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Fatal Accident

Pierrot Lunaire

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I have actually seen the road markings !!!


I'm not without contacts you know, but still feel that the matter should be left for the experts to decide upon, and not the armchair pundits!!

You have contacts who send you pictures of road crash markings? How odd. Why would they do that?


I happen to have seen them on some video footage taken during a run over the mountain a few days after the incident. They are by their very nature very prominent on the road, just like the old markings from Hailwood Rise from a few years ago that still show up on various bits of footage aired on the net still to this day :(



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I happen to have seen them on some video footage taken during a run over the mountain a few days after the incident. They are by their very nature very prominent on the road, just like the old markings from Hailwood Rise from a few years ago that still show up on various bits of footage aired on the net still to this day

Have you got a link for the video?

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I would love to know the average iq of all bikers that abuse the manx roads.



Going by the intelligence level shown by some on here, I believe the average of both groups would be very similar.


In fact, anyone with an ounce of intellect would have already assessed that such a statement regarding IQ's across such a cross section wouldn't provide much in terms of valid data.


I am afraid you both fail miserably on those statements as IQ is only indicative of a persons ability to store information and use it in an analytical fashion, the definition being mental age divided by chronological age x 100 and not of common sense, in fact people with a high IQ have a tendency to rely on analytic ability to problem-solve everyday situations which results in inappropriate behaviors and ideas, whereas persons with a low IQ tend to be able to handle everyday problems and situations with a much higher speed and favourable outcome.


As for the abuse of your roads, then isn't this a problem more closer to home with your road traffic acts and speed limits, both of which have been set by the islands governments down the years, and as such, the various governments and the people that elect them into office are just as much to blame as anyone else!!


The road traffic acts may have been verified by Tynwald but they are in fact an adoption of the UK road traffic acts with a few minor variations, of which only the national speed limit variation is of concern to your statement, the rest being markings and parking etc, so it is Westminster you must blame for the road traffic act therefore we can blame you for allowing your government to set them.

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I am afraid you both fail miserably on those statements as IQ is only indicative of a persons ability to store information and use it in an analytical fashion, the definition being mental age divided by chronological age x 100 and not of common sense, in fact people with a high IQ have a tendency to rely on analytic ability to problem-solve everyday situations which results in inappropriate behaviors and ideas, whereas persons with a low IQ tend to be able to handle everyday problems and situations with a much higher speed and favourable outcome.


What does a reliance on copying replies word for word following a quick google say about a posters intelligence?






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I happen to have seen them on some video footage taken during a run over the mountain a few days after the incident. They are by their very nature very prominent on the road, just like the old markings from Hailwood Rise from a few years ago that still show up on various bits of footage aired on the net still to this day

Have you got a link for the video?


I don't think so - Remember, I don't get involved in videos, and certainly would post anything up on this forum - Christ man, I want time to pack for my TT trip, not spend it all defending myself for posting up clips on here ;)

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Posting on here will rarely achieve anything unfortunately.

That being the case, could you persuaded not to do it any more?


As it seems to vex you, I somehow doubt it.

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I am afraid you both fail miserably on those statements as IQ is only indicative of a persons ability to store information and use it in an analytical fashion, the definition being mental age divided by chronological age x 100 and not of common sense, in fact people with a high IQ have a tendency to rely on analytic ability to problem-solve everyday situations which results in inappropriate behaviors and ideas, whereas persons with a low IQ tend to be able to handle everyday problems and situations with a much higher speed and favourable outcome.


What does a reliance on copying replies word for word following a quick google say about a posters intelligence?


It says that person took the time to ensure they got the correct information to give a decent reply and used that information as the basis for the first 60% of the post rather than as some do give out wild answers or try to be petty and score points by being anal enough to search for such wording.

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Christ man, I want time to pack for my TT trip, not spend it all defending myself for posting up clips on here wink.gif

Then go pack and I hope you enjoy your trip this year and it is a safe one.

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Christ man, I want time to pack for my TT trip, not spend it all defending myself for posting up clips on here wink.gif

Then go pack and I hope you enjoy your trip this year and it is a safe one.


Thanks, and so do I :)

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Thanks, and so do I :)

Stay on your own side of the road, dont overtake on a blind bend and dont lean ur head across the white line when your going round a corner pretending your joey dunlop and all will be well.

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Thanks, and so do I smile.gif

Stay on your own side of the road, dont overtake on a blind bend and dont lean ur head across the white line when your going round a corner pretending your joey dunlop and all will be well.


And avoid big Susie in quids inn blink.gif

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