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Douglas Under Siege, Lock Your Doors, Do Not Answer Them

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Much as I may abhor the excesses of many organised religions, I also find it difficult to understand the total rejection of any suggestion that, within the vastness of the universe, there might exist some superior being or beings who are responsible for the existence of ourselves and our environment.


If there is a God then why did we have George W Bush & Tony Blair?


Superior beings from another plant or Universse - I really hope they do exist as there's sod-all intelligent life down on this planet. But walking on water & all that hocus-pocus - not on your life!

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Much as I may abhor the excesses of many organised religions, I also find it difficult to understand the total rejection of any suggestion that, within the vastness of the universe, there might exist some superior being or beings who are responsible for the existence of ourselves and our environment.

“Just as a fish may be barely aware of the medium in which it lives and swims, so the microstructure of empty space could be far too complex for unaided human brains.” is the example used by Britain’s Astronomer Royal, Lord Rees who is also president of the Royal Society.

Therefore, while the promoted idea of a single deity who is continuously concerned with our everyday lives may well be nothing short of ludicrous, so the arrogance of pronouncing ourselves capable of solving all the mysteries of the universe is farcical.

Was the ‘Big Bang’ purely an accident, or was it ‘designed’ in some way? Was there only ever one such event? Is the visible universe the only one that exists?

To state, with absolute authority, that there cannot be any kind of superior being (or beings) who have, or will, affect the universe or our place in it, is almost as ridiculous as to suggest that some great truth was buried on a hill in Wayne County, New York.

We are limited by our own minds – no matter how much we strive to improve them and no matter how much we achieve in doing so.

To reject anything that can not been proven to be impossible - or is so ludicrous that it must be rejected - is, therefore, both foolish and arrogant.


Lord Rees Quote was refering to scientists inability so far to reconcile Einsteins theory of general relativity and modern quantum theory, it was meant to prepare future scientists for the frustation of being unable to examine or collect data or proofs for any unifying theory because the proof/data needed may be outside human perception. in fact he goes on to say

"A “true” fundamental theory of the universe may exist but could be just too hard for human brains to grasp."

'In theory, there could be another entire universe less than a millimetre away from us, but we are oblivious to it because that millimetre is measured in a fourth spatial dimension and we are imprisoned in just three,’ he said.


no-where does he mention a god or deities, nor is there any reason to assume the apologist position and point to the gaps in human knowledge as a hiding place for god. Even so a god with an ever dwindling hiding place is hardly the same as the personal god proffessed in the holy books of the worlds religions.

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'In theory, there could be another entire universe less than a millimetre away from us, but we are oblivious to it because that millimetre is measured in a fourth spatial dimension and we are imprisoned in just three,’ he said.


no-where does he mention a god or deities, nor is there any reason to assume the apologist position and point to the gaps in human knowledge as a hiding place for god. Even so a god with an ever dwindling hiding place is hardly the same as the personal god proffessed in the holy books of the worlds religions.

He does not restrict himself to a single 'alternative' universe.


“String theory” seems to be the most promising idea, he says. This suggests that the particles that form atoms are “woven from space itself.”

The report adds: “Such particles, he suggests, could exist in 10 or 11 dimensions. Humans, by contrast, can experience only the three spatial dimensions plus time. [Rees] adds that there could even be other 3-D universes ‘embedded alongside ours’.”

And, no, he does not mention a god or deities - but then, neither did I.

I also said that I abhor the excesses of many organised religions.

But, as for an 'ever dwindling hiding place,' I think the opposite is true - from original knowledge of our own solar system to that of our galaxy and the universe - and then to the possibility of other universes that are, and will probably remain, invisible to us, it would seem that such places are infinite! :D

Therefore, I repeat, to state, with absolute authority, that there cannot be any kind of superior being (or beings) who have, or will, affect the universe or our place in it, is ... ridiculous.

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Much as I may abhor the excesses of many organised religions, I also find it difficult to understand the total rejection of any suggestion that, within the vastness of the universe, there might exist some superior being or beings who are responsible for the existence of ourselves and our environment.

“Just as a fish may be barely aware of the medium in which it lives and swims, so the microstructure of empty space could be far too complex for unaided human brains.” is the example used by Britain’s Astronomer Royal, Lord Rees who is also president of the Royal Society.

Therefore, while the promoted idea of a single deity who is continuously concerned with our everyday lives may well be nothing short of ludicrous, so the arrogance of pronouncing ourselves capable of solving all the mysteries of the universe is farcical.

Was the ‘Big Bang’ purely an accident, or was it ‘designed’ in some way? Was there only ever one such event? Is the visible universe the only one that exists?

To state, with absolute authority, that there cannot be any kind of superior being (or beings) who have, or will, affect the universe or our place in it, is almost as ridiculous as to suggest that some great truth was buried on a hill in Wayne County, New York.

We are limited by our own minds – no matter how much we strive to improve them and no matter how much we achieve in doing so.

To reject anything that can not been proven to be impossible - or is so ludicrous that it must be rejected - is, therefore, both foolish and arrogant.

It would be foolish to argue that there most definitely are no superior beings or beings responsible for our existence. But there is no indication, let alone evidence to offer the idea that they might exist. Even if we were to consider it, what sort of beings would they be? Are they now dead or finished their job and gone somewhere else? Are they benevolent or malign? Not really worth pondering unless there is something to indicate their existence.

As for the deities that man has so evidently created in their own minds, such as Allah and Yahweh, it would be sensible to recognise that they are that, i.e. man-made, and claims to their existence can be rejected.

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Alma Cogan was in Coronation Street?? :o

No... but her aunt had a dress shop on Prospect Hill - and that was on Bernie Quayle's programme so it must be true!


And her uncle had a photography studio in Castle Street.

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  • 3 months later...



Right now, in Douglas, it is absolutely lashing down. Ten minutes ago I had to take a little walk. So I put my waterproof jacket on, and set off at a brisk pace. A European sounding guy (might have been German) approached me, and positioned himself on the pavement so that I had to stop in my tracks. Not ideal in the circumstances. Like most normal people, I don't like standing still in heavy rain.


"How are you today sir?"

"Getting wet."

"Ha ha. My friend and I were wondering if you'd like to..."


That's as far as he got because I spotted the Jesus badge.


"It's a bit too wet for this". And off I went, wondering if he'd had a lobotomy.


He wasn't with a friend. I guess his invisible friend was Jesus. If it was Noah we could have done business.

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I have just had a couple of these "visitors" at my door, heres how the conversation went..............


no.1 "visitor!.. good afternoon madam may we have a few minutes of your time to discuss our bible?

Me........ sorry Im not interested.

No.2......As my colleague says it will only take a few minutes...

Me .... And as I have said Im sorry but Im not interested!!

No.1.......... On page 23 of our bible Jehovah says...

Me....... What part of Im not interested dont you not understand????

No.1...... Jehovah says...

me............. Right!!! Thats it, I have been polite and Ive been sarcastic now Im going to be abusive F**k off!!


I then went to close my door only to find Dickhead No.1 had put his foot in the doorway!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I politely asked him to remove his foot, but he declined, so I then Slammed the door with some force trapping his foot....

oh my god did he squeal!!!!!!!!!!!! But I think he got the message, because he left, sorry limped away!!!!

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Nice one nance, you go girl, now would you say as he limped away he looked like a left footer hehehehe


Considering how hard I slammed the door Im surprised even he didnt swear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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