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Douglas Under Siege, Lock Your Doors, Do Not Answer Them

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The action is more important than being pedantic and getting the spelling right.


These god bothers even screw up a perfectly god flagellation session Jimbms, they do SELF-flagellation, usually in response to feeling guilty about their sexual desires.


What a waste!

I know it is terrible and they only do it one handed without music, I mean how can you have a good flogging session without decent music and not doing a double or even double reverse florentine, and they only use one type of flogger, which anyone knows is useless, I prefer to feel a nice fine horsehair one to start then move on to the suede and feel the full leather just before subspace sets in. They have no style or class.

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The action is more important than being pedantic and getting the spelling right.


These god bothers even screw up a perfectly god flagellation session Jimbms, they do SELF-flagellation, usually in response to feeling guilty about their sexual desires.


What a waste!

I know it is terrible and they only do it one handed without music, I mean how can you have a good flogging session without decent music and not doing a double or even double reverse florentine, and they only use one type of flogger, which anyone knows is useless, I prefer to feel a nice fine horsehair one to start then move on to the suede and feel the full leather just before subspace sets in. They have no style or class.


And they have a terrible affect on society, Burdening people with guilt over the perfectly natural desires of the flesh. that has to be the worse doctrinal problem of religion, its ridiculous stance on sex.

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I'm not from Isle of Man, so I apologise for butting in but we all have same problem with mormons and jehovahs witnesses, they just will not take no for an answer. I live in Norfolk, East Anglia just now and just after moving her I opened the door to 2 young fellas - mormons! You can tell them a mile off as they dress alike and have black haversacks on their backs. I told them I wasn't interested but as I tried to shut the door one of them put his foot in the way and continued talking. I had to think quickly so, rather than be rude, I said 'look, I have my own religion, I'm a jehovals witness and not interested in what you have to say!' They left quickly! Next time jehovahs witnesses knocked I told them I was of the mormon faith and that got rid of them too!


I don't care or mind what religion anybody follows so long as they don't bring it to my door and I believe it's high time these doorstep nuisances are stopped!


Perhaps I'm right, perhaps I'm wrong but as a pensioner I do not want people trying to force their beliefs upon me.

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And they have a terrible affect on society, Burdening people with guilt over the perfectly natural desires of the flesh. that has to be the worse doctrinal problem of religion, its ridiculous stance on sex.

There's nothing to it. Just picture a crucifix instead of a Nike swoosh and the slogan 'Just Don't Do It.'


Actually, its great that all the little problems Jesus was supposed to be concerned about - poverty, tyranny, inequality and oppression - have been eliminated, because it leaves the church free to concentrate on major issues such as homosexuality, birth control and the celebration of 'pagan' festivals.

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... just after moving her I opened the door to 2 young fellas - mormons! ... I said 'look, I have my own religion, I'm a jehovals witness and not interested in what you have to say!' They left quickly! Next time jehovahs witnesses knocked I told them I was of the mormon faith and that got rid of them too!




Perhaps I'm right, perhaps I'm wrong but as a pensioner I do not want people trying to force their beliefs upon me.

I'd contrast the beliefs these people are trying to foster on you with humanistic values - there are big differences.




Spook has already showed where he stands on this one:




The other examples given in the link are just as stark.


This is a good example:



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There is no official.

The Nicene creed of 325 AD is usually considered the defining document (Mormonism fails on this - as does Unitarianism) - even allowing for slight difference in the Greek and Latin (see for example Wikipedia which looks quite a good article) - accepted by all Christian Churches from that date.

Did it miss out the bit about ringing door bells and jamming your foot in the door?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know I have previously posted on this thread about my "run in" with some Jehovas at my door but I have to tell you about the two very nice "mormons" that visited me today. On opening the door I was greeted with a good afternoon, and a nice smile from two very nice ladies who asked if I had time to talk to them about God. I politely refused and they wished me a very good day and left without any other attempts to try to speak to me. Now, they have either heard what happened to my previous callers or they were genuinely nice ladies... I would like to think it was the latter.

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A guy in a car accosted a friend of mine on Ballanard Road asking if he believed in the word of God! In his haste to get away he walked into the path of an oncoming vehicle, luckily he was able to get out of the way in time!

Jeebus. It's a miracle! He is! He is the Messiah!


And with all that rain today...they can obviously turn whine into water too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went with "Yeah I spoke with God last night and he told me to "not let them in", the two Mormons replied with "What do you think that meant?", I responded with "Well here we are", the irony was lost on them but it brought about a prompt closure.


On another occasion I was asked by a JovaJoe "Had I thought about the meaning of life?" to which I uttered the reposte "Does there neccessarily have to be one?". He looked very puzzled and let me go about my business without further interference. I answered a question with a question which immediately threw him added to that was a the content which he obviously wasn't prepared for either.

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