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Games Development


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Hi all,


I'm an independent games developer for the PC, Xbox 360 and Windows 7 mobile. I may venture into the unknown territory of HTML5 and Android games development too. I was wondering if anyone else is developing games on the island. It'd be great to meet up one day (like an IDGA chapter event, which I miss from my Sony days), discuss games development things, gaming in general and even help each other out.


I'd be happy to help discuss ways in which people can get involved in games development too.

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Hi all,


I'm an independent games developer for the PC, Xbox 360 and Windows 7 mobile. I may venture into the unknown territory of HTML5 and Android games development too. I was wondering if anyone else is developing games on the island. It'd be great to meet up one day (like an IDGA chapter event, which I miss from my Sony days), discuss games development things, gaming in general and even help each other out.


I'd be happy to help discuss ways in which people can get involved in games development too.

This'd be cool, there are a few clubs and get-togethers for those interested in software development, but I don't think there's anything for games specifically.


Similarly, there was a 'video camera' club on the island a while back, I went along to this, but it was all 'this is a flower in my garden', and show 30 seconds of footage of a petunia, not doing anything. I was interested in making proper movies, but I don't think there is a society for this </tangent>


By all means. What sort of games have you done? (btw, this area is more about games *playing*, techie stuff is more for the 'computing+web' area)

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By all means. What sort of games have you done?


I've worked at BigBig Studios, where i worked as a mission designer on Pursuit Force 2. I've also worked at a company in India but things weren't moving as smoothly as i'd hoped and i felt like i was wasting my time. I've done a few small games but they were part of degree course so i don't really like to count them as finished products.


Now i'm working on a 3D platformer with elemental powers; earth, fire, water etc. I'm hoping to make it as engaging as Portal by Valve, so i'm putting a lot of effort into the design side of things. Unfortunately i don't have any thing to show yet because i'm still in the middle of programming it. I've gone through a few different game designs to get to where i am now and this feels more of a winner than the other ideas i had. You can check a

of a game that i started on but stopped after realising that other people have and are working on the same idea, but i might still use it for a future projects still.


It feels like a perfect time to work on my own project as well as try and make money from my own games, plus, if all else fails i can always try for a job at another games company.


(btw, this area is more about games *playing*, techie stuff is more for the 'computing+web' area)


Yeah i figured that out after posting :P. I might post there too.

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Evening all, new to the boards (and to the Island) and just seen this thread which kind of jumped out at me :).


I'm a coder and I've been interested in game development for ages, and got particularly into it while at uni in Southampton. With a few friends we put together a demo / prototype of a 2D puzzly action game over a summer before our last year.


After we graduated we all got jobs at various places in the games industry. I worked for Climax down in Portsmouth, where I was involved with Overlord: Dark Legend for the Wii, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories for the Wii (just a little and I think all my code got rewritten by the end of the project!), and then Rocket Knight for the 360 / PC / PS3 which has just come out. I also worked on a bunch of tools stuff there, like level / character editors etc. - the usual "new guy" grunt work!


I'm now working over here as a coder after moving over after Christmas (and loving being on the IOM :)).


I've been keeping my ear to the ground so to speak, but not heard about any development over here, apart from apparently the old TT games, so this is the first I've heard. Good work putting up a post and getting the ball rolling! It would be great to meet up with other people interested in games development. Be fascinating to get some other stories from the games industry, discuss ideas, chill out (and maybe even play some games!)!





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Hi xan,


Welcome to the Isle of Man!


You seem to have a lot of games development experience under your belt, so i think you'll be indulging us with games industry stories :P


Well, i'm going to suggest that all the people who are interested in games developing meet up sometime soon. I'll be free after the 15th of June, so maybe sometime on the 19th or 20th of June? Not sure where we should meet.

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Hi xan,


Welcome to the Isle of Man!


You seem to have a lot of games development experience under your belt, so i think you'll be indulging us with games industry stories :P


Well, i'm going to suggest that all the people who are interested in games developing meet up sometime soon. I'll be free after the 15th of June, so maybe sometime on the 19th or 20th of June? Not sure where we should meet.





Can do some stories - thought they mostly all start: "This one time, when we were working late..." :D.


Sometime on the weekend of the 19th 20th sounds do-able (I'm tied up working till the end of TT). As for where to meet, I'm not too bothered! I'm over Peel way myself, but could get to wherever. Anything you suggest?

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I am also a games developer and have just released my first own project. You could say that i am the guy with the cash and ideas and i am looking for partners\programers for the next project. I already have a decent team built up over the last 2 1/2 years but we are looking for more enthusiasts to take part. You can catch me on MSN messenger at guruland@hotmail.com or on skype at Golden_Life_Chris (i know that user name sucks, meaning to change it some time soon)

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Hi Loda,


sounds like you also need to meet up and meet the IOM game developing community. Would you be up for meeting up sometime after the 15th of June?


Where can we see and find out more about your released project?

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