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Fatal Accident

Pierrot Lunaire

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And you're a modorater - no wonder these forums are a joke! The report (not a whine) was for someone breaking the terms and conditions of the site

"Do not post material which is offensive or defamatory of anyone else."

And yes - I've reported your post too. If this site is for the under 5's it should be advertised as such and the T&C's changed!

Any chance of a reasoned adult discussion on this?


ROFLMAO! No, really...!

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Post reported.


What do you call the sign which has a a white circle with a diagional black line - NATIONAL SPEED LIMT! DERESTRICTED (TSRO 671) (Amended on the Isle of Man as a derestricted zone)

Off to bed now - I have work in the morning...




Post may be reported for stupidity if I can be arsed.

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I would love to know the average iq of all bikers that abuse the manx roads.



Going by the intelligence level shown by some on here, I believe the average of both groups would be very similar.


In fact, anyone with an ounce of intellect would have already assessed that such a statement regarding IQ's across such a cross section wouldn't provide much in terms of valid data.


We have good and bad in all walks of life, and the sooner everyone accepts this, the better.


As for the abuse of your roads, then isn't this a problem more closer to home with your road traffic acts and speed limits, both of which have been set by the islands governments down the years, and as such, the various governments and the people that elect them into office are just as much to blame as anyone else!!


It's very easy to say - That's the reason, when in reality there are numerous matters that collectively contribute to the situation.


Until the facts are therefore proved and known, you cannot assume anything unless you are amongst that group with the low IQ's you mention ;)



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Any chance of a reasoned adult discussion on this?


If you don't shut up, I'm going to tell my Dad on you and he's much bigger than your Dad so there.

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Until the facts are therefore proved and known, you cannot assume anything *snip*

I would say go and look at the marks on the road but as you're not in the Isle of Man, there's not much point.


I have actually seen the road markings !!!


I'm not without contacts you know, but still feel that the matter should be left for the experts to decide upon, and not the armchair pundits!! Speculation and rumor can be very damaging, and also very upsetting for those left behind at this sad time, and who I believe will be trying there hardest to come to terms with what has happened, and certainly wouldn't want to be mislead by the likes of you and your theories!!


Getting back on topic, I was answering your generalised question about bikers as a whole, so should we stick to that question for now ;)



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I have actually seen the road markings !!!


I'm not without contacts you know, but still feel that the matter should be left for the experts to decide upon, and not the armchair pundits!!

You have contacts who send you pictures of road crash markings? How odd. Why would they do that?

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There's some rubbish on here - I think it's time I left for some adult conversations.


Mystic spanna - I am on the Isle of Man. Marks on the road on their own prove little, and I'm guessing you're not a qualified accident inspector?

ans - grow up!



KMC - well said!

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