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David Laws Should Step Aside As Minister


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Am I missing the point on this? This guy is a crook and a cheat and yet seems to think he can get off because really he was just trying to hide a relationship that he didn't want to be picked up in the media. Now I can understand that he might wish to keep his homosexual relationship quiet - but surely the best way not of drawing attention to it was by PAYING YOUR BLOODY RENT YOURSELF!




It looks like Cameron's government is just as mired in sleaze as the last bunch of crooks that controlled the UK. Does anyone think that this gravy train has any chance of ever ending!

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Whether or not he has resigned is irrelavent. He has committed criminal acts and should be prosecuted, criminal acts involving tax payers money. This man should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and accept whatever punishment a court deems appropriate.

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Am I missing the point on this? This guy is a crook and a cheat and yet seems to think he can get off because really he was just trying to hide a relationship that he didn't want to be picked up in the media. Now I can understand that he might wish to keep his homosexual relationship quiet - but surely the best way not of drawing attention to it was by PAYING YOUR BLOODY RENT YOURSELF!




It looks like Cameron's government is just as mired in sleaze as the last bunch of crooks that controlled the UK. Does anyone think that this gravy train has any chance of ever ending!


Cameron wasnt to know that a libdem cabinet member was fiddling his exes, he had to trust he was honest being from a different party ffs.

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MPs should be allowed to claim expenses for rent paid to partners.


Why? Surely cohabiting means just that? Sharing the same expenses living under the same roof? I'm sorry but in most cases with co-habiting couples one is not "renting" off the other; they are sharing costs and expenses in relation to living in the same house. He was greedy by asking the taxpayer to pay his overheads so he could effectively live free of charge and divert £1,000 a month of taxpayers money to his chum as well.


I think the benefits agencies take the same view when it comes to FIS etc, if you're co-habiting somebody else is sharing your expenses so your benefits get cut as they are not 100% your expenses anymore.

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Why? Surely cohabiting means just that? Sharing the same expenses living under the same roof? I'm sorry but in most cases with co-habiting couples one is not "renting" off the other; they are sharing costs and expenses in relation to living in the same house. He was greedy by asking the taxpayer to pay his overheads so he could effectively live free of charge and divert £1,000 a month of taxpayers money to his chum as well.


I think the benefits agencies take the same view when it comes to FIS etc, if you're co-habiting somebody else is sharing your expenses so your benefits get cut as they are not 100% your expenses anymore.

I agree that he's made a mistake, but the witch-hunt on MPs expenses is getting a bit tiresome now. It's a new government, there's a massive deficit, and there's a budget coming out in a few weeks - is it really necessary to be focusing on a £40,000 bill that's already being paid back to the taxpayer? That wouldn't even happen in the IoM where such sums have a larger context, we'd all have been told to 'draw a line and move on' months ago.

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Telegraph has its own agenda with respect to selectively drip feeding the leaked 'revelations'. And the Telegraph is no more a friend of the Cameron - Liberal govt than it was a friend of the previous govt.

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Telegraph has its own agenda with respect to selectively drip feeding the leaked 'revelations'. And the Telegraph is no more a friend of the Cameron - Liberal govt than it was a friend of the previous govt.


Aye about the only independent news source left in britain, news papers/agencies should be free of political persuasions, the bbc especially.

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Telegraph has its own agenda with respect to selectively drip feeding the leaked 'revelations'. And the Telegraph is no more a friend of the Cameron - Liberal govt than it was a friend of the previous govt.


Aye about the only independent news source left in britain, news papers/agencies should be free of political persuasions, the bbc especially.

Anyone who believes the Telegraph is an independent news source really needs a very large helping of reality.

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Telegraph has its own agenda with respect to selectively drip feeding the leaked 'revelations'. And the Telegraph is no more a friend of the Cameron - Liberal govt than it was a friend of the previous govt.


Aye about the only independent news source left in britain, news papers/agencies should be free of political persuasions, the bbc especially.

Anyone who believes the Telegraph is an independent news source really needs a very large helping of reality.


Absolutely. It's not called the Torygraph for nothing. Mind you some idiot recently claimed on here that the Times was a lefty newspaper!


So what if he wants to be a rent boy, surely it's between him and his partner?

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It's not basically tory as such.


Oh really? Then why was it known as "the house organ" of the tory party? Something like 70% of torygraph readers voted for Cameron and his chaps. But then so did 2% of Grauniad readers who should now be banned from reading it!


The Times - right wing

Grauniad/Indy - centrist

Mirror - left wing

Express - right of Princess Di

Financial Times - right wing

Daily Telegraph - right wing

The Sun - very right wing until the Beeb is broken up

Daily Mail - somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan

The Daily Sport - who cares as long as they've got big charlies?

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The telegraph is more neutral now than any british newspaper, the barclay brothers cleaned out the established journalists{over 100} and management and run it their way.

Admittedly when black owned it, it had tory leanings.


Now it will out tory or libdem or labour without fear or favour, just what britain needs and long may it last.

Infact their website is one of the best.

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The Telegraph still represents old-fashioned Toryism. It may not be too comfortable with the 'liberalising' policies paid such eloquent lip-service by Cameron and Co - and will have no problem dishing the dirt on any of them - but real centres of Conservative power who inhabit the upper echelons of central office will have little, if anything, to fear from it.

My personal preference is the Independent which, though far from perfect, is the best of a very poor national press.

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