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This has to be the sad post of the year.


pizza ffs who cares, go to tesco and get a pizza express one for a fraction of the price and choose ur own topping

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Wow. What a come back. I must be lying... because..... ?


Oh yeah, you said so.


You must be lying because ... you made up some totally ridiculous hypothetical situation that does not exist to justify a load of toss that you posted thinking that you were clever. That's why.


Right... your argument is, because the place wasn't commercially open.. it was IMPOSSIBLE that there could have been a Dominos pizza box along the road outside Dominos.


That is totally ridiculous.

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Wow. What a come back. I must be lying... because..... ?


Oh yeah, you said so.


You must be lying because ... you made up some totally ridiculous hypothetical situation that does not exist to justify a load of toss that you posted thinking that you were clever. That's why.


Right... your argument is, because the place wasn't commercially open.. it was IMPOSSIBLE that there could have been a Dominos pizza box along the road outside Dominos.


That is totally ridiculous.


Go to sleep. Its gone half past nine sad Jesus boy ... the big boys are having a chat now

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Hang on. There is WAY more chance that there was stray Domino's litter floating round the joint days before it opened than the probability of some fellow turning water in wine, dodging death and generally making David Blaine look like a 10 year old with a "Paul Daniels Christmas Set".


Although Christmas and Paul Daniels can't be knocked really ...



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The second largest gannet colony in the UK is on the Ailsa Craig which lies between here and Glasgow


Gannets from there come here daily


Gannets love pizza, particularly Dominos tuna and anchovy


There are loads of Dominos in Scotland


Mystery solved

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Learner drivers were skidding to a halt on dominos pizza boxes before it opened, and failing their test because of it werent they dan, your m8 was one of them wasnt he.??

You do tell a few porkies tho dont you.


Still obsessing about learner drivers?


Good to see you've taken a moment out from the KKK movement and your hatred of blacks.

Says you who goes to a church who does not accept homo's.

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I agree with slinkydevil here


By your logic you can buy a waitrose vurry for a reasonable price and nuke it for 2 minutes



I think there is a big difference between supermarket pizza compared to takeaway and supermarket curry compared to takeaway.


I've never had a readymade prawn bhuna or chicken jalfezi that tasted anywhere near as good as what I've had from say Rasoi or Chillies.


Whereas the standard of say M&S's or Tesco's pizzas are on a par with anything I've had in a pizzeria. With the possible exception of Paparazzi's.


That was the point I was driving at, but since I'm pretty lazy - (although not lazy enough to order a FUCKING TAKEAWAY PIZZA, SERIOUSLY, JUST TURN THE FUCKING OVEN ON!) - I couldn't be arsed clarifying my position.


I salute you sir, for saving me the bother.

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Learner drivers were skidding to a halt on dominos pizza boxes before it opened, and failing their test because of it werent they dan, your m8 was one of them wasnt he.??

You do tell a few porkies tho dont you.


Still obsessing about learner drivers?


Good to see you've taken a moment out from the KKK movement and your hatred of blacks.


Before you make an allegation like that, make sure you can back it up with a direct quote, i do not differentiate between idiots by the colour of their skin.

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Learner drivers were skidding to a halt on dominos pizza boxes before it opened, and failing their test because of it werent they dan, your m8 was one of them wasnt he.??

You do tell a few porkies tho dont you.


Still obsessing about learner drivers?


Good to see you've taken a moment out from the KKK movement and your hatred of blacks.

Says you who goes to a church who does not accept homo's.


I see ignorance is still prevalent on the forum...


We accept homo's. Still, that hardly compares with a hatred of black people though does it?

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Where do i state i hate them??.


I state they are in general as thick as shit, where have i lied they are.

They are in general remorseless, where have i lied.

The ones in siuts are the worst for corruption and genocide is what i stated, where have i lied.


You may not like my tone and presentation, but fact is fact, otherwise you would prove me wrong.


And you my friend will have to try alot harder to get a rise out of me, but i am glad your trying tho, shows innititive a trait so sadly lacking in the young these days..

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Blame it on the half-cast gazza.


And by theway those quotes were about tribesmen as you know dan.


edited for roxxies reply.


no offense meant or implied.


Half caste is a term used in the United Kingdom (although no longer used in common parlance) and other English-speaking parts of the world. An example is a child of black African and white European parentage

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Learner drivers were skidding to a halt on dominos pizza boxes before it opened, and failing their test because of it werent they dan, your m8 was one of them wasnt he.??

You do tell a few porkies tho dont you.


Still obsessing about learner drivers?


Good to see you've taken a moment out from the KKK movement and your hatred of blacks.


Before you make an allegation like that, make sure you can back it up with a direct quote, i do not differentiate between idiots by the colour of their skin.


Shouldn't be too hard:



I got banned for saying this on an american forum,but fuck it, the white invasion of africa and their enslavery of black africans was a disgrace.

But if the whites had ignored africa and just left them to themselves, the fuckers would still be running around with spears all day, going through bouts of famine and disease even now, as they are brain dead, even the ones in siuts are a bad fucking joke.The white africans cannot be judged to harshly on their views on the black african as they have generations of experience of them.


It appears, or the impression gained is that black africans dont really want change, they prefer the spear to the keyboard/pen.

Even in britan and america they revert back to type and become gang members committing murder and robberies without one iota of remorse, ofcourse there are exceptions as in any other race.




..they are extremely poorly educated, even the ones in siuts ARE thick as horseshit, its not debatable, you only have to use your eyes and ears when they talk publically.

I couldnt give a flying fuck whether you think i am racist or not, i am truthful end of.

DJDan - do you honestly give a flying f*ck what Manksman thinks, seriously? If it is trolling then it isn't worth paying attention to or if those thoughts on race are genuinely held then you recognise him for the scum that he is. But I wouldn't let it bother you. Those opinions cannot be taken seriously, you don't have to challenge them.
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