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Fatal Accident

Pierrot Lunaire

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I only wish we lived in a world with more decent people, the rest of you should be more than ashamed.

I wish I lived in a world where Bikers kept to under 70mph on the mountain road so I could actually travel to work without sh1tting my pants wondering if it will be my last journey.

Not gona happen though is it. Bikers and selfishness go hand in hand I'm afraid. As long as they get their speed kick then F the innocent people.

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I only wish we lived in a world with more decent people, the rest of you should be more than ashamed.

I wish I lived in a world where Bikers kept to under 70mph on the mountain road so I could actually travel to work without sh1tting my pants wondering if it will be my last journey.

Not gona happen though is it. Bikers and selfishness go hand in hand I'm afraid. As long as they get their speed kick then F the innocent people.


Some facts and figures for you to digest taken from a recent survey undertaken by MAPS (Motorcycle Accident in Depth Study) over 50% of accidents involving bikes were caused by car driver errors. Just under 40% were as a result of bike rider error. 71.2% of bike riders attempted to avoid an accident where 65% of car drivers did not attempt to take avoiding actions! Most accidents under study happened at under 30mph therefore speed is not as big a deal as many think! These are FACTS!

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And these FACTs are relevant to the issue of safety and other concerns on the unrestricted mountain road and indeed roads on the IOM ( The self appointed road race capital of the world ) in exactly what way?

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And these FACTs are relevant to the issue of safety and other concerns on the unrestricted mountain road and indeed roads on the IOM in exactly what way?


It seems to me that whenever an accident happens on the mountain or any other road on the Island involving a bike, the biker is always at fault, these FACTS clearly show that this in not the case! So unless you anti-bikers can come up with a valid argument you should all just keep quiet!

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And these FACTs are relevant to the issue of safety and other concerns on the unrestricted mountain road and indeed roads on the IOM in exactly what way?


It seems to me that whenever an accident happens on the mountain or any other road on the Island involving a bike, the biker is always at fault, these FACTS clearly show that this in not the case! So unless you anti-bikers can come up with a valid argument you should all just keep quiet!


And where have I actually said anything anti biker?

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What case?


I repeat where have I actually said anything anti biker?


And if you quote me, don't edit the quote

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That you should keep quiet!

And how many years bike riding experience have you got?

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Some facts and figures for you to digest taken from a recent survey undertaken by MAPS (Motorcycle Accident in Depth Study) over 50% of accidents involving bikes were caused by car driver errors. Just under 40% were as a result of bike rider error. 71.2% of bike riders attempted to avoid an accident where 65% of car drivers did not attempt to take avoiding actions! Most accidents under study happened at under 30mph therefore speed is not as big a deal as many think! These are FACTS!

Can you supply a link to that, please?

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And Paul for your info I did not edit your post!

Yes you did.

My post 123 above said

And these FACTs are relevant to the issue of safety and other concerns on the unrestricted mountain road and indeed roads on the IOM ( The self appointed road race capital of the world ) in exactly what way?

You reproduced it as ( post 124 )

And these FACTs are relevant to the issue of safety and other concerns on the unrestricted mountain road and indeed roads on the IOM in exactly what way?
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No it was conducted in Spain, France, Germany and the Netherlands. But regardless it is known that bikers are far more aware to things such as road conditions, other road users and the safety of their bikes! My point was to emphasise that bikers on the IoM are not selfish they do not go out to cause accidents and those that are anti-bikers need to think before they speak out.


And Paul for your info I did not edit your post!

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As you assume I'm anti bike it seems equable for you to state the depth of your experience

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