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Albert Tatlock

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So let me see if I understand. I’m doing something that isn’t affecting anyone else. Someone comes along and does something that IS afecting other people yet I’m expected to move.


Surely the poluter is the person who should stop polluting and in the case of kids and cigarettes it’s not just the filthy smoke, it’s the filthy selfish habit.

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I'm a smoker, I have smoked since I was 14 and i'm mid thirties now. I have tried on numerous occaisions to give up (including whilst pregnant x 3) and constantly fail. I strangly enough like smoking and having a fag but it breaks my heart that I have 3 beautiful children who I would never want to start smoking and still that is not enough to encourage me to stop, I am a slave to the evils of nicotine. I do not smoke in my house or car as I do not want my children to be affected by my smoke (although ironically enough they will be affected when I more than likely succumb to lung cancer later down the line). I feel embarrassed to smoke in the street, or at parks etc (as much as I would ideally like to have one) and feel that if I do have one in public I am like some social outcast, who may as well be shooting up a needle of heroin. Although from a good background with a great education and having a very good job, I think people think your a scummer if you smoke! You may all come on and call me selfish because I still choose to smoke - well go ahead and judge me, but unless you are a smoker, I think it is unfair to condemn, Nicotine does take a hold of you and it is very very hard to give up, even when the benefits and I applaud the people who have given up.

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I think Douglas Corporation should introduce this no smoking policy to the whole of the Douglas Borough!


We went down to the bottom of Bray Hill last night to watch the practices and a group of selfish twats all decided to hitch up (bearing in mind we are all squashed in the crowd like sardines to see some action)well that was it for us and others we had to move because of their selfish filthy dirty stinking habit :angry:


Rant over :rolleyes:




bet the ones that were smoking got that bit extra room as well after u left, so win win for them :cool:


Yes they were the social outcasts huddled together on their own when all the normal unselfish people were forced to move :angry:


So you are right they were the winners (as you put it) but it reinforced many peoples views that these type of people are very, very selfish for forcing upon us their filthy dirty stinking habit :angry:



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I used to smoke cigarettes that make the Virginea tobacco things that most people smoke smell like Pleasures by Estee Lauder.


Black Turkish tobacco things that when you inhaled really hit the spot and when I had to give up I went through hell.


I don’t think anyone can ever stop being a smoker. I could start again like I had never stopped. The best that can be hoped for is to be a smoker in remission and knowing that helped me. It ment that I wasn’t expecting to stop wanting to smoke but that I decided that I wouldn’t smoke. After a few weeks the headaches and pains of withdrawl eased and I came to terms with living without cigarettes.


Maybe if people did look on giving up smoking as being a smoker in remission instead of expecting to loose the desire for a cigarette it would make changing from being an active smoker to being a smoker it would set expectations to what was achievable and not what was unachievable and cause them to stop trying to give up.


It worked for me anyway.

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Smoking is really quite rubbish. Nicotine is a sneaky little addiction, people need to wake up to it and get over themselves. /smug exsmoker lol


Same here thebees, but giong to the question of the thread etc, I fully agree rules like the no smoking on decks on the pirates fast craft is a stupid rule, instead why not make a smoking area as the wind on these craft is usually enough to disperse any smoke before it gets further than 3" from the mouth, smokers should also be allowed to smoke anywhere that their smoke does not affect others, which is why common sense dictates that they should not be allowed to smoke around children, besides the fact the smoke can harm them and smell obnoxious, it also advertises smoking to young influential minds and as someone said, why should parent have to take butts out of the hands of toddlers because of a number of inconsiderate who deem it ok to drop them on the floor, So smoke if you wish, it is your free choice, but please keep away from child, think of others who may not like the smell and taste of your habit and do not litter by dropping your butts everywhere. And, before anyone pipes up about booze, yes I also object to pissed up idiots staggering around the streets and scaring kids.

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I'm a smoker, I have smoked since I was 14 and i'm mid thirties now. I have tried on numerous occaisions to give up (including whilst pregnant x 3) and constantly fail. I strangly enough like smoking and having a fag but it breaks my heart that I have 3 beautiful children who I would never want to start smoking and still that is not enough to encourage me to stop, I am a slave to the evils of nicotine. I do not smoke in my house or car as I do not want my children to be affected by my smoke (although ironically enough they will be affected when I more than likely succumb to lung cancer later down the line). I feel embarrassed to smoke in the street, or at parks etc (as much as I would ideally like to have one) and feel that if I do have one in public I am like some social outcast, who may as well be shooting up a needle of heroin. Although from a good background with a great education and having a very good job, I think people think your a scummer if you smoke! You may all come on and call me selfish because I still choose to smoke - well go ahead and judge me, but unless you are a smoker, I think it is unfair to condemn, Nicotine does take a hold of you and it is very very hard to give up, even when the benefits and I applaud the people who have given up.

If you want the nicotine then why not get one of those electronic cigarettes?
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WLTM if I can stop smoking anyone can. I think the nicotine replacement things are a massive waste of time and money, "Do your turkey" using nicotine replacement therapy is only prolonging the addiction. Nicotine dictates the level of your addiction so really the only way to stop is to fully stop with the nicotine. The first 3 weeks are the worst, you'll be amazed by the amount of 'free time' you find yourself with. Good luck, mrbees was super supportive, it helped.

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going slightly off on a tangent here... myself and sunny north were having a nice glass of chardonnay in the garden last night and we were discussing this thread and about smokers being social outcasts. We were chunnering on about how only a few decades ago it was "classy" to be seen with a fag delicately draped from you fingers and now, with the effects of smoking now known and the drain on health resources how it is just not acceptable any more and as a smoker you are nigh on seen as a leper. But anyway as the conversation went on we were wondering whether, maybe not my generation, but maybe in my kids generation or their kids generation, whether the same stance will be taken with alcohol, as all of a sudden it is in the limelight with the increase in alcohol related diseases draining NHS resources. I know it is all blamed on alkies and binge drinkers, but the reality is - is most people don't realise that they are damaging themselves just by having a few bevvies a week (I myself love a glass of wine of an evening time - and am probably damaging myself - along with the fags!!). But do you think that in a couple of decades time that drink will be extortionately priced - pubs will be seen as irrisponsible and closed down and people who drink will be as much of an outcast as a smoker in this day and age.....just a thought....

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going slightly off on a tangent here... myself and sunny north were having a nice glass of chardonnay in the garden last night and we were discussing this thread and about smokers being social outcasts. We were chunnering on about how only a few decades ago it was "classy" to be seen with a fag delicately draped from you fingers and now, with the effects of smoking now known and the drain on health resources how it is just not acceptable any more and as a smoker you are nigh on seen as a leper. But anyway as the conversation went on we were wondering whether, maybe not my generation, but maybe in my kids generation or their kids generation, whether the same stance will be taken with alcohol, as all of a sudden it is in the limelight with the increase in alcohol related diseases draining NHS resources. I know it is all blamed on alkies and binge drinkers, but the reality is - is most people don't realise that they are damaging themselves just by having a few bevvies a week (I myself love a glass of wine of an evening time - and am probably damaging myself - along with the fags!!). But do you think that in a couple of decades time that drink will be extortionately priced - pubs will be seen as irrisponsible and closed down and people who drink will be as much of an outcast as a smoker in this day and age.....just a thought....


It could happen. However you ingest wine yourself in your own space, its not like smoking where (to use an analogy) you take a swing and then spew it out on everyone within 10 feet of you so I doubt drinking would have the same long term social stigma. Smoking if you are a non smoker is putrid; you come home minging and with a fuggy bad head because of the horrid activities of other people. With alcohol if you come home stinking and with a banging headache its generally your own fault. Smoking is a horrible habit that you inflict on other people; unless your an angry drunk or an idiot drinking generally only harms yourself.

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and Douglas corporation now going to ban smoking outdoors !

(at their childrens play areas)



No surprise there, if they can make it illegal to sit or stand on a stone wall god knows what else will be outlawed. Pillocks.

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This interference in other people's lives is what makes modern life increasingly intolerable.

It doesn't matter how intolerable modern life becomes, it still remains very popular.

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