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Fatal Accident

Pierrot Lunaire

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If there is no limit, then they must be within it


Within what? Do you see how stupid you are?


Do you?


Do you see?


Post reported.


What do you call the sign which has a a white circle with a diagional black line - NATIONAL SPEED LIMT!

Off to bed now - I have work in the morning...

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you see its that sort of comments that puts me in favour of an all island limit...and I hate agreeing with Slim at the best of times.


Foolish talk my friend....


Aw giz a hug big man!


It's getting dangerously close to TT week for us to be discussing this stuff. Remember what happened with the sweepstake?




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If you're too nervous to travel on public roads, where vehicles travel within national speed limits, perhaps it's time to hand back your licence?


The vehicles he's describing are not travelling "within national speed limits". There are no limits to be within.


Do you see?


If there is no limit, then they must be within it - they can't be exceeding it - simples!


if there is no limit, you can neither be within in it or exceed it! what people do exceed is their own abillity, often with fatal consequences, sometimes for others and not themselves.

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[quote name='ScottishManx' date='27 May 2010 - 11:18 PM' timestamp='1274998715'

Post reported.


You're going to need a thicker skin if you're going to continue to post on here. Don't waste moderator's time with your pointless whining you stupid little man.

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you see its that sort of comments that puts me in favour of an all island limit...and I hate agreeing with Slim at the best of times.


Foolish talk my friend....


Aw giz a hug big man!


Remember what happened with the sweepstake?


I don't think that was a very appropriate thing to mention in this topic Slim !!


I do believe it's time this thread was brought to a fitting end, and condolences offered to the poor chaps family and friends over their sad loss. However one goes, it's not nice on those left behind. And it certainly shouldn't be used to fuel ill feeling between those for and against.



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I only wish we lived in a world with more decent people, the rest of you should be more than ashamed.

I wish I lived in a world where Bikers kept to under 70mph on the mountain road so I could actually travel to work without sh1tting my pants wondering if it will be my last journey.

Not gona happen though is it. Bikers and selfishness go hand in hand I'm afraid. As long as they get their speed kick then F the innocent people.


If you're too nervous to travel on public roads, where vehicles travel within national speed limits, perhaps it's time to hand back your licence? Sounds lke you're a danger to other road users.

I see your bike paranoia is still working overtime - time to get help with that too.

Im fine when people travel any other time of the year thanks. But I'm not fine when selfish bikers on a speed boner are on the wrong side of the road doing over 100 when I come round a corner. Like I said if you want your speed kicks f off elsewhere your not a road racer.

You have only been here 5 minutes so shut it until you have experienced it more.

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No it was conducted in Spain, France, Germany and the Netherlands. But regardless it is known that bikers are far more aware to things such as road conditions, other road users . *snip*

hahaha. Brilliant. At what point are you aware of other road users when you overtake on a blind bend with no way of seeing if an innocent person is coming the other way?

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[quote name='ScottishManx' date='27 May 2010 - 11:18 PM' timestamp='1274998715'

Post reported.


You're going to need a thicker skin if you're going to continue to post on here. Don't waste moderator's time with your pointless whining you stupid little man.


And you're a modorater - no wonder these forums are a joke! The report (not a whine) was for someone breaking the terms and conditions of the site

"Do not post material which is offensive or defamatory of anyone else."

And yes - I've reported your post too. If this site is for the under 5's it should be advertised as such and the T&C's changed!

Any chance of a reasoned adult discussion on this?

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