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Albert Tatlock

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Excellent. While on the Island the other week I saw some local twat with two of his DNA samples in a BMW X5, said twat was puffing away while the poor kids were subjected to this.


Let's just ban cigarettes and introduce an all-Island speed limit at the same time.

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it is a good idea,i smoke myself but never in the company my nephews who stay with me quite often,in fact i rarely smoke at all now

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This interference in other people's lives is what makes modern life increasingly intolerable.




Agreed, but I still don't want a smoker interfering with my life by making me inhale his smoke!

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And what gives you the right to be your brother's keeper? You'd be better off minding your own business. This interference in other people's lives is what makes modern life increasingly intolerable.


And what gives you the right to say young children,s lungs should be polluted because some idiot cannot go without a cigarette for a short time, it is not interference in other peoples lives it is protecting children's health, mind you with your views I bet you enjoy seeing them hurt.

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I think we should put up UV, cosmic-ray and meteorite shelters in every playground too. Plus we should encase playgrounds in plastic bubbles to filter out car fumes.


It's outside. It'll be parks, beaches and any other 'public' property soon. And then the 'publically owned' and managed streets/roads next.


Thin end of the wedge. FO.

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I gave up smoking but I still think it's ace. What really really really pisses me off is all the rules that 'people who were born with no clothes on' (just like me....and you) are making up for people to have to live by. It is all a whole load of bullshit.


Do what you want, smoke where you want - who cares? little twats in yellow coats....Butlins bouncers....lmfao at their power.

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And what gives you the right to be your brother's keeper? You'd be better off minding your own business. This interference in other people's lives is what makes modern life increasingly intolerable.


And what gives you the right to say young children,s lungs should be polluted because some idiot cannot go without a cigarette for a short time, it is not interference in other peoples lives it is protecting children's health, mind you with your views I bet you enjoy seeing them hurt.

You really are a plonker! I never said that young children's lungs should be polluted etc. I did say that it's not your business to interfere in other people's lives when what is happening is nothing to do with you. You exemplify the "do-gooding" brigade who make people's lives a misery and who are really nothing more than psychologically inadequate socialists (and we all know how well that particular creed works out).


BTW, insults from the likes of you mean nothing.

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This interference in other people's lives is what makes modern life increasingly intolerable.


Agreed, but I still don't want a smoker interfering with my life by making me inhale his smoke!


That's your problem - buy an oxygen mask.


This is the open air we're talking about. If we we're that concerned about our children's lungs we wouldn't invite 40K bikers and their filthy exhausts here, but at some point we have to accept a tiny bit of inconvenience in our lives.

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I'm beginning to think there should be a rule whereby if a thread descends into the same old tired bickering about the same old topic before it even makes a second page it should be locked.

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