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Israeli 'intervention'


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@Bellyup - I do not think anyone disagrees with you - Israel are facing adverseries who have no care for humanitarian norms whatsoever.


But that has nothing to do with Israel's conduct.


The point I am trying to make is that not only are some of Israel's actions against international and humanitarian norms, but even more important for the likes of Rog and Yoshke Pandre to understand is that they are making Israel's plight WORSE.


Yoshke Pandre ignored my reply to Bellyup's last post and attacked the weakness in Jimbms's reply - I saw that weakness and replied concerning what I think is the main issue - by making life intolerable for all Gazans Israel is helping Hamas.

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Also the point can be made that no matter what one side does it does not give the other side automatic right to behave the same way.


But the world holds Israel to a far higher standard than the rest of the world why?


Its OK for Hamas to violate HR and Genevra conventions but not for Israel to comply by the same and defend its own people.


The Children of Siderot has the same right to live in peace and security in their own country .


Israel has tried to make peace time after time


When has HAMAS ever made any attempt at a peace solution - they simply do not want to know - because they do not want peace.

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Also the point can be made that no matter what one side does it does not give the other side automatic right to behave the same way.


I would make the point that the Germans shot innocent civilians in reprisal killings during WW11.


The British did not do this but at the same time it did not stop us taking any measures in order to safeguard our people and our way of life.

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That'll be the same British who pioneered the use of concentration camps in the second Boer war?


Suggesting perhaps that with regard to the past, Britain has no automatic claim to the moral high ground.


The black and tans being another case.

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That'll be the same British who pioneered the use of concentration camps in the second Boer war?


Suggesting perhaps that with regard to the past, Britain has no automatic claim to the moral high ground.


The black and tans being another case.


I dont know I would generally prefer to be caught by the British than anyone else.

Ask any Italian POW or indeed almost anyone who has been in conflict with the British.

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That still does not give the right or any excuse for one side to copy the other. If you are using that excuse then Hamas could set up death squads and give them forged British passports when they go on their killing missions.

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That still does not give the right or any excuse for one side to copy the other. If you are using that excuse then Hamas could set up death squads and give them forged British passports when they go on their killing missions.


You mean like the Palestinian death squad that killed the young Israeli athletes in cold blood at the Munich Olympics?

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That still does not give the right or any excuse for one side to copy the other. If you are using that excuse then Hamas could set up death squads and give them forged British passports when they go on their killing missions.


You mean like the Palestinian death squad that killed the young Israeli athletes in cold blood at the Munich Olympics?

No I meant the recent event where the Mossad agents obtained British passports by stealing the identities of British subjects then went out to assassinate a Hamas leader. As far as I know the Palestinian terrorists at Munich neither had British passports or where part of Hamas.

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No I meant the recent event where the Mossad agents obtained British passports by stealing the identities of British subjects then went out to assassinate a Hamas leader. As far as I know the Palestinian terrorists at Munich neither had British passports or where part of Hamas.


There remains no proof that what took place was a Mossad operation, only conjecture and circumstantial evidence, and a very great deal of circumstantial evidence that it was not. Many others wanted that thing dead.

Did it ever occour to you that the most effective Mossad operations are the ones that are never even considered as being hits, let alone hits undertaken by Mossad, or that Mossad is the only QANGO that “”takes out the trash?


You comment on things that you don’t have the first idea about.

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If Mrs Abdullah's boy has done something and the tanks are coming to destroy Mrs Abdullah's house I can understand Mrs Abdullah's community rallying round to try to stop this.


That type of community cohesion in resisting outsiders attacking them is incredibly strong - think of the Bogside, the Eastend during the Blitz, or the citizens of Dresden. Israel is actively creating that "spirit of the blitz" within the Palestinian community by its actions - its totally counter productive. A family in Dresden might have been totally against the Nazis, but would still have sent its young men to man an anti-aircraft battery when the sirens sounded.


That type of call to resist an invader is being answered throughout Gaza - Israel damns them all as Hamas supporters - it is far far more complicated than that - many of them do not support Hamas, but will support armed resistance to agressors attempting to destroy their homes and communities.




So tell me Mr C have there been more suicide bombers or less due to the "collective punishment" actions by Israel? Oh dear, you have no idea have you. You can only guess...


Of course Israel damns them all as Hamas supporters - because they bloody well voted them in! Hence the "collective responsibility" actions. As to International Law what has that done to prevent Hamas firing rockets at Israeli civilians? Did you answer "Fuck-all"? Well done, you've got that one absolutely right. As to the clowns who then try to play the "Geneva Convention" card because Israel is a signatory pray tell has Hamas signed it? Oh no, they haven't because they are not a state. Which means if Israel stuck clearly to the code they could put every Hamas fighter they get hold of up against a wall and Goodnight Vienna. All perfectly legally. As the regional superpower and with their weapons inventory I personally think they show restraint, no doubt mindful of US support.


International Law, the UN, the Geneva Convention etc etc are simply not fit for purpose when dealing with this kind of situation. Hardly surprising then that Israel takes it's actions as it does - because nothing else will produce any kind of result any time soon...

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No I meant the recent event where the Mossad agents obtained British passports by stealing the identities of British subjects then went out to assassinate a Hamas leader. As far as I know the Palestinian terrorists at Munich neither had British passports or where part of Hamas.


There remains no proof that what took place was a Mossad operation, only conjecture and circumstantial evidence, and a very great deal of circumstantial evidence that it was not. Many others wanted that thing dead.

Did it ever occour to you that the most effective Mossad operations are the ones that are never even considered as being hits, let alone hits undertaken by Mossad, or that Mossad is the only QANGO that ""takes out the trash?


You comment on things that you don't have the first idea about.


Ah I thought you had gone to sleep, so it seems you now know more than the rest of the world does now, anyway in answer to you usual sepculative and fictional comments may I refer you to the reply given in the case of Arkell v. Pressdram 1971

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may I refer you to the reply given in the case of Arkell v. Pressdram 1971


I don't need to look it up. But can you recall how it appeared in print?


I didn't ask you to look it up, the reply was not to you, therefore not required by you, nor do I need a pedantic answer.

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