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Water Meters


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Reading the on line news I note that the softening up process has started that will lead to water meters.


I wonder if there will soon be road pricing introduced as another fill-in for the cash hole created by the Manx having to pay for themselves.


And how long before graduated electricity and gas prices that see the cost per unit increase with consumption.


The cost of independence is responsibility. It ain't gonna come cheap.

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I wonder if there will soon be road pricing introduced as another fill-in for the cash hole created by the Manx having to pay for themselves.

The cost of independence is responsibility. It ain't gonna come cheap.


UK £900bn national debt. Who are you to patronise the Manx?

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I wonder if there will soon be road pricing introduced as another fill-in for the cash hole created by the Manx having to pay for themselves.

The cost of independence is responsibility. It ain't gonna come cheap.


UK £900bn national debt. Who are you to patronise the Manx?

I'm not patronising anybody, simply pointing out that continued independence may be a price that can not be afforded.


What I WOULD add is that the UK isn't £9090 in debt. The total indebtedness of the UK when public and private sectors are combined runs into trillions. Form a positional standpoint the Isle of Man is far less in debt than the UK on a per capita basis, but on the other hand the UK is able to continue to fund its problem by issuing Gilts, I'm not at all sure that the Isle of Man is in such a fortunate position.


The other point is that the possibility of a double dip recesssion for the UK and probably the rest of the West is now looking like a certainty, and the clock is ticking for the US$.


Obama is whistling up a storm with his fiscal strategy.


But I digress.


The real issue is how long before water meters?

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Methinks the 'gentleman' doth protest too much.


Probably just pissed off because there maybe nothing and no one left for him to come back to. :)


There's an element of truth in that. For me the Isle of Man is now just a huge grave marker.

It saddens me to think how I had to leave my home or face a "summer on the horse trams - winter on the dole" life. It especially saddens me to have watched how The Usual Suspects and their offspring have behaved - and how the real Manxies that I knew and yes, loved, have been taken to the cleaners.

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The real issue is how long before water meters?


Sooner or later, and who cares? You pay for petrol based on the amount you use, beer on the amount you consume, why not so with water? It'll reduce wastage and bring a little reality to life.


Bring it on, bring it on.


The Island's finaces are in good order, it can be afforded by everyone.

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Don't really mind, I'm in favour of meters, and don't see it as an economic 'bail out' issue.

For single person households who don't water their gardens going onto a meter brought my UK water bill down to 25% of that estimated by the rateable value (and a significant % is still fixed costs rather than usage) - when the water bill in Peel began to be high I enquired about meters and I would be one of the first to adopt it based on my UK experience.

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The Island's finaces are in good order, it can be afforded by everyone.

I am not sure whether this is a serious comment or not! It is so far from reality that I can only assume you are being sarcastic.


No debts, low unemployment, low taxes, free quality healthcare, good infrastructure (apart from potholes). Show me anywhere else in the western world which comes close.


Apart from one radio presenter I would like to see strangled it's hard to complain - although there seem to be many who have retired to the Island to take up this challenge.

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For single person households who don't water their gardens going onto a meter brought my UK water bill down to 25% of that estimated by the rateable value (and a significant % is still fixed costs rather than usage) - when the water bill in Peel began to be high I enquired about meters and I would be one of the first to adopt it based on my UK experience.


Yep, we've got two large water buts for the garden, an efficient toilet, washing machine and an eco shower. Doesn't make any difference to our rates though. Bring on meters.

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I am all for water meters, it makes people think about what they waste, as Slim said it doesnt take much to set up a grey water system for toilets etc, in most cases it has proven to actualy save people money, there are places in the UK that water boards want to remove meters because revenue has gone down but the can't so I think places now think very carefully before they allow them.

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Plus, of course, huge hole in revenue budget (tax rises coming?), severe public expenditure cuts coming (level of NHS services, etc. under threat?), increasing unemployment as Government hacks expenditure, inadequate sewage system (which will require another large fortune to deal with), often poor roads (save, of course, for the Holy TT Course), a gloomy outlook for the Island's main income generator (the Finance Sector), an inordinately expensive power station still to pay for, gas main replacements which need funding by Government, etc., etc. Not exactly a healthy financial prospect.

I suspect that the low paid on the Island (and there are a lot of them) will contest the view that everyone can afford higher water charges.

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..... there are places in the UK that water boards want to remove meters because revenue has gone down but the can't so I think places now think very carefully before they allow them.

And there we have the crux of the issue. Water meters, if allowed, are bound to fail because waster is not a limited or precious commodity on IOM.

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