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Mæŋksmən, I don't really understand what relevence black on white racism has on the existence, and problems caused by, white on black racism. Lets be honest - whites have persecuted blacks ALOT more than the other way round - all of it is wrong and I don't see the point of highlighting black on white violence ... unless you are trying to justify a racist attitude, mæŋksmən?


I don't think anyone is claiming that black on white racism doesn't exist, or white on black.


Some people have hatred which is solely based on colour/ethnicity. That is a problem and two wrongs don't make a right.


There is no doubt that SOME blacks are nasty and brutish, as are SOME whites. What changes that from an expression of the "bleeding obvious" in to a racist attitude is to say blacks are nasty and brutish, or whatever - to suddenly damn an entire race or ethnicity for the behaviour of some.


You could just as justifiably say south african blacks are generous and friendly - the number of incidences where they display that behaviour far outweigh the still too many incidences where they are violent.


In fact they are simply a group of people who generally suffer from poverty and a trully horrible history of violent and discriminatory behaviour against them from the apartheid state which treated them that way solely on the grounds of their skin colour. That legacy will be very difficult to overcome. Most muddle through, some are bitter and violent, some generous and forgiving.


Don't pretend that extreme examples are useful in understanding the mainstream - they aren't.


Racist attitudes are multifaceted - sometimes they manefest not in racial hatred and violence - but in lazy stereotypical thinking, and in claiming to understand complex human cultural behaviour through a single racial lens - it takes far more than knowing someone's skin colour to be able to pigeon hole them.


Mæŋksmən, you express yourself with alot of bombast and a general lack of syntax - that makes it difficult to understand what you really mean, but when it comes to race and anti-sematism the views you expound seem generally racist and anti-semitic.


You'll no doubt say that isn't true and that you are justified in your opinions - but I find those opinions are based on damning all on the behaviour of some - that to me is one of the essences of racism. Its simply lazy thinking. You should be better than that.

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Ask dan he brought the subject up, .

Sorry didnt have time to read the whole volume yet.


ive read your first paragraph, and youve turn their racism around onto me for highlighting it.

the mere fact i was reading about africa at the time and not white on white or black on black just doesnt come into it.


I highlighted 3 real hate crimes to show dan that using words like hate and racist on a forum like this have no meaning in the real world,

hence i produced 3 realworld hate crimes, if you or others choose to read anything more into them than that then its your bias not mine.

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I don't think anyone is claiming that black on white racism doesn't exist, or white on black.


And you think i do why exactly ?


Some people have hatred which is solely based on colour/ethnicity. That is a problem and two wrongs don't make a right.


Another surperfluous space filler stating the obvious with no offered solution.


There is no doubt that SOME blacks are nasty and brutish, as are SOME whites. What changes that from an expression of the "bleeding obvious" in to a racist attitude is to say blacks are nasty and brutish, or whatever - to suddenly damn an entire race or ethnicity for the behaviour of some.


I only ever claimed the majority of BLACK S.A. TRIBESMEN act like animals.


You could just as justifiably say south african blacks are generous and friendly - the number of incidences where they display that behaviour far outweigh the still too many incidences where they are violent.


Your not going to regale us with your broken down car story again are you.



In fact they are simply a group of people who generally suffer from poverty and a trully horrible history of violent and discriminatory behaviour against them from the apartheid state which treated them that way solely on the grounds of their skin colour. That legacy will be very difficult to overcome. Most muddle through, some are bitter and violent, some generous and forgiving.


THE SOME IN REALITY ARE THE MAJORITY and what you describe as difficult is the impossible, they havent got the mental capacity to run their own affairs in a civilised manner yet, the country is far too divided, and hatred festers in every one of them for the reasons you stated, the only difference is the amount of hatred felt by each individual.




Don't pretend that extreme examples are useful in understanding the mainstream - they aren't.


They werent extreme examples, they were 3 examples of daily occurrances in south africa, thats why i could of permed any 3 from 7000 in the last ten years.



Racist attitudes are multifaceted - sometimes they manefest not in racial hatred and violence - but in lazy stereotypical thinking, and in claiming to understand complex human cultural behaviour through a single racial lens - it takes far more than knowing someone's skin colour to be able to pigeon hole them.


Yet youve managed to pigeon hole me quite nicely knowing fuck all about me.


Mæŋksmən, you express yourself with alot of bombast and a general lack of syntax - that makes it difficult to understand what you really mean, but when it comes to race and anti-sematism the views you expound seem generally racist and anti-semitic.


Good im glad my comments come over that way and actually get heard, i dont give a flying fuck what you or a bunch of strangers think about my delivery technique either.

for the the record im not anti jew, i am anti jewish radical, i am not anti black in exposing sub-human behaviour i will expose any subhuman behaviour, just as i did loudly with the chinese/buddist events.

If you or anyone else want to label me a racist for doing so then be my guest.



You'll no doubt say that isn't true and that you are justified in your opinions - but I find those opinions are based on damning all on the behaviour of some - that to me is one of the essences of racism. Its simply lazy thinking. You should be better than that.


I just post what others more informed than me say is true, if you think your more informed than them, then argue the point, personel pops at me just bounce off, i really dont give a flying chinaman.



now its your turn to put up or shut up.


1 Prove to us that the majority of black s.a. are not as thick as horseshit.

2 Prove That they dont turn into subhumans and commit atrocitys at the slightest provocation, even more so when sanctioned by suited black s.african.

3 Prove That black africans have not committed multiple genocides on their fellow countrymen just because they are a different tribe.

4 Prove That all the above cannot happen again tommorow at the drop of a hat.

5 Prove that at this very momment anyone in s.a. with an i.q. over 70 isnt living in fear of the black s.african who number 90% of the population.

6 Prove that the anc are not committing right this very second a program of genocide on the s.a. whites and disguising it as general crime, to hide their intent from the world.



That will do for starters

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particularly Dominos tuna and anchovy



Who doesn't though?


Jebus loves Tuna and anchovy. Jebus particularly loved the Tuna and Anchovy pizza from the Pizza spot in Parliament Street Ramsey circa 1990.


D'oh! What was it called and what was the name of the Egyptian bloke that ran it. I've yet to taste pizza as good as his. Or was that 'cos we always had one after Nightlife had shut for the night?



Twas the Pizza Man.


they always tasted better if u finished them off in the oven at home.


Garlic french bread with cheese was mega.



Then the coffee pot came along and the breakfast after a piss up was great :D

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now its your turn to put up or shut up.


1 Prove to us that the majority of black s.a. are not as thick as horseshit.

2 Prove That they dont turn into subhumans and commit atrocitys at the slightest provocation, even more so when sanctioned by suited black s.african.

3 Prove That black africans have not committed multiple genocides on their fellow countrymen just because they are a different tribe.

4 Prove That all the above cannot happen again tommorow at the drop of a hat.

5 Prove that at this very momment anyone in s.a. with an i.q. over 70 isnt living in fear of the black s.african who number 90% of the population.

6 Prove that the anc are not committing right this very second a program of genocide on the s.a. whites and disguising it as general crime, to hide their intent from the world.

Mæŋksmən, South Africa is a developing country - its population isn't well educated, for those living in poverty poor nutrition, lack of social enrichment and parental influence all effect intelligence test scores.


If you know anything about iq tests you'd know about the Flynn effect- IQ levels have increased over time. IQ testing is definitely culturally influenced to correlate to industrial modernity.


Victorian farm workers were thick as horseshit. The mobs of London, living in fetid slums were violent and ungovernable. If you know anything of history you should know that genocidal behaviour is not limited to Africa - ask a Irishman at the time of Cromwell, or a Kurd or a Hugenot, or a Jew or a Kosovan.


Guess what though - the horseshit thick Victorians were able to develop their society and improve their lot.


There is no evidence that South Africa and other African countries will not do the same.


Apartheid created one of the most unequal societies on Earth - a society where that inequality was enforced by violence. I do not pretend that violence is not a massively serious issue - but the point is that these issues are down to the societal problems existing in the country and not the colour of their skins.


No doubt IQ scores correlate with GDP, but also increases in IQ also correlate with GDP growth - as Africa develops its IQ increases - that is a virtuous circle helping development.


Violence has been a given throughout human history - the idea that Africa is more violent that Europe has been, or Asia is simply ahistorical. Do you have any idea of what the world has been like? War lords massacred people in the millions in China in the 1st half of this century - and then the Communists systematically decimated the rich - who fled the country in their millions.


Africa has huge problems, but a centry ago so did China - you use race as an excuse to damn whole continents. That is simplistic rot with very little basis in reality - but you seem not to care.

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Mæŋksmən, South Africa is a developing country - its population isn't well educated, for those living in poverty poor nutrition, lack of social enrichment and parental influence all effect intelligence test scores.


And all that is whose fault..??

how much money do we have to continually pump into the country only to see the country slide slowly but surely into oblivion under black rule.

where does all the money go..??


If you know anything about iq tests you'd know about the Flynn effect- IQ levels have increased over time. IQ testing is definitely culturally influenced to correlate to industrial modernity.


Ah right so its all an illusion, their not thick as horseshit really their fucking geniuses, unfortunately their geniuses that cannot feed themselves on a daily basis without international aid.


Victorian farm workers were thick as horseshit. The mobs of London, living in fetid slums were violent and ungovernable. If you know anything of history you should know that genocidal behaviour is not limited to Africa - ask a Irishman at the time of Cromwell, or a Kurd or a Hugenot, or a Jew or a Kosovan.



But we are not living in the nineteenth centuary, the anc are committing genocide today, now as we type these words to each other, thats reality.




Guess what though - the horseshit thick Victorians were able to develop their society and improve their lot.


Indeed they did, mainly because they worked together for a common goal, black africans are incapable of doing that, and only blinkered wishy washy wankers would even try to claim that they can be moulded into a coherent society, it cannot, and never will be accomplished and pissing billions more dollars down the african shitter wont change that impossibility.


There is no evidence that South Africa and other African countries will not do the same.


Except the evidence right infront of you if you look, you wont see it in main stream media, you have to read the foriegn press to get a clear picture of s.a.

All your posting is your impressions of the country, nothing actually factual, nothing referenced, just your rose tinted version.


Apartheid created one of the most unequal societies on Earth - a society where that inequality was enforced by violence. I do not pretend that violence is not a massively serious issue - but the point is that these issues are down to the societal problems existing in the country and not the colour of their skins.


And the only thing thats changed is the colour of the skins of those who now make the rules, and initiate the murder and violence.


No doubt IQ scores correlate with GDP, but also increases in IQ also correlate with GDP growth - as Africa develops its IQ increases - that is a virtuous circle helping development.


There will never be enough schooling to achieve that, especially as the country implodes in the face of the white genocide currently being under-taken by the anc.



Violence has been a given throughout human history - the idea that Africa is more violent that Europe has been, or Asia is simply ahistorical. Do you have any idea of what the world has been like? War lords massacred people in the millions in China in the 1st half of this century - and then the Communists systematically decimated the rich - who fled the country in their millions.


And that matters in todays world how exactly, will that knowledge make the whites in south africa sleep easier tonight do you think,knowing that 3 or 5 of them will be murdered during the next 24 hours.

Plus black african tribesmen have no knowledge of the misery human has heaped upon human over the centuaries, they act the way they act because its the only way they know how to act, if they want something they steal it, if killing you is nescassery to steal what they want you die regardless of skin colour or race.

the terrorism the anc are now employing against the white south africans and the way its being deployed with the daily murders is a disgrace and worthy of the whole worlds attention, not wasted crocodile tears on the subhuman scum committing the atrocitys.


Africa has huge problems, but a centry ago so did China - you use race as an excuse to damn whole continents. That is simplistic rot with very little basis in reality - but you seem not to care.




Who gives a fuck about china a centuary ago.




NOW are you going to try and make a direct response to any of the questions i put to you, or are you going to just carry on playing semantics.

quite frankly you make long dreary postings with very scant attention paid to the actual subject, here you write long rambling passages about history that has absolutely not one iota of relevence to todays south africa, you attempt to interweave it all the same tho, it gives the impression you are a smart dude, and thats your main goal in all your postings, all you ever try to do is turn a conversation onto or into territory you are comfortable in/on, hence all the irrelevent history bullshit and i.q. sidetrack in your last reply.



now its your turn to put up or shut up.


1 Prove to us that the majority of black s.a. are not as thick as horseshit.

2 Prove That they dont turn into subhumans and commit atrocitys at the slightest provocation, even more so when sanctioned by suited black s.african.

3 Prove That black africans have not committed multiple genocides on their fellow countrymen just because they are a different tribe.

4 Prove That all the above cannot happen again tommorow at the drop of a hat.

5 Prove that at this very momment anyone in s.a. with an i.q. over 70 isnt living in fear of the black s.african who number 90% of the population.

6 Prove that the anc are not committing right this very second a program of genocide on the s.a. whites and disguising it as general crime, to hide their intent from the world.

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