. The women, both frail, were tortured to death at their farm in Allenridge in the Free State on April 1, 2009. According to forensic evidence, the Lotter mother and daughter died excruciatingly painful deaths: First tortured by being stabbed with broken glass bottles into their vaginas; one of the women also had her breasts cut off while she was still alive – and then both women's blood, police forensic experts found, had been used to paint the ANC's anti-Afrikaner hate slogan 'Kill the Boer Kill the Farmer' on the walls of their homestead.

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You want to bandy words/BAIT like hate and racist around dan then crack on, but heres some examples of real racism and real hate.



Have you conveniently forgotten about the KKK, you know, that white supremacist group.... or the Nazis for that matter. Or do you just pick up on it because they are black people doing wrong to whites?

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No, nor have i forgot what the chinese did to the tibetan monks while the rest of the world watched their firework display a short while ago and many many others.


My point was the nearest thing you will see to real hate in the isle of man is moaning about dogshit,yet pricks like you see everything as racist, even the fact the 3 hate crimes i put up were black on white is my racism and not theirs, truth is it makes you and many others very uncomfortable to think about it deeply so you bandy the Key words around to stiffle what is nothing more than the truth, just either provocatively or poorly presented, but the bare truth non the less.

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My point was the nearest thing you will see to real hate in the isle of man is moaning about dogshit


That's not true. I am in the Isle of Man and I really hate you, much as I really hate all racists - black, white, yellow or green - who use tragic incidents in order to support their perverse view of the world without any real understanding of the situation.

And I haven't had a pizza from dominos.

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Well funny enough i could imagine myself hating a dominos pizza, but never an annonamous poster on a forum, just goes to strenghten my stance that some humans are much closer to animals than we care to admit, black white yellow or brown.


without any real understanding of the situation quote.


Empty words, with no backup, you assert it so it must be true.

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Well funny enough i could imagine myself hating a dominos pizza, but never an annonamous poster on a forum, just goes to strenghten my stance that some humans are much closer to animals than we care to admit, black white yellow or brown.


without any real understanding of the situation quote.


Empty words, with no backup, you assert it so it must be true.


Why do you believe you are anonymous while posting on this forum?

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