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Douglas Under Siege, Lock Your Doors, Do Not Answer Them

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I was approached by 2 female mormons who asked did I have a few minutes to discuss the way of the light, I told them in a soft spoken voice that my only problem in life was my current girlfriend who likes anal sex but I do not, they soon pissed off sharpish. Now this event really didn't happen but I like to think thats how I would deal with it, but on the other hand they might just stand there and open my eyes to the ways of the world. :o


Would you like to swap partners? :D


he doesn't need to, it's your missus he's on about. :D

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I got chatted to while getting into my car in Ramsey today


pleasant enough chap


told him I'd get back to him in 2 or 3 years while I thought about it all

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What a bizarre and incredibly annoying religion this is. As I understand it the bulk of the Mormon faith constitutes revelations dictated by Joseph Smith about the Bible, texts described as lost parts of the Bible, and other works believed to be written by ancient prophets.


Its a bit like basing a religion around the Hitler Diaries ...

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What a bizarre and incredibly annoying religion this is. As I understand it the bulk of the Mormon faith constitutes revelations dictated by Joseph Smith about the Bible, texts described as lost parts of the Bible, and other works believed to be written by ancient prophets.


Its a bit like basing a religion around the Hitler Diaries ...

A bit like this you mean?

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What a bizarre and incredibly annoying religion this is. As I understand it the bulk of the Mormon faith constitutes revelations dictated by Joseph Smith about the Bible, texts described as lost parts of the Bible, and other works believed to be written by ancient prophets.


Its a bit like basing a religion around the Hitler Diaries ...

Oh, don't give me any ideas.... :)


Made me laugh:


I fancy shooting me a Mormon (picture, that is) - anyone know where the best hunting grounds are?

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Amadeus, you always make me laugh when you complain and mock missionaries going door to door... when you used the same method yourself during your failed attempt to get people to vote for you. You were happy then to knock on doors, yet you don't want other people to do the same.

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Amadeus, you always make me laugh when you complain and mock missionaries going door to door... when you used the same method yourself during your failed attempt to get people to vote for you. You were happy then to knock on doors, yet you don't want other people to do the same.

I think there is a lot of difference between someone calling at your door who wants to inform you of their potential policies that may effect your every day life if they are elected into office and a pair of pushy self rightious religious nuts who want to try to push their beliefs on you and waffle on about fictional garbage that has no effect on your everyday life unless you are already a member of their cult.

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