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how much money do we have to continually pump into the country only to see the country slide slowly but surely into oblivion under black rule.

where does all the money go..??


...their fucking geniuses, unfortunately their geniuses that cannot feed themselves on a daily basis without international aid.


I just wonder - Mæŋksmən how much aid do you think South Africa recieves per head from the rest of the world? $1000 per year, $100 per year, $10 per year?


Go on have a guess?


I have no doubt that South Africa has huge problems, especially with violent crime, and that there will be times when the government will fail in its duty to protect its citizens, but basically to say the whole country has no prospects because it is majority black is just so much racist bull.


In 1994 South Africa's GDP per Capita was US$3352.43 after adusting for inflation in 2008 it was $5565.91 - That's a 66% improvement - above inflation.


Its crime statistics are horrendous - but murder rates have dropped 12.6% between 2004 and 2009. The country has problems, but you are simply ignoring the development that IS occurring despite great difficulties.


South Africa is a poor country with great social and racial divisions - politicians like Terreblanche and Malema are dangerous to its prospects - but the idea that a person like Malema is representative of the ANC is just wrong - they disciplined him for bringing the party into disrepute.


The point I am going to keep reiterating is that I think you are totally wrong to claim there is something racially intrinsicly wrong with the population of South Africa that will stop it continuing to develop. Is there something also intrinsically wrong with say Vietnam - a coutnry 5 times poorer than it, or China a country whose GDP per capita is 60% smaller than South Africa's?

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Try this voucher code if you are ordering online.( Not sure if it works!)







25% off if your order is above 20 quid.


25% off a big pile of horrible shit still leaves you with a big pile of (slightly cheaper) horrible shit.

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*Quiet cough at the back of the room*


I have to back DJDan up on the Dominoes' box as I saw one by the Cooil Roundabout a couple of weeks before they opened which I thought was odd and then later learnt that they were opening. It could have been cast out of the window of a visiting car, it could have been flown over by albatrosses, who knows? But he is right you know.


Thank You Gladys. No doubt they won't be calling you a liar though.. :)


No just you an idiot you pathetic balloon full of piss.

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Twas the Pizza Man.


they always tasted better if u finished them off in the oven at home.


Garlic french bread with cheese was mega.



Then the coffee pot came along and the breakfast after a piss up was great :D


Thank you and you too Piebaps for reminding me of his name. We used to drink cups of his hot chilli sauce after a night of drinking tins of Guinness at Nightlife.


Food ain't food if you can't taste it three days later :)

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I ordered a Dominos Pizza a couple of weeks ago on a friday night. It took almost 2 hours to arrive, which i didn't mind as i knew they would be very busy. However, the food arrived missing some of the order and a bottle of coke. I rang the store and they said they would be back up in 2 hours as that was the next delivery slot


I said that wasn't good enough as one of my friends didn't have any food and he said he would then offer a refund. He told me i would have to drive to the shop to collect it, which i flat out refused, telling him he would send someone up with the money instead. A guy on a bike arrived 10 minutes later, (i don't know why he couldn't simply have brought the food instead)


Anyway, the general opinion on the pizzas was that they were lukewarm, didn't really taste of anything and was nowhere near as tasty as Home Run or Appetitos (not as greasy as Home Run mind)


I did receive a call on Saturday morning though from their customer service "team" saying they were very sorry for the poor service and would i like a free order up to the value of £20. I was very impressed by this and my wife and I shared a pizza that same evening.


Unfortunately the pizza still was extremely average and was again, lukewarm


I won't be using them again

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Somewhat, have you tried Star Grill? I cannot recommend their Vegetarian with added pepperoni enough, it has to be THE best pizza ever, often veggy pizzas are sloppy but these are always spot on, I love em....it isn't even half past ten and I'm hungry for pizza....thanks for that. :D

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