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Netto Join The Walmart Tribe


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No I have nothing to do with any of the traders but I have for years seen the decimation of rural communities in the UK due to these large corporate bodies (snip)


The presence of a supermarket selling a range of goods at a price that is less than the small inefficient local traders will sell for has got SFA to do with the decimation of rural communities, in fact just the opposite. It’s the presence of affordable goods that helps local communities thrive.


The village where I have lived for the past 20 years has grown significantly in part because we are within 5 miles of a Sainsbury’s hyperstore and a HUGE Tesco hyperstore both of which serve a number of small to medium sized villages hereabouts.


But in addition there are thriving local shops here, in our village a greengrocer, a butcher, a newsagent, a general hardware store, and a farm shop and on top of that a “Budgens” minimarket that is a franchised outlet the former shop keeper set up in order to compete and that has proved to be very profitable as well as popular.


The key is market focus. In each case the local guys have focused on quality, and it has paid off. The result has been a win – win especially for the local consumers.


OK the local traders have had to work for their business, not just sit back as the “only crap game in town” while customers had to use them ad accept whatever the local traders condescended to have on offer, but there you go. Market Forces and competing DO work to the advantage of everybody – except the lazy and indolent.



-----and also seen many farmers etc go under because of the bully boy tactics the force on them after conning them with exclusivity contracts and I for one would hate to see this happen here, snip.


“Conning them with exclusive contracts”? Please! What you mean is offering them “lazy man’s profits” by contracts to buy them into the supply chain, and then optimizing the deal when it’s established.


No one is holding a gun to the heads of these “farmers”, they also have the choice to target a different market sector. And they do. Again it’s the dull, lazy, and indolent who look for the easy money who get caught.


Here’s one (of many) examples of how small local farmers and growers are actually exploiting the market opportunity that the Big Boys have created by their business model.




In another case a thriving farmers cooperative is now expanding its business by including other goods and services in spite of competition from a couple of hypermarkets




It’s not less of the Big Boys that are needed on The Island, it’s MORE. The worst of all worlds is just having the one.


----yes our local traders do need to wake up but I would rather it be via other local traders forcing them than having our community destroyed by some American bullyboy multinational who care little about community so long as the can force their substandard products on the masses,


Oh come on. If everybody in the game is having an easy ride then why change? And if someone tries to change the game the others will take them out. The “Manx Crabs” principle works in many ways not least under-the-table price fixing cartels.



I refused to use them when I was in the UK so I certainly won't now,


Then you are in a tiny minority.


Like I said you stick to where you live and let us decide what we want, you may become our sexual advisor, in other words when we want your fucking advice we will ask for it.


There’s an old Russian proverb. “A clever man needs no advice, a wise man considers all the advice he is offered.”


You are obviously one of a number of clever men.

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No rog, I said I do not need advice from you, all others I will gladly listen too, yourself I class in the small minority of single minded biggots who fail to reaspect others views and do all they can to spread racial and religous hatred, you seem to think you have the right to stick your nose in and try to impose your views on those you have no link to (being left here 30 years counts as us being allowed to disown you). You sir are a walking, breathing example of the merits of genetic and selective sterilisation and eradication for the good of mankind. Every time you put your small minded views in here you seem to show a total disregard for the feelings of anyone and will change your views at amazing regularity just to have the warped satisfaction of upsetting people and in some cases trying to intimidate others. I do prey given your age that you are very close some kind of myocardial infraction, let us hope for humanity's sake it occurs at the time telephone lines are out and you are isolated.

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I do prey given your age that you are very close some kind of myocardial infraction, let us hope for humanity's sake it occurs at the time telephone lines are out and you are isolated.


Sorry to say the probability is that I'll disappoint you.


You see I've got a terminal cancer that is now quite advanced and so that is finishing me off, probably soon now, and so before the heart attack you wish on me.


What a shame that so many people have to reduce debate, heated debate or even outright argument to the personal level.


I've never understood it.

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Ah well there is justice in the world then, cheers for making my day and I mean that most sincerely. laugh.gif


P.S. I hope you did not for one minute expect me to have any moral pangs and regret my words did you? The only way you will find remorse around me is in my dictionary.


It's somewhere between rejoice and rigamortis.

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I have never, in the years i have been a member of this, and previous forums,been so shocked and disgusted at a post.


Rog's posts,whilst often controversial, are always well reasoned and argued. I have never known him to be abusive to another poster.


Mention has been made in the past of Rog's medical condition, which means that many members with a normal memory span must have been aware of it.

Making JMBMS' venomous response to Rog's post of this even more distasteful.

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You see I've got a terminal cancer that is now quite advanced and so that is finishing me off, probably soon now, and so before the heart attack you wish on me.


Is that a true statement rog, as i wouldnt wish cancer on anyone.


Jim you went too far this time, not by alittle bit but by a country mile.

Compassion or the overwhelming sadness we are capable of feeling for strangers in their plight is what makes us what we are, and your lack of empathy shows clearly the type you are.

Rog may hold views you dont like, but it is his right to hold those views, he is no more responsible for israels actions as you are for blair or bushes.


ffs man that was disgusting.

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Ok it was a bit overboard and I do not wish him any pain in his passing or that it is accelerated in any way like I would any other human being, but I do stand by my view I hate the bloke and I would be hypocritical if I said any different.

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