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Albert Tatlock

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Ah right, I get it LDV. So you're allowed to use the expressions 'fags' but others get reprimanded for doing so.


Theo, he politely asked that refrained from using a particular word in a particular way. He's using a similar word, but the meaning is different. Call a woman a dog and she gets upset, call a mutt a dog and he's not bothered - it's not the word that's the problem it's how it's used.


I read your post and his response. It looked to me like you'd unwittingly used the word in a casual way, unaware of the derogatory connotations it through up. LDV realised it wasn't intentional and politely pointed your faux pas and asked that you didn't repeat it. At that point, because you strike me as a reasonable guy, I expected to either post "sorry didn't realise I'll know next time" or if you didn't agree with him to just ignore the request. So I'm rather surprised you're being such an arse about it.

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A faggot is a faggot and no harm in saying so. If the deviants don't like it, tough!




The point is if you want to be a reasonable human being, who has some manners and is sensitive to people's feelings then avoid the word. But if you want to blunder through life seeing groups of people in such negative ways, then I guess you're going to carry on.

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I think the Park ban is utter stupidity thought up and backed by idiots. Feckin Nutters imo and should piss off an do something more useful with their lives.


To begin with, i don't smoke.


But then, when i take my kids to the park, unless someone was actually holding one of my kids and blowing smoke in their faces, i wouldn't make a blind difference if someone was smoking. If, however, the ban was brought in on the fear that a child might get burnt by knocking against a lit cigarette, i could at least see some sense, however little, in that. As we know, that's not the reason.


But let us take this brilliant piece of bollox, one step further and look at how easy it is to look good to the voting public, yet still have no idea about pollution and what toxins are little loved ones are really subjected to at some parks.


Park 1. Nobles Park at the lower end.


Next to a bus route, however minor, where with the wind blowing in the wrong way, our precious ones will be subjected to the toxic diesal shoite bellowed out by naughty buses. This will subject everyone in a wider area with the fumes only a ciggy the size of concorde could apply.


Park 2, Onchan Park at the top end. ( already banned smoking )


This has to be the best example of Arse and Elbow Applied Science on Island and should, imo, be given an award.


You cannot smoke in the play area, yet 3 and sometimes 4 nights a week, they hold Stock Car races not 100ft from it. I'm sure again, if the wind blows in the wrong direction, it will shower the seeds of our loins, with enough toxins that i'm supprised they don't glow in the dark.


But if you, heaven forbid, light a ciggy, you'd be set on by a load of screaming banshees and whipped to the gate.


I'm amazed that some people actually leave the safety of their home being they're so paranoid of the world around them.

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A faggot is a faggot and no harm in saying so. If the deviants don't like it, tough!

But what about the deviant sub-cultures (phrase © Kevin Woodford ?)

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I think the Park ban is utter stupidity thought up and backed by idiots. Feckin Nutters imo and should piss off an do something more useful with their lives.


To begin with, i don't smoke.


But then, when i take my kids to the park, unless someone was actually holding one of my kids and blowing smoke in their faces, i wouldn't make a blind difference if someone was smoking. If, however, the ban was brought in on the fear that a child might get burnt by knocking against a lit cigarette, i could at least see some sense, however little, in that. As we know, that's not the reason.


But let us take this brilliant piece of bollox, one step further and look at how easy it is to look good to the voting public, yet still have no idea about pollution and what toxins are little loved ones are really subjected to at some parks.


Park 1. Nobles Park at the lower end.


Next to a bus route, however minor, where with the wind blowing in the wrong way, our precious ones will be subjected to the toxic diesal shoite bellowed out by naughty buses. This will subject everyone in a wider area with the fumes only a ciggy the size of concorde could apply.


Park 2, Onchan Park at the top end. ( already banned smoking )


This has to be the best example of Arse and Elbow Applied Science on Island and should, imo, be given an award.


You cannot smoke in the play area, yet 3 and sometimes 4 nights a week, they hold Stock Car races not 100ft from it. I'm sure again, if the wind blows in the wrong direction, it will shower the seeds of our loins, with enough toxins that i'm supprised they don't glow in the dark.


But if you, heaven forbid, light a ciggy, you'd be set on by a load of screaming banshees and whipped to the gate.


I'm amazed that some people actually leave the safety of their home being they're so paranoid of the world around them.


As you are so fond of taking your kids to the park you should take them to Hyde Park. And more specifically Speaker's Corner, where similarly insane rantings are to be loudly encountered week in, week out.

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A faggot is a faggot and no harm in saying so. If the deviants don't like it, tough!




The point is if you want to be a reasonable human being, who has some manners and is sensitive to people's feelings then avoid the word. But if you want to blunder through life seeing groups of people in such negative ways, then I guess you're going to carry on.

All, of course, a matter of YOUR opinion! Personally, I think there is too much of this "sensitivity" around - people simply end up saying things they do not really mean. An honest communication is far better than mealy-mouthed political correctness.

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Depends on what you want to be honest about. If you want to be honest about your belief that people of another race, of another sexual orientation, who are disabled, and of course women are genuinely deserving of being categorised as something separate or other than the group you belong to and that this 'other' is inferior then go right ahead and use what words you want. Nobody is stopping you.

But people whose minds are not clouded in ignorance will find it offensive and will think you a cunt.

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But people whose minds are clouded in ignorance will find it offensive and will think you a cunt.

Somehow I don't think this is what you intended to say! If those whose minds are clouded in ignorance think that of me, why should I care? Presumably the enlightened will have the opposite opinion. Temper get the better of you in typing that comment?

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