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Fatal Accident

Pierrot Lunaire

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I have been riding for 19 years!

Just under about half the time I've been riding

I passed my bike test in 1975

Care to repeat that I'm anti biker now?

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That I'm anti biker?

Or that I

That you should keep quiet!
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No, as you have so much riding experience under your belt that you will clearly know that not all bikers are selfish and are out to cause accidents and you will also know that car drivers do not tend to be as aware as bike riders are! I am sure back in 1975 they taught you how to ride defensively?

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I have been both a biker and car driver for years, when my wife became pregnant with our first child I sold my kawasaki ninja, because self preservation then kicked in so I am not anti-bikes, I actually miss mine.


I have been up on the mountain countless times and can honestly say that a lot of riders ride like muppets, either they are R platers with a bike that's way too powerful for an inexperienced rider, born again bikers, angry people who've just had a barney with their partner, racer wannabees, those with a penchant for living right on the edge, bikers who think they are prefection personified and bikers who genuinely have a bit of a death wish....I was a biker who actually fitted in to quite a few of these categories!


Regardless of who is at fault causing an accident speed is most definitely a factor. The problem here is that the authorities contradict themselves, they actively encourage speed and gung-ho riding on one hand and the abhorr it on the other. I accept the fact that youth equals stupidity times imagined invicibility and that has and always will be the case but as people get older they are supposed to get wiser and yet only last week whilst up at the Creg a merry band of about 20 English bikers were all videoing each other riding like t**ts coming down from Kates and they were mostly middle aged men and that's only the latest example of dangerous riding I have seen, but it's not only bikers, as I travelled at 50mph in a convoy of 5 vehicles past the old lancy in Santon some knobhead in a blue mondeo ripped past us all (must've been doing at least 70mph)and there was a DoT wagon ahead coming onto the main road from the junction on the left, as a passenger I immediately rang douglas police headquarters and reported the muppet!


In essence there are knobheads of all ages in and on all types of vehicles riding and driving like complete t**ts, and when incidents occur speed is a major factor when it comes to serious injury or fatality, it's the ethos of this contradictory government that needs to change so that the attitude of all motorists changes. More often is the case that if someone causes a fatality due to erractic driving/riding they walk away with a driving/riding ban and a fine and that people is where most of the problem lies.

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No, as you have so much riding experience under your belt that you will clearly know that not all bikers are selfish and are out to cause accidents and you will also know that car drivers do not tend to be as aware as bike riders are! I am sure back in 1975 they taught you how to ride defensively?


The standard of driving here both 2 and 4 wheels, is in many cases appalling.

I also speak ( PRIVATE OPINION) as I was a fully trained and tested emergency service driver.

I also feel that all car drivers would benefit from (as I did - passing a bike test) as well.

This would make them more perceptive of bikes.


None of that excludes or condones the behaviour of wannabee fantasists - 2 and 4 wheels - who endanger others.


Car drivers and bike riders - some good some bad.


Posting on here will rarely achieve anything unfortunately.

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Exactly and that is what it comes down to, good and bad! I like to think I am a safe rider, yes I go fast and some might think that this is unsafe, but I am not selfish (I will thank the car drivers that do move over to let me past)and I am most certainly not out to cause an accident! I also drive a car so I am not anti-car. I just get fed up with bikers being blamed for the accidents on the roads!

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I only wish we lived in a world with more decent people, the rest of you should be more than ashamed.

I wish I lived in a world where Bikers kept to under 70mph on the mountain road so I could actually travel to work without sh1tting my pants wondering if it will be my last journey.

Not gona happen though is it. Bikers and selfishness go hand in hand I'm afraid. As long as they get their speed kick then F the innocent people.


If you're too nervous to travel on public roads, where vehicles travel within national speed limits, perhaps it's time to hand back your licence? Sounds lke you're a danger to other road users.

I see your bike paranoia is still working overtime - time to get help with that too.

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If you're too nervous to travel on public roads, where vehicles travel within national speed limits, perhaps it's time to hand back your licence?


The vehicles he's describing are not travelling "within national speed limits". There are no limits to be within.


Do you see?

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If you're too nervous to travel on public roads, where vehicles travel within national speed limits, perhaps it's time to hand back your licence?


The vehicles he's describing are not travelling "within national speed limits". There are no limits to be within.


Do you see?


If there is no limit, then they must be within it - they can't be exceeding it - simples!

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