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Rip Gary Coleman


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Nah, I liked D'frent Strokes, but I have to confess I thought he died years ago.


Only a few US comedy shows really work for me, that was one, Benson was another and Malcolm in the Middle is still my current top notch, even though it finished a few years ago now. I suppose I should add the Addams Family, The Munsters and MASH. But generally, I just feel US humour is 'too delivered', they get their fingers right up your nostrils and pull you to the funny bits. Yet, there is a huge comedy writing and acting talent there, they just don't seem to want to trust the audience to get the joke.

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I thought Coleman was funny in his day - and you can't really knock him, and have to congratulate him - as 'Different Strokes' was 25 years ago and people still remember it well! Who knows what he could have achieved if his career had been managed better?


I have noticed recently a lot of American comedy seems to be moving toward the British sense of humour model, and by that I mean many of the sketches in the Simpsons and Family Guy etc. Sort of pythonesque. However Yank humour in the main, remains pretty different to British humour, especially its' satire.

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American humour, not a thing to be laughed at.


Perhapse no coincidence that the way they spell the word, humor, also relates to the four bodily fluids of blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile, and that Hippocrates suggested were related to being sick.


Maybe that also explains why that is precisely the effect that American humour has on me. It makes me nauseous.


On the subject of being sick I do wonder if the word “cocaine” will soon be emerging in relation to this news.

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If the yanks had the ability to understand humour/sarcasm, british comedys would not have to be re-shot and dumbed down for american tv, they go to the massive expense of re-production, because otherwise their audience just wouldnt get it, the office being a prime example.


Ive met some funny americans mind, but they were intellectually along way infront of your average homer.

That little jewish american comedian was a jem.


Jackie mason

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I'm afraid I've never heard of him, probably because I do not watch TV.


It puts me at a great disadvantage when I attempt pub quizes.


I am glad he made somew of you laugh, that is important in life

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