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Smoking Toddler

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Shocking what tobacco companies can get away with....and yes, they are to blame, not the parents, not society, it's the twats who sell (market) the shit.


"The parents Aldi Rizal say their boy started smoking cigarettes at 18 months old when his father, Muhammad, introduced him to the habit." To be fair though the Marlboro Man had a gun to his head.

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Where's the problem?


They're foreign. Their country, their business.

It is and fortunately the child is being removed from the parents.


Good. Just as long as the little SOB doesn't end up at Heathrow claiming asylum.

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Not much different than half the feral brats on the chav estates in the UK


There's a certain irony when anyone from the IOM refers to "chev estates".

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Not much different than half the feral brats on the chav estates in the UK


There's a certain irony when anyone from the IOM refers to "chev estates".

Manx ones will always be incomplete until they open a Primark.

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Not much different than half the feral brats on the chav estates in the UK

I don't like what you seem to implying. Sounds like undeserved snobbery to me.

Chav estates? Are you referring to the lower working classes as a whole? I thought chavs were just often naughty, loud, and badly dressed teenagers.


I don't know what Rog's means, but on the Island there is certainly not much awareness of a lot of snobbery in Manx society.

A great deal of Island people certainly have little to be snobby about when using words like 'chav', when all they are working class but with the little bit more money to foster silly pretensions about their place in society.

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Not much different than half the feral brats on the chav estates in the UK

I don't like what you seem to implying. Sounds like undeserved snobbery to me.

Chav estates? Are you referring to the lower working classes as a whole? I thought chavs were just often naughty, loud, and badly dressed teenagers.


I don't know what Rog's means, but on the Island there is certainly not much awareness of a lot of snobbery in Manx society.

A great deal of Island people certainly have little to be snobby about when using words like 'chav', when all they are working class but with the little bit more money to foster silly pretensions about their place in society.


I don't give a toss if you like it or not, tough shit there's nothing you can do about it. And how on earth can you be stupid enough to class these chavs as working class. I doubt they will ever do a days work in their lives, hard work to them usually means having to get up early to sign on for benefits or getting knocked up to get a council flat.

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