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Saville Report Released

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Peace. Not worth the paper it is written on.


In the decade leading up to the ceasefires and cessation of operations declared by the Provisional IRA and Loyalist groups, around 930 lives were lost in the troubles. In the decade after there were around 180 deaths which could be attributed to paramilitary or sectarian activity. That's what peace is worth.


It's by no means perfect, but more or less 700 lives are worth a damn sight more than a supercilious sneer born out of wilful ignorance.

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Let’s just keep in mind that 763 British Troops were killed in Northern Ireland let alone how many injured or how many British civilians killed and injured by SCUM.


Not killed by mistake as a result of believing that they were being opened fire on (if indeed it WAS a mistake) but by deliberate cold blooded cowardice by murdering terrorists, mostly from Eire or those who demand that Britain hands over a part of Britain to a foreign country.


I can remember graffiti along the lines of “Para’s 13, IRA nil” that was to be seen in some places at the time. That graffiti was wrong then and,it certainly is wrong today. Today at best it should read “Para’s 13, Terrorists 736”.



Bloody Sunday in any other conflict would be a case of War Crimes.


Let's hope that the murder victims families show the same tencity as the Isralies in bringing the killers to justice no matter how long it takes

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Let’s just keep in mind that 763 British Troops were killed in Northern Ireland let alone how many injured or how many British civilians killed and injured by SCUM.


Not killed by mistake as a result of believing that they were being opened fire on (if indeed it WAS a mistake) but by deliberate cold blooded cowardice by murdering terrorists, mostly from Eire or those who demand that Britain hands over a part of Britain to a foreign country.


I can remember graffiti along the lines of “Para’s 13, IRA nil” that was to be seen in some places at the time. That graffiti was wrong then and,it certainly is wrong today. Today at best it should read “Para’s 13, Terrorists 736”.



Bloody Sunday in any other conflict would be a case of War Crimes.


Let's hope that the murder victims families show the same tencity as the Isralies in bringing the killers to justice no matter how long it takes


Let's hope they're better than that, and that everyone can move on.

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Let's hope that the murder victims families show the same tencity as the Isralies in bringing the killers to justice no matter how long it takes


Let's hope they're better than that, and that everyone can move on.


Hear, Hear! What would 3,500 murder trials solve? The main political parties have moved on. Time for others to follow and to focus on the future not the past.

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I've encountered quite a few English squaddies over the years. They were all thick as pig shit and that's a denigration of pig shit.

I take it that statement includes my old 5 man det, between the 5 of us there are seven degrees, 1 phd, 8 HNC's, professions are Doctor, Senior police officer, 2 Engineers and a high risk assesment consultant, all thick as pig shit are we?





Not quite sure what you're on about, I don't know your family from Adam, so how can I judge? You sound like a self satisfied lot though, if you're anything to go by. English are you? Just an observation based on your generally stated attitude and opinions, gives me the impression that you most likely are English. Does that matter? Should it matter? No, not at all but sadly the English do tend to have a habit of failing to see that there is a difference between themselves and other nations occupying these islands we all call home. To be honest it's my belief that their (the English) failure to grasp the subtleties of the difference between our respective nations and traditions is innocent,naive and without malice, most English, like the rest of us, are decent people. Nonetheless there'd be a lot more good will towards the English in general if more of them would realize that we don't all subscribe to 'God Save the Queen' and English 'tradition' and are quite entitled to retain such an opinion.


As this thread is full of biased generalisations, I may as well stick to mine. Yes, in my experience, most run of the mill squaddies and lance jacks are thick as pig shit.

I never mentioned my family, where on earth did you get that idea from, a det is a small detatchment in a military unit, nor did I even mention english attitudes, I was commenting on your stupid generalisation that all squaddies are thick, on the god save the queen bit, I couldn't give a shit about the queen or england, I joined up because it was the easiest way to continue my education and also get paid because at that time it would have been impossible for my parents to afford to send me to uni. It seems not only squaddies are as thick as pig shit but also the ones who deam it fair game to generalise and insult them all.



Hands up I was wrong, stupidly I failed to recognise your military spiel (and indoctrination?) which I mistakenly took to be about your family. Though suppose talking about the CO as your 'old man' certainly gives food for thought, nonetheless my genuine and sincere apology. I've never been full time military, just in the RN Reserves which I joined for purely selfish reasons, I wanted to go to sea, certainly not to preserve the shitty Royals. Then, same as now, I hadn't the slightest interest in serving 'Her Majesty'. When taking the oath of allegiance to the parasitic Royal family I crossed my fingers and thought 'f*ck you, your maj I don't intend dying for a privileged rich, disfunctional and strange, 'family'. During my time with the reserves I met lots of squaddies and matelots, all of them brave and decent blokes but most with no idea about how they were being used to support a class based system. You won't agree I'm sure but basically military service, and our class based society, depends on ill educated poor people seeking a way to escape, for a short time, their predicament. Predictably few of them ever realize that they're being shafted right up the backside.


I still reckon you're English, not Manx. You share a trait of many English here in that you think, and desire, that we are more or less an English county but with low tax. Hate to say it but you are all wrong, despite the efforts of Tynwald we are Manx, most certainly not English. Made a mistake about your family but bet I'm not wrong about you being English.


Incidentally the football World Cup is currently very popular and there's lots of English Nationalism very apparent here just now. I wonder what on earth the point is of these people living here? They obviously have no consideration for the Isle of Man. We aren't English, who cares about a foreign country's footbsll team? Not me, in fact I've just acquired an 'anybody but England' car sticker.

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I still reckon you're English, not Manx. You share a trait of many English here in that you think, and desire, that we are more or less an English county but with low tax. Hate to say it but you are all wrong, despite the efforts of Tynwald we are Manx, most certainly not English. Made a mistake about your family but bet I'm not wrong about you being English.


Incidentally the football World Cup is currently very popular and there's lots of English Nationalism very apparent here just now. I wonder what on earth the point is of these people living here? They obviously have no consideration for the Isle of Man. We aren't English, who cares about a foreign country's footbsll team? Not me, in fact I've just acquired an 'anybody but England' car sticker.


I never said I wasn't english, but you are completely wrong there, again you make generalisations without knowing facts, I have never thought of here as just a county, I may be one of the few who came here because I liked the place not because of the tax, in fact i took a £7.5k drop to move here, I have never or will never try to change here to be like england, we have gone out of our way to adopt the lifestyle here and accept things are as they are, and as we like it by the way, we came here knowing it was another country and fully accept that, I hold no ties with england and would if it was possible renounce my english citizenship, I have no intention of ever returning there, so as you see there are some english who do our best to fit in despite the efforts of bigoted individuals to assume otherwise. Oh just to add I detest football and would support any but england if I did, same as I support Ireland for rugby. As for you saying my army time was all the serve queen and country crap, what bit of "on the god save the queen bit, I couldn't give a shit about the queen or england, I joined up because it was the easiest way to continue my education and also get paid because at that time it would have been impossible for my parents to afford to send me to uni." did you not understand.

So to sum up I love Mann, I owe nothing to england or any loyalty to it or it's queen, and I would not dream of changing anything here, I like things just the way they are. Now what's the next speculative bigoted insult your going to come up with?

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You share a trait of many English here in that you think, and desire, that we are more or less an English county but with low tax. Hate to say it but you are all wrong, despite the efforts of Tynwald we are Manx, most certainly not English. Made a mistake about your family but bet I'm not wrong about you being English.


Incidentally the football World Cup is currently very popular and there's lots of English Nationalism very apparent here just now. I wonder what on earth the point is of these people living here? They obviously have no consideration for the Isle of Man. We aren't English, who cares about a foreign country's footbsll team? Not me, in fact I've just acquired an 'anybody but England' car sticker.

ffs :rolleyes:
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Incidentally the football World Cup is currently very popular and there's lots of English Nationalism very apparent here just now. I wonder what on earth the point is of these people living here? They obviously have no consideration for the Isle of Man. We aren't English, who cares about a foreign country's footbsll team? Not me, in fact I've just acquired an 'anybody but England' car sticker.

'I don't care so much I bought a car sticker'


You obviously care, but perhaps have a sense of jealousy over the fact England is competing on the world stage and most people have never heard of the IoM? Incidentally, it is your team because the Manx FA play for the English FA in nationals.

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...the fact England is competing on the world stage...

The fact is...most England fans think they are not.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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...the fact England is competing on the world stage...

The fact is...most England fans think they are not.


Driving back from Hornsea to Manchester today we counted 63 dead St George's flags in the road or on the verge. Quite sad of us really. Open the windows and your investment in patriotism is gone! Someone's making a wedge from it though...

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Let's hope that the murder victims families show the same tencity as the Isralies in bringing the killers to justice no matter how long it takes


Let's hope they're better than that, and that everyone can move on.


Hear, Hear! What would 3,500 murder trials solve? The main political parties have moved on. Time for others to follow and to focus on the future not the past.

Not sure I agree. I think they have good reason for wanting individuals punished, if they are responsible for shooting people when they were not threatened by the same particular people. It doesn't matter that it is Northern Ireland and things are peaceful at present. The British State has to be shown to take some responsibility by carefully investigating the matter and holding those responsible for making any wronful decisions to account.


We all know who is responsible for terrorism conducted by nationalists and loyalists, what they did, and why. But the terrorism committing on Bloody Sunday has never undergone thorough analysis and popular perceptions in Britain are often that it was the fault of the Irish.

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