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Mann Arena 27Th?


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Maybe some sort of website/blog/more descriptive post might help avoid the "what is it questions" and help get more people attending.


Unless your happy as it is and don't want new people attending and the vagueness of the monthly posts here are just some sort of barrier to attendance? You can only come if you know what/where/when it is and what games and kit you need to bring.


Just a thought.

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I hear where you're coming from Scarbunny and I'll try to address that in the near future.

Shill did have a website set up a few years ago to give all the info but I can't remember what happened to it.


Xan, it's open to anyone that wants to come along.


I'll give a quick description now to help everyone out.


Mann Arena is a monthly gathering of PC gamers at the Church Hall in Santon.

We meet every month on the last Thursday from 7pm until around 11pm.

People wanting to play are asked to bring their PC's, keyboard,mouse and screen.

Make sure you bring the power cables for the box and screen as well.

Headphones should be used as a room full of people all on speakers is a bit of a distraction.

Network cables,network switches and 4-gang power sockets are supplied on the night.

Games played are mainly First Person Shooters like Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare, old school Soldier of Fortune 2 and the odd driving game like Trackmania (a free download through Steam).CounterStrike players are also on hand should anyone want to play that.

We also welcome any suggestions of new games to play and ask that people request them before the night so we have a chance to try them out.


We've been going for just over 10 years now, starting at the Anchor in Port Soderick, then moving to the Automobile Club in Hill Street.

At it's height we could boast about 16 attendees per meet, but at the moment we average about 8 people.

Some people come along to watch the first time, we let them use our machines and then they start bringing their own machine as they've been bitten by the bug.

Age wise, we range from early 20s to early 40s.

Again, we welcome new players.Just come along and join in. We don't bite.

Cost wise, we normally take £3 off each person to cover the cost of the hall and a few refreshments that are broght along.


hopefully that answers most of your questions





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I remember the manx.net days when banter between mann arena and wan lan was par for the course


ah those were the days


I am just too lazy to unplug everything... also a worrying number of things occur on thursdays for me - otherwise I'd be there and I totally reccomend it



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