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Jersey Jails Nigerian Businessman


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I wonder if the IOM has any of the missing money from Nigeria stashed away here?


At least the court in Jersey seems to have given Mt Bhojwani a decent sentence. I wonder if they have repaid the money to the Nigerian Government too? It sounds as if there is a lot of money still missing.

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Good film that with Ava Gardner and Stewart Granger IIRC.


Anyway our Judge Dreads are too busy crucifying Trev.

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Reading that report, maybe the collapse of the Savings and Investment Bank (in 1982) would have read not dissimilarly in some respects.


In that matter, fortunately for some of those in our midst our Government instigated investigation took a number of protracted years and by the time that matter came to "justice" it was considered too late as people's memories would have become faded.


The sighs of relief on our little Island from some were almost audible all round.

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Dearest manshimajin Sir


this is George Agdgdgwngo from your bank, if I could just take your sort code, account number and verify your security password...



Dear Mr Agdgdgwngo


Thank you for your thoughtful message. I see from the background to your photograph that you live close to me in Castletown. We should meet up in the Glue Pot to take this matter further.


Kind regards


Sir Manshimajin

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My friend


I have been unlawfully imprisoned in the Chanel Islands of Jersy. The price for my bail has been set at £29,000. I can easily afford this, as I am a hardworking businessman with over £20 million to my name, but I need help to bring it into the UK banking system.


God be with you.


Dr Bojwan.

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Dearest Friends

Please vote for me

I will use all my fantastic Jedi Duck skills, contacts and business acumen to make you lots of money as you are all very kind and good persons

May Baby Jeebus hold his hand over you


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I wonder if the IOM has any of the missing money from Nigeria stashed away here?


Jersey's Royal Court heard how Raj Bhojwani – a 53-year-old multimillionaire businessman who set up a charity in Lagos providing free glasses to all shortsighted school children – deposited US$184m (£122m) in a Bank of India account on the island after checking Jersey's bank secrecy laws.


He must have seen it coming then!

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