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Douglas Under Siege, Lock Your Doors, Do Not Answer Them

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Please note some phrases which do not repel pests:


"sorry, no"

"honestly I'm very busy"

"no, sorry"

"please, I'm just not interested"

"please, I'm too busy and I don't want to be rude"

"sorry, please just fuck off now"

"I'll set my dog on you in a minute" this one from my mother, most amusing, still didn't fuck off though!


Ended up just closing the door.

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I was slowing down for a junction in Castletown when a smartly suited young man gestured to me to stop by him, which I duly did. I thought he may be lost or needed help. After I wound t5he passenger window down he asked me if I had time to talk about the Lord Jesus.


I was flabbergassed at his front and told him where to go as politely as I could!!!

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The Mormons are always invading... nothing new there. You can use whatever language you choose, they're quite used to it and they'll move on. Nothing new there either. Don't get your pants in a wad.


As for the behaviour mentioned by Hugh - it shouldn't be happening like that, and I apologise on behalf of the church that it is. I would appreciate it if any accounts like that are reported to me by personal message.. and I will take it up with them. In that respect, I'm talking real inappropriate behaviour (though I know to some, even them being here might be deemed inappropriate :P ) such as that mentioned by Hugh.


One thing I would point out again - these missionaries are individuals. As with any organisation, you do get people who misrepresent and go to far. That's true in sales, marketing and even charity work. Whilst the church cannot watch the individual missionaries at all times (and so cannot physically ensure that they are acting appropriately and courteously) we do try to keep a watchful eye as much as is possible.


The work will always go on - and you'd be surprised about how useful it is. Though naturally, I don't expect you to accept that. If you're not interested, just ignore them. They don't target you - though I can appreciate, it may feel that way at times. It is accidental if they appear to do so.


But most importantly, they should be respectful.. and act appropriately.

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Let me make it clear from the outset. I'm not going to debate anything here. You may as usual take the opportunity to insult me and mock the church... but I won't be involved. Any genuine concerns can be brought up by personal message.


Thank you.

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I think anyone who acts harshly to a Mormon (or even a Je'hove) at their door is a wanker. It's not big or clever to be horrible.


Yes, they are delusional people and they (and other Christians) have appalling beliefs, but these people are so credulous and misguided that they have left their home, family, and friends to come to a foreign country, not for enjoyment or a holiday. It may not be SO bad on the Isle of Man, even though it isn't the most interesting and 'happening' of places, but some are so brainwashed they go to Salford to do God's work.


A lot will probably have been indoctrinated and mentally abused as young children by being taught these Christian beliefs. It's very sad and we should feel sorry for them. But not treat them like shit.

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It is very silly to call them names to their face or on this forum. I have all ways found them civil and have treated then acordingly


To call them " Morons" just takes the brain cell of an ant to think up and it shows too.


I was on my way to see a customer and told him so without swearing or name calling. I did think at the time he was North American and how did he get here. Is he on a holiday visa?

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It is very silly to call them names to their face or on this forum. I have all ways found them civil and have treated then acordingly


To call them " Morons" just takes the brain cell of an ant to think up and it shows too.


I was on my way to see a customer and told him so without swearing or name calling. I did think at the time he was North American and how did he get here. Is he on a holiday visa?

I lived in North America a good few years ago where the mormon population was quite high. These poor kids get sent to do"their mission" for often up to a year. I feel sorry for them. They are sent like lambs to the slaughter where people openly ridicule them. Its not their fault they are here (quite often they don't want to even come - and why would they when it seems folk are quite happy to verbally - and worse - abuse them. Don't get me wrong, I hate the whole knocking on doors concept but no need to be rude to them.

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It is very silly to call them names to their face or on this forum. I have all ways found them civil and have treated then acordingly


To call them " Morons" just takes the brain cell of an ant to think up and it shows too.


I was on my way to see a customer and told him so without swearing or name calling. I did think at the time he was North American and how did he get here. Is he on a holiday visa?

You are quite rights. But I wonder why they aren't called Morons though. It would have made more sense. It was the angel Moroni, not Mormoni.
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