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Douglas Under Siege, Lock Your Doors, Do Not Answer Them

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If you're not interested, just ignore them. They don't target you - though I can appreciate, it may feel that way at times. It is accidental if they appear to do so.


But most importantly, they should be respectful.. and act appropriately.


I wish that were true Dan but it's not.


I'm not going to wind you up about your faith etc as I'm not one of these people who are 'anti-religion fanatics' - each to their own & all that, but I could have cheerfully chainsawed the face off the utterly ill mannered mormon that accosted myself and my family while we were out having a pleasant walk round Port Erin the other weekend, because he simply would not take no for an answer and would not leave us alone.


We were definitely targeted as well, since he actually ran from about a hundred yards away shouting "'Scuse me, 'scuse me!" to get us to stop walking. I wouldn't have stopped but I didn't realise he was 'one of them' until he'd caught up with us.


Eventually after realising that declining politely was a futile effort on our part we'd begun to walk away from this courtesy deprived crackpot after telling him about 7 times we weren't interested.

It was a struggle to not tell him to just F off since he'd been so ill mannered (I didn't want to be doing that in front of my family), but this joker was still calling after me as I was walking away shaking my head and telling my flustered wife to ignore him.


I don't have that much of an issue with people trying to 'spread the good news' or whatever euphamism they use, but when they persist in following/harassing you even after you'd repeatedly told them you are not interested and asked them to leave you alone, then there is something wrong with that person's mind.


That level of persistence is probably intimidating to some folk, and mrs Cret commented that she was glad I was there with her as she felt a bit threatened by this berk refusing to leave us alone.


If that's not meant to happen then this guy was not doing your clan any favours and was causing nothing but resentment & contempt. Maybe you should put numbers on their shoulders, like coppers, so we know who to complain about when they behave in such a manner?

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I remember once having a friend share my flat for a couple of months and after a long day in the pub he shyed off early, i stayed for a few more but on returning home found him sat in my living room with 2 truely stunning girls which was a plesant suprise, i left him to it thinking lucky sod had pulled on the way home and went off for a shower,


I was only in the shower 5 mins and there was a knock on the bathroom door, thinking it was my mate just wanting a piss i unlocked the door to be suprised by one of the girls entering the bathroom and standing outside the shower cubicle telling me i needed in the living room so i could too listen to their stories about the glory of gods work blah blah blah once i realised who they were i immediatly got out of the shower and escorted them both out of the flat while naked and found it a most efficient way to discourage them from staying, so the answer is simples answer the door in a state of undress and see how it works for you.

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I was only in the shower 5 mins and there was a knock on the bathroom door, thinking it was my mate just wanting a piss i unlocked the door to be suprised by one of the girls entering the bathroom and standing outside the shower cubicle...


Sounds like she was hoping to be converted, and you failed. It's like a script from a porn film. Until the bit where you threw them out.

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I thought that this was an exageration until this evening! A guy in a car accosted a friend of mine on Ballanard Road asking if he believed in the word of God! In his haste to get away he walked into the path of an oncoming vehicle, luckily he was able to get out of the way in time! Why are they doing this? Surely they realise that their enthiusiasm is alienating their faith, not spreading the good word?

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Anybody had any success using Necromancy to get rid of religious types on the doorstep or invoking the Great Old One Cthullu and his star-spawn to eat their souls?

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Anybody had any success using Necromancy to get rid of religious types on the doorstep or invoking the Great Old One Cthullu and his star-spawn to eat their souls?

No, but I have a ram's head skull I found on a walk, which I have stuck on top of a pole and positioned prominently.

The fact that possibly the two most intolerant bigots on this forum, (namely Rog the Nutter and that extremely unpleasant little freak, DjDan) are religion's biggest apologists, should tell you all you need to know.

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It doesn’t matter. They believe they are and they’re trying to help. They don’t get paid a commission, they don’t do it for cash, they do it out of love for their fellow human beings.

I do have to question this though. I really do not believe that the motivation for proselytising is down a love for fellow human beings. I think it is far more motivated by a belief that it is what one MUST do, or at least should.


Proselytising Christians really should not be treated with disrespect. You don’t need to be rude to turn down what they offer and if they do press the point it is only out of genuine desire to do good for other people.
But let's be clear. There's a difference between slamming the door in their face or using bad language, and being put in a very awkward position by rude people. If they do not go away then it's carte blanche to making them go away. If they do not cannot accept your refusals to listen to what you do not want to hear, then they are already overstepping the line. They are being very rude and there is no excuse for it.


It's a tough position, because what they are pushing are a package of noxious and nasty irrational beliefs. If it was the BNP, for example, my response would be quite different. It is only because they are a stuck in a childlike mindset and understanding of the world that I would feel hard of telling them to bugger off as soon as they came near. As with any person who is brought up to have a religion and acts according to those beliefs (in a benign manner), you have to feel a little bit sorry for them.

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A guy in a car accosted a friend of mine on Ballanard Road asking if he believed in the word of God! In his haste to get away he walked into the path of an oncoming vehicle, luckily he was able to get out of the way in time!

Jeebus. It's a miracle! He is! He is the Messiah!


And with all that rain today...they can obviously turn whine into water too.

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Sex sells.


I keep hearing that the mormons that invade people's minds and eyes and ears are very physically attractive. Obviously, this is a tactic that is "useful" to their cause. The better looking someone is, the more likely people are to give them time. That's not fair, but it's true. For example, even though I'm rambling you're reading my words right now, but we both know you're actually thinking about my sexy smile and come to bed eyes so it doesn't really matter what I type. You're just going with the flow, mimicking my body language, flicking your hair away from your face and laughing at the right times to try make me like you back. It's called lust people, and it's one of the seven deadly sins. Don't give in to lust. The Devil will tempt you, he'll send people to talk to you, and you'll talk to them because they make your crotch feel special. These mormons are sent by the Devil Himself, only He could be so devious as to prey on our weaknesses so blatantly.

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Anybody had any success using Necromancy to get rid of religious types on the doorstep or invoking the Great Old One Cthullu and his star-spawn to eat their souls?

No, but I have a ram's head skull I found on a walk, which I have stuck on top of a pole and positioned prominently.

The fact that possibly the two most intolerant bigots on this forum, (namely Rog the Nutter and that extremely unpleasant little freak, DjDan) are religion's biggest apologists, should tell you all you need to know.


:lol: Gilly you made my day with that comment.

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I think my house must be on some sort of blacklist for these people. I've phoned the organisations many times and invited them to come round and teach me the word of god etc and I've even tried to lure them with my 'sexy voice' and false treats like if they would like to see some puppies or do they like sweets. Nothing, zilch, not even one ugly bible basher nevermind the intended group of pretty priestesses. The answer seems quite simple, show them how desperate you are to get them to come into your home, they'll soon panic and realise that something's not right. Reverse psychology divscovered by accident... ;)

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