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Fatal Accident

Pierrot Lunaire

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Is that it, two T-shirts? It's hardly promotion is it.


It's very little promotion, but it is promotion none the less.


I'm not really fussed to be honest, we all know the TT is a road racing event and a large part of the attraction of it is that the fans can come over and ride the course themselves. Why pretend otherwise?

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So if mad sunday isn't by your definition promoted, is it not condoned?


Sadly, I don't get to define words. Mad Sunday isn't promoted by any definition as far as I can see.

How is it condoned? There is no difference between the TT course on the middle Sunday of the TT and the Tuesday after it. The roads are open to all traffic (as they are at all times when practice/racing isn't on), the Mountain section is one-way (as it is all fortnight), there are cones out to control traffic flow (as there are all fortnight) and increased police presence (as there is at peak times throughout the TT).

I think the point you wanted to make, but were apparently not bright enough to make, was that during the TT (all of it, not one day) there appears to be an acceptance that additional emergency service resources should be devoted to mopping up after the selfish wankers who treat our roads like a racetrack and that we just have to put up with the fact that on our normal travels around the Island for a two week period we take our lives in our hands, all the interests of the sacred cow that is TT.

I have no argument with the contention that there are a proportion of people (riders and drivers, locals and visitors) who drive/ride hugely dangerously and it sometimes seems like government simply accepts this cost, both financially and in human terms, as part of TT.

I still don't understand why you tried to limit this view to Mad Sunday.

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Shut the fuckup the pair of you, boring bastards.


Mad sunday is urban mythish, and biker folklore.

THE AUTHORITIES KNOW THIS THE BIKERS KNOW THIS AND WE KNOW, so give it a fuukin rest theres over a page of your shite.


Brilliantly, this is what's left after your post was edited. I cannot imagine what it looked like before you edited it.

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Get the message, you were right the first time without repeating yourself a dozen times.

ps i edited the post because i didnt want to cause offence with some strong language i deleted.


Must have been pretty strong language - you left in two Fucks and a Shite (albeit you spelt Fuck wrong the second time)

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On Sunday while slowing down to stop at a red light at Ballacraine me and 3 other vehicles had the pleasure of this attached muppet overtake us all in the 30 limit before the light, Inital thought was he was an Idiot comeover on a deathwish and could sort of reason that he did not want to be stuck behind a couple of vehicles going through to Glen Helen,


No Sadly I was wrong this was a local Bike and thought he should know better so he moved up from 'Muppet' Status, then as if it was not enough when the light changed he tore off through St Johns like a proper Halfwit...... Carry on like that son and you should expect a Visit from the boys in Blue, hopefully before your family do




So you were taking a photo with your camera/mobile phone whilst driving were you? Nob


I dare you to take that to the police, go on :wacko:

It is best to read and understand the whole post before you make replies, once stopped at the lights I took the Photo,


you Do really need to work on your insults.............................

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On Sunday while slowing down to stop at a red light at Ballacraine me and 3 other vehicles had the pleasure of this attached muppet overtake us all in the 30 limit before the light, Inital thought was he was an Idiot comeover on a deathwish and could sort of reason that he did not want to be stuck behind a couple of vehicles going through to Glen Helen,


No Sadly I was wrong this was a local Bike and thought he should know better so he moved up from 'Muppet' Status, then as if it was not enough when the light changed he tore off through St Johns like a proper Halfwit...... Carry on like that son and you should expect a Visit from the boys in Blue, hopefully before your family do




So you were taking a photo with your camera/mobile phone whilst driving were you? Nob


I dare you to take that to the police, go on :wacko:

It is best to read and understand the whole post before you make replies, once stopped at the lights I took the Photo,


you Do really need to work on your insults.............................


I assume that Shit3hawk is a DoI worker as his profile has “D.o.T Time & Motion Inspector” and the hint of a yellow van in the picture, which is common for a DoI/DoT vehicle... if this is the case you should know better than to play with camera equipment while in control of a vehicle – Your camera flash could of easily distracted other drivers!!

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[quote name='Manx Way' date='25 May 2010 - 04:28 PM' timestamp='1274801328'

I assume that Shit3hawk is a DoI worker as his profile has “D.o.T Time & Motion Inspector”


I think Shit3hawk told us what his job was once. I seem to recall it did involve motions and that his username was apposite

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Get the message, you were right the first time without repeating yourself a dozen times.

ps i edited the post because i didnt want to cause offence with some strong language i deleted.


Must have been pretty strong language - you left in two Fucks and a Shite (albeit you spelt Fuck wrong the second time)


Moderation and self-control are important to me.

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I assume that Shit3hawk is a DoI worker as his profile has “D.o.T Time & Motion Inspector” and the hint of a yellow van in the picture, which is common for a DoI/DoT vehicle... if this is the case you should know better than to play with camera equipment while in control of a vehicle – Your camera flash could of easily distracted other drivers!!

Nope you lost me there................no flash was required for the photo,plus it was a left hand drive vehicle,
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Some bikers ride safe - some ride like twats... and the same goes for some car drivers too.

I have had a couple of really near misses with bikes blatting past me in stupid places and I half expect to see them smeared over the road a few bends later. Had a guy this afternoon overtake me on a bend where he had no possible way of knowing if anything was coming around the bend.

I have fitted a digital camcorder to my dash and will be passing on any details+footage of bikes or cars that are putting other people at risk.

Sounds a bit harsh, but I don't want to die just yet at the hands of some pillock thanks :blink:


On Sunday while slowing down to stop at a red light at Ballacraine me and 3 other vehicles had the pleasure of this attached muppet overtake us all in the 30 limit before the light, Inital thought was he was an Idiot comeover on a deathwish and could sort of reason that he did not want to be stuck behind a couple of vehicles going through to Glen Helen,


No Sadly I was wrong this was a local Bike and thought he should know better so he moved up from 'Muppet' Status, then as if it was not enough when the light changed he tore off through St Johns like a proper Halfwit...... Carry on like that son and you should expect a Visit from the boys in Blue, hopefully before your family do




Playing devil's advocate a bit here, but what's to stop anyone posting photos that could clearly identify people, just because they a. incorrectly felt that their driving / riding was dangerous, or b. because they don't like bikers / sports car drivers etc?


From your description, it appears that he's filtered past you whilst you were slowing down to stop in a 30 zone - so obviously you're going significantly under 30mph in that instance, so is it not possible that he was filtering past you within the speed limit himself? Obviously if he's gone flying past at high speed in the face of incoming traffic then it was dangerous, but equally I think everyone would recognise that in 99% of driving incidents like this both parties would have massively different versions of events such as this. Ideally, I hope that someone knows who the biker is and that he comes on here and gives his version of events, which would at least make it a bit fairer.


I just think that posting photos like this on a website is a bit of a dodgy way of dealing with stuff like this. If you really felt that this guy was dangerous why didn't you just report the incident to the police?

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