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Israeli 'intervention'


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Let me just get this straight: a flotilla of ships is in international waters when it is attacked by Israeli commandos.

As is the right of any vessel in that situation, it resists a hostile boarding in international waters.

Israel then tries to declare that the violence should be blamed on those who resisted the illegal boarding.


I'm sure that Rog (in the finest tradition of Israeli spin doctors) will put a different slant on this, but the fact is that Israel seems hell-bent on losing the few friends it has left in the international community.

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Its not as if its the first time theyve attacked neutral shipping in international waters tho is it, they are being taken infront of a war crimes tribunal for their last one.




This is what the israelis call them for wanting an honest explanation.


As a result of the public relations campaign undertaken on behalf of Israel, the USS Liberty survivors have been vilified for their assertions that the attack was deliberate and for their ongoing quest for justice. They are characterized as "neo-Nazis", "anti-Semites", and "conspiracy theorists" for wanting nothing more than an honest, open investigation of the attack on their ship and themselves.


Nothing will be different from the irealis this time either.


(b) War crimes:

Violations of the laws or customs of war which include, but are not limited to, murder, illtreatment

or deportation to slave-labour or for any other purpose of civilian population of

or in occupied territory; murder or ill-treatment of prisoners of war, of persons on the

Seas, killing of hostages, plunder of public or private property, wanton destruction of

cities, towns, or villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity

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Typical bully boy tactics of trying to prevent food going to children so they can get their own way, they have murdered Palistinians for years so why stop now.

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It seems that Israel claims continually to be 'at war' so as to justify acting outside of international law and the conventions of basic humanity. They have also been milking sympathy for their cause from their allies while continuously exploiting trust and hospitality of those allies without whom they would not currently exist. Britain never used the excuse during the 'troubles' in Ireland in the latter 20th century, and for good reason.

I suppose that we probably would not have had the 'War on Terror' and the deep and divisive changes this has heralded in UK (and Manx) society without the problems and deliberate polarisations Israel has caused. They are a bad enemy and seem to treat their 'friends' with the same arrogance and moral disregard.


It now remains to be seen if this thread gets the usual treatment of those critical of Israel ... Features of 'forum-blasting' by 'activists' are easy to watch out for - just do a search for 'Israel' on the forums here and make your own conclusions as to the tactics at play and the 'characters' involved... And remember - the 'pro' and 'anti' positions can sometimes be the same poster under different pseudonyms.


Perhaps Israel needs to disengage from this game for a while and make peace with the rest of the world, before it finds itself all alone.

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According to the spin-masters the 'aid workers' brought it upon themselves. They were armed with clubs, iron bars & axes. Where as the Israeli special forces were only armed with body armour, silenced Uzi sub-machines guns, side arms, stun grenades, multi-million dollar helicopter gunships & fast attack craft... no fair! The Israeli's were already on the boat before the airbourne assault, hence the dudes in the scuba gear.


The pressure is already being applied








Notice how Ministry of Communications use a spokeswomen to deliver the news.. Suppose murder always sounds better when comming from a women lips

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Perhaps Israel needs to disengage from this game for a while and make peace with the rest of the world, before it finds itself all alone.

That is almost inconceivable to Israel. Israel has only come to where it is in international standing, military power, and acceptance of its terrorist practices with the support of the United States. It's a game that Israel and the US have orchestrated and one that is only concerned with peace by removing any form of opposition.


Though it interesting (when judging the US Government's response to this) how the US is confident that the Israeli government can undertaken a satisfactory investigation in these events.

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The US's love affair with Israel is "reasonably" new.


Up until the 6 day war France was Israel's major ally and arms supplier - France is credited with supplying nuclear technology as well as conventional arms such as Mirage jets etc.


The US actively opposed the actions of Israel, France and Britain over Suez, and even as late as Nixon presidency was willing to reduce support for Israel to draw Egypt out of its alliances with the USSR.


It was Ronnie who took a much more pro line and with the end of the USSR the need to gain Arab support has diminished. The Bushes followed the evangelical Christian view that everything Israeli was wonderful. While Democratic presidents have been pro-Israel, but also pro-peace negotiations which has put them into conflict with Likud governments.


As ever this is a huge own goal - Israelis using excessive force against a political cause emphasising humanitarian support.


The Gaza blockade isn't productive - it isn't reducing support for Hamas and is simply increasing anger against Israeli petty minded nastiness.


War is an continuation of politics by other means - Hamas etc understand this far more than Israel seems to. Israel is militarily dominant, but politically loosing support.

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Perhaps Israel needs to disengage from this game for a while and make peace with the rest of the world, before it finds itself all alone.

That is almost inconceivable to Israel. Israel has only come to where it is in international standing, military power, and acceptance of its terrorist practices with the support of the United States. It's a game that Israel and the US have orchestrated and one that is only concerned with peace by removing any form of opposition.


Though it interesting (when judging the US Government's response to this) how the US is confident that the Israeli government can undertaken a satisfactory investigation in these events.


For once LDV I fully agree with you.






Me too jim - it's a trifle unsettling agreeing with LDV but there you go.





But i think in all honesty that world leaders fear the israelis.

I feel altho i cannot prove so, that they fear being embarrassed by israel, i mean america tells israel not to do something and they go right ahead and do it anyway, leaves america looking weak and incapable of controlling its allies.

The un instructs israel and israel ignore them they look weak.

See they all know that if push come to shove israel is a nuclear nation and if the world turned against them they would turn their nukes onto the world IN REVENGE.



Even yesterday they still amid all the accussations etc could not help themselves but blame iran, iran this iran that etc etc.

Its about time the world woke up, israel do not give a flying fuck about anyone but israel.

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See they all know that if push come to shove israel is a nuclear nation and if the world turned against them they would turn their nukes onto the world IN REVENGE.


Erm...are you being serious here? The rest of your post seemed sensible.


I think you are forgetting that Israel is dependent on American support, both military and diplomatic. The US does have the power to force Israel's hand on particular issues but almost always chosen not to. Israel has largely been given a free hand to do as it pleases. I don't believe this is out of fear. But yes, Western leaders do not want Israel going too far in its terrorism and making it plainly obvious where the problem lies. Though its foreign policy largely falls within acceptable and satisfactory practice from the point of view of the US elite.

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Your 5 minute theories let you down most of the time LDV and this time is no different.

come back in 20 years time after watching/experiencing numerous more israeli nefarious activities/atrocitys and talk shite about israel being dependent upon america.

Israel are the american puppet masters.


You may also like to research israeli revenge, holocaust or olympics would be a good starting point, they NEVER EVER FORGET OR FORGIVE.

If you thought the KGB were ruthless like i did, then mossad make them look like school girls.


I truly believe that israel pose the biggest threat to world destruction, either by provocation of a rogue state, or by starting a nuclear war themselves, they see themselves as gods chosen children and superior to every other race/peoples.


Jewish people per sae are not the problem, its the radical element that endanger us all.

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I think you exaggerate Israel's leverage. Israel does what it does with the acceptance of the United States government and business elite. There is no puppetry.

Israel isn't powerful enough and no longer has the international support to do without American backing and the US can withdraw support. But that depends on Israel's role in the Middle East.


I also think you are ignoring the type of people who make policy decisions in Israel when you make mention of the importance of them being supposedly God chosen people.


As for use of nuclear weapons in revenge, that just isn't going to happen. What, you think Israel might throw a few nukes because the government doesn't get its way? And how would the Israeli elite benefit from such an action?

It is simply ridiculous to talk of the use of nuclear weapons being a viable option for this nation.

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