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Saville Report Released

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Incidentally the football World Cup is currently very popular and there's lots of English Nationalism very apparent here just now. I wonder what on earth the point is of these people living here? They obviously have no consideration for the Isle of Man. We aren't English, who cares about a foreign country's footbsll team? Not me, in fact I've just acquired an 'anybody but England' car sticker.

'I don't care so much I bought a car sticker'


You obviously care, but perhaps have a sense of jealousy over the fact England is competing on the world stage and most people have never heard of the IoM? Incidentally, it is your team because the Manx FA play for the English FA in nationals.




Care? Only in that it is yet another example of how we are being overrun by the English.


Some of the replies to this thread provide examples of how the English just don't 'get' the fact that not everybody in the British Isles feels affinity to England. Maybe that's why the English are generally disliked by the Scots, Welsh and Irish. Sad thing is so few of you have any idea whatsoever.

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Some of the replies to this thread provide examples of how the English just don't 'get' the fact that not everybody in the British Isles feels affinity to England. Maybe that's why the English are generally disliked by the Scots, Welsh and Irish. Sad thing is so few of you have any idea whatsoever.


Most Scottish, Welsh, Irish or Manx people don't dislike English people - just the ones that go around our countries flying tacky flags they bought in a garage, or got free with The Sun. Even then, it wouldn't bother me if they actually had something to celebrate - in which case I'd be happy for them. Maybe they could agree to only fly they flags when they actually win a game, and then only for maximum of 24 hours? (As it happens, my prediction success rate for the England football team in World Cups is pretty good - and I reckon they might just chalk up a jammy win tomorrow).


I'll be happy to see a few saltires flying when Andy Murray wins Wimbledon too.

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PK - your use of the term 'Bog Trotter' and your simplistic, one-sided view of the troubles in NI confirms what an army recruiting officer told me when I was working in schools as a Careers Teacher - 'Find us people with half a brain and we'll supply the rest'!

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As it happens, my prediction success rate for the England football team in World Cups is pretty good - and I reckon they might just chalk up a jammy win tomorrow.



I believe OXO are making a special world cup cube, it's white with a red cross in it and it cheers people up,







they are calling it the laughing stock.

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the miserable cock up that was Widgery (and it could probably have been a lot shorter if the MoD hadn't been so determined to attempt to thwart investigations into Bloody Sunday).


Factoid: Lord Justice Widgery was married to a Manx woman and used to holiday in Kirk Michael during the 1960s.

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Being half a bog-trotter, I find your comments offensive and reinforcing of the Saville Report findings, that most of the soldiery were ignorant buffoons, only acting on orders.


No problem for me. Spend your time preventing your Irish "friends" from having their house burnt down and despite your saving them from that then have them turn on you by deluging you with rotten eggs, rotten veg, bags of dogshit, tampons etc etc and then get them to spit at you and then draw you out so some cowardly sniper can try and kill you. Get them to follow it up with ripping apart iron railings and get them to throw one unluckily between your visor and shield so you get a scar in your throat just like mine.


Then come on here and try and tell me what constitutes being "offensive" - and guess what? I'll laugh in your face...


I don't think PK is stupid, but it is an unfortunate that he uses the particularly racist term 'bog trotter' and 'trotter'.


We have every right after what they did to us. The Harridans of Hate are well named. Supporting murdering scum. End of.

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No problem for me. Spend your time preventing your Irish "friends" from having their house burnt down and despite your saving them from that then have them turn on you by deluging you with rotten eggs, rotten veg, bags of dogshit, tampons etc etc and then get them to spit at you and then draw you out so some cowardly sniper can try and kill you. Get them to follow it up with ripping apart iron railings and get them to throw one unluckily between your visor and shield so you get a scar in your throat just like mine.


Then come on here and try and tell me what constitutes being "offensive" - and guess what? I'll laugh in your face...


Of course, what this neglects is that 1 Para wasn't subject to that treatment on a regular basis. They were the Province's reserve battalion, spending much of their time holed up in Palace Barracks in Holywood waiting to be called out.


The irony of course is that those units that did see that kind of reception on any regular basis (such as those stationed in Derry) tended on the whole to be more restrained in their actions, and there had in fact been criticisms and concerns from those same units regarding the deployment of the Paras, both before and after Bloody Sunday.


What PK in his usual two-dimensional tirade and bluster way fails to recognise is that the Saville report wasn't judging 1 Para by some arbitrary standard, it was judging them by the very standard set by the Army at the time and in particular its conduct in similar circumstances. And it found a number of its members not just lacking, but as having lied and obfuscated in the immediate aftermath to cover up their actions.

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Maybe it was personal.


No "maybe" about it. You're there - they want to kill you.


I've had three folks on "ignore" for years now. Two because they love handing it out but get really arsey when on the receiving end and the third is for health reasons i.e. I simply can't get to the end of one of their typically banal, boring, appallingly turgid posts without my will to live just ebbing away. I see VinnieK is active here and probably still so desperate to diss me that he doesn't realise that unless you've been there little man you are in no position to judge. Sure God has given you eyes so you can read reports but that doesn't mean you are in a position to judge - it just means you can read. I was in a "professional" regiment and I think the breakdown in discipline by the paras was deplorable. But I can understand it, as can anyone who was there. Which means, of course, those who weren't there can't. But the Parachute Regiment and their come down hard ethos are needed. But you need to be a plank to know that.


Pontificate away little people, as an empty vessel makes the most noise...

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I've had three folks on "ignore" for years now. Two because I wet my pants and pout whenever I'm shown to be the fool I am.


However, typically I come on without logging on and if I'm feeling really really brave I'll pretend a "friend", of which I have none, messaged me to inform me that someone was disagreeing with me, or somesuch.


I'm not desperate to diss you P.K., although it is a lot of fun. I'm not even sure I "diss" you, though I do make fun of you from time to time. In fact, I can't even remember the last time I even responded to one of your posts.


Anyway, if I respond it's because you're talking crap, and it's not my fault if you do that so often - just look at this thread, you got the stated mission of the initial British deployment wrong, the nature of 1 Paras role in the early troubles wrong... but this is you all over. You come on, spew some vague generalities with an ill-judged air of superiority, and then quickly fall apart when it comes down to even the most rudimentary of details, and then, instead of answering posts disagreeing with you directly, have a pissy little hissy fit. In other words, you're all bluff and no substance, and I wouldn't even be surprised to find that, at least on occassion you're a bit of a mitty to boot.


Nice to see you're playing the poor health card as well. Now who was it that tried that fairly recently? I never knew diseases could be passed from human to lapdog.

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