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Fatal Accident

Pierrot Lunaire

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Thanks, and so do I smile.gif

Stay on your own side of the road, dont overtake on a blind bend and dont lean ur head across the white line when your going round a corner pretending your joey dunlop and all will be well.

And watch out for local car drivers on the wrong side of the road overtaking on blind bends pretending they are Lewis Hamilton

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Posting on here will rarely achieve anything unfortunately.

That being the case, could you persuaded not to do it any more?


As it seems to vex you, I somehow doubt it.


Not vex, bore.


Good show.

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And watch out for local car drivers on the wrong side of the road overtaking on blind bends pretending they are Lewis Hamilton

Thanks for the heads up. Never seen that behavior before but Ill keep my eyes peeled for this one.......

Is there a forum anywhere with videos I can go and watch of this? It sounds sooo cool.

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And watch out for local car drivers on the wrong side of the road overtaking on blind bends pretending they are Lewis Hamilton

Thanks for the heads up. Never seen that behavior before but Ill keep my eyes peeled for this one.......

Is there a forum anywhere with videos I can go and watch of this? It sounds sooo cool.



Same twat from TT Forum that does the bike vids



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He Removed that rather fast !

Dunno why he did that, that one's been up for ages. I can e-mail you a copy if you like. It gets my vote as the worst of the lot.


Your a very strange bunch on here ??


Not openly interested in fast bikes or cars, and yet you all watch and collect videos of both :unsure:


Very strange ;)



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The fact is there are total idiot drivers and motorcyclists, it's unfair to think of the majority of both groups in a negative manner. Just because someone overtakes does not make them a bad driver or rider, and sitting in a car waiting for someone to pass and then film them to use this as evidence of dangerous riding is ridiculous. A motorcycle can easily overtake in a shorter distance than a car and still be on pretty nuch the same side of the road as the car being overtaken! A car can not do this which I am sure leads to frustration on behalf of some drivers!

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A motorcycle can easily overtake in a shorter distance than a car and still be on pretty nuch the same side of the road as the car being overtaken! A car can not do this which I am sure leads to frustration on behalf of some drivers!


If your overtaking causes the person you have overtaken to have to brake then you are over - taking dangerously. If you are driving along maintaining a safe braking distance from the car ahead, that space isn't for someone to cut in to. You shouldn't have to brake in order to maintain a safe braking distance because someone else is cutting in and out of a line of traffic.


But that isn't just bikes. Cars do that on the mountain every morning and evening.

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ans - grow up!


no u


In all seriousness, this is not unlike the majority of bile going on in numerous threads on here at the moment. I sincerely hope people don't take these forums as an accurate representation of the islands population. The majority of people I meet day to day are pleasant and well-mannered, as I imagine most posters here would be if they were to meet face to face and not behind the social shield of a keyboard.

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He Removed that rather fast !

Dunno why he did that, that one's been up for ages. I can e-mail you a copy if you like. It gets my vote as the worst of the lot.


Your a very strange bunch on here ??


Not openly interested in fast bikes or cars, and yet you all watch and collect videos of both :unsure:


Very strange ;)





Have been interested in fast bikes & fast cars &fast boats & planes all my life, But fast in the right place at the right time, not so strange <_<


Somebody told me once " Just think what would happen if you met yourself coming the other way "

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In all seriousness, this is not unlike the majority of bile going on in numerous threads on here at the moment. I sincerely hope people don't take these forums as an accurate representation of the islands population. The majority of people I meet day to day are pleasant and well-mannered, as I imagine most posters here would be if they were to meet face to face and not behind the social shield of a keyboard.


I can vouch for ans. He's horrible in real life too!

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Great idea.


What p1sses me off is its obvious to everyone who has to use the mountain road that bikers are playing out their "ooo im a racer" fantasy on the mountain road every sunday. Like others I have had far too many bikers either on the wrong side of the road as I come round the corner or doing that stupid lean over on the white line cornering which seems to me like saying here you go slice my head off with your car please.

So my question is where the flying f are the police. Ive once seen a police car at union mills on a sunday. What use is that.

They need to have at least 3 stationed up on the mountain road to deter these wannabe racers from "doing a lap".

In the last few weeks we have already had 4 drivers get mentally scarred for life with bikers dieing in front of them, I hope the police do something before a driver gets killed by these bikers using our public road as a Nurburgring.



What are you spanna, some sort of muppet sub-species?

The fact is that bikers don't come anywhere close to causing the amount of death and injury that car drivers do but you're obviously not someone

to let the facts get in the way of a good anti-biker rant. What you seem to be however is living proof of why brother and sister shouldn't marry.

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