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Douglas Under Siege, Lock Your Doors, Do Not Answer Them

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And neither mormons nor witnesses are considered Christians, except by themselves.


That's simply not true. But go on...


From what im given to understand on the subject, mormons and witnesses are not real christians as they do not accept the essential doctrines of christianity.


real christians accept each others doctrinal differences, but reject those christ-like cults that are too far removed from the core beliefs that make a christian, christian.


But if its any consolation you're all as crazy as one another to me......


The definition of a 'Christian' is quite straightforward. We fit into that definition.


What you'll find is that other churches have created their own definition of the word. Essentially, we do not believe in the Trinity, so they want to exclude us from 'Christianity'. But that is their interpretation of the word, not the true definition.

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Now they've targeted Mrs. Sausages. Leaving the front door to get the little chipolota out of the car, they asked if they could tell her about their bible. "Not now, I've got to get the little 'un out of the car". She ran to the car, they ran after her shouting "We can help you spend more time with your family in the afterlife!" "Not now, I'm busy". "It'll only take a minute". "I'M BUSY!" - all while she was unstrapping the baby chair. What is wrong with their brains? Brain AIDS, that's what.


I've said this before, and I'll say it again.


If missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints (Mormon's) are acting in this manner, send me a personal message to me and I can take up the issue with them. They have been told not to chase people, shout after them etc. If you are truly bothered by the matter, let me know the details etc and I'll sort it out. However, if you only want to make an issue in the forums, then I don't see that as showing real intent.


To be clear, our missionaries wear a name badge showing the full name of the Church. If the individuals you meet are not wearing the badges, they are not missionaries from our church.

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The definition of a 'Christian' is quite straightforward. We fit into that definition.


What you'll find is that other churches have created their own definition of the word. Essentially, we do not believe in the Trinity, so they want to exclude us from 'Christianity'. But that is their interpretation of the word, not the true definition.

As someone else said, you're all fruitcakes anyway...but THIS CHART does show a LOT of differenced between mainstream Christianity and Mormonism.


The thread is probably being derailed - but you're the one who argued this bit.

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And neither mormons nor witnesses are considered Christians, except by themselves.


That's simply not true. But go on...


From what im given to understand on the subject, mormons and witnesses are not real christians as they do not accept the essential doctrines of christianity.


real christians accept each others doctrinal differences, but reject those christ-like cults that are too far removed from the core beliefs that make a christian, christian.


But if its any consolation you're all as crazy as one another to me......


The definition of a 'Christian' is quite straightforward. We fit into that definition.


What you'll find is that other churches have created their own definition of the word. Essentially, we do not believe in the Trinity, so they want to exclude us from 'Christianity'. But that is their interpretation of the word, not the true definition.



Its not just 'other' churches, its official christian churches, denominations officially recognized by the highest authority of the christian faith. Members of these churches have reliably informed me that mormons and witnesses are not real christian and that their perversions of the essential doctrines are an afront to god and jesus. they seem quite sure than the mormon and witness cults have been led astray by the evil one and smugly (which worried me) assured me that there was no place in the afterlife for them.


Like i said before religion is all one and the same to me, but it would certainly appear to an outsider that mormons (and witnesses) are not widely accepted as christians by the more recognisable denominations. (which do recognise each other)

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I've been very surprised to see how many people are looking forward to seeing where I put this chap





And rather surprisingly many a very devout Christian from all denomination of said fairy tale.


My green man is going to go some where on our Veterinary Practice where he's hiding but if you look hard you might just spot him. The clue is he's looking at the sunrise!


EDIT: Just to add it's late and It's not good to be taking photos with a torch and a digital camera at this time of night. Oh and Merlot too!

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Its not just 'other' churches, its official christian churches, denominations officially recognized by the highest authority of the christian faith*.


There is no official. Or, if there is, then you get into the whole made-up business of apostolic succession. The word official has no real meaning in this context (in most contexts really) - it just comes down to words and politics.


You could say that you were the official something-or-another. Someone else (perhaps even some state with an army) might once have confirmed that - and then you passed on the right to be official on your say-so. And so on through history. This is how it works but it would be no more or less intrinsically meaningful. In terms of the apostelic succession (it's about a succession of bishops), the Baptists and Methodists (and all the dour or guitar strumming offshoots) are probably on very shaky ground - as are nearly all non denominational so called Christian churches.


Religion is basically an idea which spreads and evolves like a virus. No religion is any more or less official than, for example, a particular political schism (eg 3rd International more or less mirrored the idea of apostolic succession).



* I think that they would argue that there is only one (or possibly 2 or possibly 3 highest authorities.

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If you accept the Apostolic Succession then the Roman Catholic Church is the only legitimate one, led by the direct successor to Peter, the Vicar of Christ.

Are they into wild parties and flagilation?

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If you accept the Apostolic Succession then the Roman Catholic Church is the only legitimate one, led by the direct successor to Peter, the Vicar of Christ.


The Vatican recognises various of the eastern Orthodox churches.

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