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Killings In Cumbria


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What has happened in Cumbria is simply beyond me.


The terrible consequences of today for so many people are so sad, the random nature of the deaths so cruel.


My sympathy goes out to all involved.

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What has happened in Cumbria is simply beyond me.


The terrible consequences of today for so many people are so sad, the random nature of the deaths so cruel.


My sympathy goes out to all involved.


The world is full of nutters I'm afraid and Cumbria is no exception; he looks like just another sad lonely loser trying to end his shit meaningless existence in a blaze of glory and anger. What a sack of shit.

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As you can imagine, this is something that will live with us here in Cumbria for many years to come :(


You can't comprehend what was going through his mind at the time, and because of his cowardly exit from this earth, we may never know !!


My sympathy to all of those caught up in this :(



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Very sorry to hear of yet another suicide taking so many others with them. It is so hard to conceive why people do this. Our thoughts are with the victims' families and friends left behind, of course, but must also be with the family of the perpetrator. Truly shocking.


This is a senseless crime, but made sense to the gunman. I wish I understood how or why.

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I was getting txt updates from my sister in the north lakes before they knew where the madman was heading for, they were working in their front garden on the main road and she said all h*ll had broken out with police cars racing past.


She said it was also the day of the funeral of one of the school coach casualties (in Whitehaven ?) so probably disrupted that too


a very sad year up there.

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I was down near Reading on a course when the 1987 massacre took place. A few us coming back from the pub a bit pissed up after a long lunch heard people shouting at us 'get in, get in' and we wondered what the hell they were on about. Turned out he was a few miles west from us though.

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So why else do people need a gun ?



Vermin control.

Killing scummy theiving chavs breaking into your farmhouse.


That kind of thing...


For me the postal rate in the UK seems low bearing in mind how close we are forced to co-exist with one another.

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Ive got to ask why does anyone in the UK need a gun?

Clay pigeon shooters can use shotguns at their clubs and they can be locked up in a safe.

So why else do people need a gun ?


Hunting and pest control.


Plus its every mans right to own one if he wishes to.

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Does anyone think the media coverage of this has been irresponsible? It is well known that the perpetrators of mass shootings crave attention and infamy, especially in school shootings. The advice to the American media has been not to place too much emphasis on the story and particularly the killer, but this has been largely ignored. There have been four school shootings this year already in America; whether this is the same sort of case, with the same motives I don't know, but I would be very surprised if the British media had even considered this, or taken advice on it before publishing their stories. Derrick Bird's face occupies a central position on the BBC homepage, and there has been great interest shown in the man himself and his motives, with just about anyone who has ever so much as seen him being interviewed, like a woman who once went to nursery school with him. "ooh, i could tell he was a killer even then. He got very angry when i took his play doh."


Obviously this sort of thing does not happen too often in Britain because guns are more strictly controlled, so the media attention is understandable, and the likelihood of this inspiring other shootings, given their rarity, is very low, but the emphasis they have placed on the killer still strengthens that martyr archetype for anyone else who was thinking of taking a rifle and gunning down a dozen people.

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