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Fatal Accident

Pierrot Lunaire

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Where is Mad Sunday being promoted? I've had a look through the programme, the website the various adverts placed to promote the TT and I can't find 'Mad Sunday' even mentioned, nevermind being promoted.







Is that it, two T-shirts? It's hardly promotion is it.

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Cheers Slim you got there before me.

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It's as inevitable as the sun going down. The thread will vanish. The passion that is always stimulated by the latest highway tragedy will gradually wane, and by the time the inquest comes along bringing the incident back into the spotlight nobody will give a toss. Time is a wonderful protector of the status quo.


I suppose if we really gave a shit about it, we'd follow political process and try to get things changed. The speed limit was pretty close to being implemented a few years ago but the anti guys got themselves quite organised vs the apathetic.

Only one problem with speed limits Slim - who is going to enforce them? Unless we have a sudden outbreak of speed cameras, motorists will continue to ignore speed limits, just as the majority do now, knowing full well that they can do so with near impunity. I can guarantee with certainty that every time I go out I will see someone exceeding the speed limit by a wide margin - not just 5-10 m.p.h. It's like using mobile phones while driving - has it stopped because the police booked a handful? No enforcement means no improvement in road safety - simple as that. And, no I'm not against speed - only when it is inappropriate to the conditions. A good driver doesn't need speed limits and a bad driver will ignore them unless he thinks there is a good chance of getting caught.

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Try google

Alternatively stop wasting my time

So between the two of you (Paul and Slim) and world's biggest internet search engine you've found two T-shirts that say Mad Sunday, but no actual promotion of the event? Well case proven then.

I assume in your reality, police, air ambulances and other resources are not made available on Mad Sunday?

In what way does the availability of emergency response equate to 'promotion'? Police, paramedics and firefighters are available to all of us, every day of the year, they don't bring them out specially for the middle Sunday of the TT.

Once again, you've decided to become indignant about something without getting your facts right and when challenged instead of accepting your mistake or putting forward a rational explanation you become abusive ("stop wasting my time") and take your line of argument down an entirely different route.

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tr.v. pro·mot·ed, pro·mot·ing, pro·motes


a. To raise to a more important or responsible job or rank.

b. To advance (a student) to the next higher grade.

2. To contribute to the progress or growth of; further. See Synonyms at advance.

3. To urge the adoption of; advocate: promote a constitutional amendment.

4. To attempt to sell or popularize by advertising or publicity: commercials promoting a new product.

5. To help establish or organize (a new enterprise), as by securing financial backing: promote a Broadway show.


Or would you prefer facilitate?

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Only one problem with speed limits Slim - who is going to enforce them? Unless we have a sudden outbreak of speed cameras, motorists will continue to ignore speed limits, just as the majority do now, knowing full well that they can do so with near impunity. I can guarantee with certainty that every time I go out I will see someone exceeding the speed limit by a wide margin - not just 5-10 m.p.h. It's like using mobile phones while driving - has it stopped because the police booked a handful? No enforcement means no improvement in road safety - simple as that. And, no I'm not against speed - only when it is inappropriate to the conditions. A good driver doesn't need speed limits and a bad driver will ignore them unless he thinks there is a good chance of getting caught.


I'm reluctant to do this subject once again, it's been hammered to death on here and I doubt a new discussion will change anyones opinion. But to answer your question, according to the research limits do change behavior without any change in enforcement simply because most people don't break the law and stick roughly to limits. I don't think the majority ignore limits at all, I've not seen any evidence that suggests that.


I agree that limits aren't the only single answer to improving road safety, and yes, a visible police presence would no doubt help. I'm sure the police are fustrated here too, I bet they'd love additional resource to police that stretch of road. It seems to me though that a simple limit would be a lot easier to enforce than a subjective 'driving dangerously' type offence they're watching out for currently on the mountain.


Yes, people break speed limits, and people use their phone while driving, but the laws still influence the majorities behavior which improves safety for all. It's harder to speed if the guy in front of you isn't.


I'm sick of hearing about road fatalities, isn't this at least worth a try?

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On Sunday while slowing down to stop at a red light at Ballacraine me and 3 other vehicles had the pleasure of this attached muppet overtake us all in the 30 limit before the light, Inital thought was he was an Idiot comeover on a deathwish and could sort of reason that he did not want to be stuck behind a couple of vehicles going through to Glen Helen,


No Sadly I was wrong this was a local Bike and thought he should know better so he moved up from 'Muppet' Status, then as if it was not enough when the light changed he tore off through St Johns like a proper Halfwit...... Carry on like that son and you should expect a Visit from the boys in Blue, hopefully before your family do




So you were taking a photo with your camera/mobile phone whilst driving were you? Nob


I dare you to take that to the police, go on :wacko:

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tr.v. pro·mot·ed, pro·mot·ing, pro·motes


a. To raise to a more important or responsible job or rank.

b. To advance (a student) to the next higher grade.

2. To contribute to the progress or growth of; further. See Synonyms at advance.

3. To urge the adoption of; advocate: promote a constitutional amendment.

4. To attempt to sell or popularize by advertising or publicity: commercials promoting a new product.

5. To help establish or organize (a new enterprise), as by securing financial backing: promote a Broadway show.


Or would you prefer facilitate?


Well, by those definitions, no one involved in the TT organisation is promoting Mad Sunday, as the phrase isn't used in any official literature. There is nothing the organisers have done which has raised the status of Mad Sunday, advanced it, contributed to it, advocated it, popularised or established it.

And facilitate is inaccurate as well, the roads are open as normal on Mad Sunday as they are on every other day during TT (obviously when not closed for racing).

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Is it your contention that emergency services and other resources are, on Mad Sunday; no different in numbers and disposition from any other normal (non TT race or practice day) eg like today or last sunday?

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And in the case of the T Shirts, are they not produced under licence?


Incidentally what is your opinion on a good deal of Official TT entertainment seeming to involve alcohol?

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Is it your contention that emergency services and other resources are, on Mad Sunday; no different in numbers and disposition from any other normal (non TT race day) eg like today or last sunday?


No it isn't. My contention is that you can't evidence your claim Mad Sunday is promoted.

The emergency services resources available on Mad Sunday are the same as several other days during the TT, when the government increases such cover to look after an increase in the number of roads users (estimated to be around 25,000 for this year I think).

The availability of emergency services has nothing to do with what you said anyway. You called into question the 'promotion' of Mad Sunday. I asked you to evidence that 'promotion'. You couldn't (apart from a T-shirt or two) so you have decided to change the subject to try and prove you're right, even though you are wrong.

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Deary me, you are getting excited.

So if mad sunday isn't by your definition promoted, is it not condoned?

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Such as?


Events at the Villa are I assume taking place with a bar available?

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