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Fatal Accident

Pierrot Lunaire

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What p1sses me off is its obvious to everyone who has to use the mountain road that bikers are playing out their "ooo im a racer" fantasy on the mountain road every Sunday. Like others I have had far too many bikers either on the wrong side of the road as I come round the corner or doing that stupid lean over on the white line cornering which seems to me like saying here you go slice my head off with your car please.

So my question is where the flying f are the police. Ive once seen a police car at union mills on a Sunday. What use is that.

They need to have at least 3 stationed up on the mountain road to deter these wannabe racers from "doing a lap".

In the last few weeks we have already had 4 drivers get mentally scarred for life with bikers dieing in front of them, I hope the police do something before a driver gets killed by these bikers using our public road as a Nurburgring.


So so true, sick and tired of taking my life in my hands every weekend, crossing the mountain when the sun is out. What makes me laugh is that 99.99% of the Muppet's cant even ride that well. Any fool can ride a bike fast in a straight line, when they get to the corners they lose it and tend to run into car. Game over.

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I suspect the police are under instruction to ignore dangerous behaviour on the mountain, unless absolutely forced to investigate when accidents occur. A scan of the biking sites reveals that stricter laws and policing would result in many not coming here at all, and the thirst for photos and videos of dangerous riding is considerable. The deaths, and the inherent risk to all other road users, seems to be acceptable to those who have it within their power to try to do something about it.

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Is it your contention that emergency services and other resources are, on Mad Sunday; no different in numbers and disposition from any other normal (non TT race day) eg like today or last sunday?


No it isn't. My contention is that you can't evidence your claim Mad Sunday is promoted.

The emergency services resources available on Mad Sunday are the same as several other days during the TT, when the government increases such cover to look after an increase in the number of roads users (estimated to be around 25,000 for this year I think).

The availability of emergency services has nothing to do with what you said anyway. You called into question the 'promotion' of Mad Sunday. I asked you to evidence that 'promotion'. You couldn't (apart from a T-shirt or two) so you have decided to change the subject to try and prove you're right, even though you are wrong.


Since they made the Mountain One Way throughout the TT festival, Mad Sunday has in a sense become a thing of the past.


It's now the same every day with the one way system.


See you all next week when I make another TT trip across :)




PS - Please look in on the "Roads Closed" Exhibition at St Ninians. You will not be disappointed with over 250 images on display :cool:

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PS - Please look in on the "Roads Closed" Exhibition at St Ninians. You will not be disappointed with over 250 images on display :cool:


?? Images of fatal accidents?



I bet you've been waiting months to jump in with that one Pierrot :lol:


But to clarify, they are of live, all in one piece racers from all over the place enjoying themselves in what they term "Motor-sport"


I'll take that as a No then ;)

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I suspect the police are under instruction to ignore dangerous behaviour on the mountain, unless absolutely forced to investigate when accidents occur. A scan of the biking sites reveals that stricter laws and policing would result in many not coming here at all, and the thirst for photos and videos of dangerous riding is considerable. The deaths, and the inherent risk to all other road users, seems to be acceptable to those who have it within their power to try to do something about it.


Its all we have to attract tourists though isn't it? I'm surprised that the tourism dept or whatever the hell they are called now hasn't launched a "Come to the Isle of Man and risk killing yourself" campaign. What else is capable of actually attracting people here? Our target market seems to be people who will pay an extortionate amount of money to get here and then expect nothing in return. They are happy to stay in a shit 100 year old hotel or live in someone elses house, or if they are really a cheapskate camp and crap in a bucket in a muddy field, they have to be able to overlook the lack of other things to do, the ridiculous prices to eat or drink, and the total apathy of the government to do anything to engage them. The only attraction is to get pissed and dice with death out of sheer bloody boredom.


Its also obvious that many are now coming a few weeks early to attempt to kill themselves before the traffic gets busy and the campsites get full. Its probably more interesting than coming here to ride some Victorian scrap iron to buy a £3 ice cream in an empty seaside town paved with dogshit.

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I bet you've been waiting months to jump in with that one Pierrot :lol:


But to clarify, they are of live, all in one piece racers from all over the place enjoying themselves in what they term "Motor-sport"


I'll take that as a No then ;)


Sorry, my error, although you've picked a peculiar thread to plug your exhibition in.

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Thats one of the reasons I stuck my digital camcorder on the dash - not a still camera (apart from the danger of trying to actually take a still photo while driving!)

The camcorder will actually get the offending rider/driver doing his stupid riding or driving. Still pictures I agree could be open to abuse.

Just to level the playing field, I nearly got rear-ended by an 'R' driver today who was far too busy playing with his phone. he skidded to a halt, then carried on texting! :rolleyes:

I have to agree.. come on Police. A couple of hours of sneaky plain clothes (or visible) policing would catch out quite a few.

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On Sunday while slowing down to stop at a red light at Ballacraine me and 3 other vehicles had the pleasure of this attached muppet overtake us all in the 30 limit before the light, Inital thought was he was an Idiot comeover on a deathwish and could sort of reason that he did not want to be stuck behind a couple of vehicles going through to Glen Helen,


No Sadly I was wrong this was a local Bike and thought he should know better so he moved up from 'Muppet' Status, then as if it was not enough when the light changed he tore off through St Johns like a proper Halfwit...... Carry on like that son and you should expect a Visit from the boys in Blue, hopefully before your family do




So you were taking a photo with your camera/mobile phone whilst driving were you? Nob


I dare you to take that to the police, go on :wacko:

It is best to read and understand the whole post before you make replies, once stopped at the lights I took the Photo,


you Do really need to work on your insults.............................


I assume that Shit3hawk is a DoI worker as his profile has “D.o.T Time & Motion Inspector” and the hint of a yellow van in the picture, which is common for a DoI/DoT vehicle... if this is the case you should know better than to play with camera equipment while in control of a vehicle – Your camera flash could of easily distracted other drivers!!




I'm confused a bit on the picture. You said he overtook you all as you were slowing down yet, going by your piccy, he still had enough time and room to stop in the centre, and behind, the white stop line. Going by the highway code, as long as he didn't cross the central line on approuching the Ballacriane,there was enough room to do so and stay under the speed limit, he was ok to overtake ?


Just an observation from the piccy as your post tends to point to something different.

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The picture shows nothing but a stationary motorcycle in front of a car at a set of traffic lights.


I do know that some car drivers seem to get quite irate when they are hot and bothered crawling along or stopped in a queue of traffic (and of course the majority one to a vehicle) when a motorcycle appears to jump the queue by overtaking them all.


Perhaps we'll get to a stage where vigilante style car drivers are causing more accidents driving around the TT course seeking out motorcyclists to secretly film and then posting the findings on internet forums.


Shit3hawk would appear to have a Mr Angry head on here. By all means report some idiot dangerous driving but I think you'd be sniggered out of the police station with this little gem.

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On a side note. When did riding a motorcycle become only for old farts?

I haven't seen anyone under 30 on a bike this year and amazingly this includes the scrambling lot as well.

Is biking the new 'porsche boxster' ?

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On a side note. When did riding a motorcycle become only for old farts?

I haven't seen anyone under 30 on a bike this year and amazingly this includes the scrambling lot as well.

Is biking the new 'porsche boxster' ?


Just more blokes born with snall dicks in the 50's and 60's, that's all.

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