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Douglas Under Siege, Lock Your Doors, Do Not Answer Them

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Nobody cares though. Most people just lump them under one heading of "irritants" and don't distinguish which particular version of events they preach.


Calling them W*tn*sses or M*rm*ns is more a common generalised term for these pests than an accurate description because you don't want to speak to them to actually find out which brand of nutjob they are. You're right that they're making assumptions, but it's not for the reasons you think.

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Even the door approach is different! ;)



And so it should be. One 'religion' is based on a book made up, for profit, by a known con-man.


The other is at least based on the writings and beliefs of some desert tribes a few thousand years ago, who actually existed.

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I have just had a couple of these "visitors" at my door, heres how the conversation went..............


no.1 "visitor!.. good afternoon madam may we have a few minutes of your time to discuss our bible?

Me........ sorry Im not interested.

No.2......As my colleague says it will only take a few minutes...

Me .... And as I have said Im sorry but Im not interested!!

No.1.......... On page 23 of our bible Jehovah says...

Me....... What part of Im not interested dont you not understand????

No.1...... Jehovah says...

me............. Right!!! Thats it, I have been polite and Ive been sarcastic now Im going to be abusive F**k off!!


I then went to close my door only to find Dickhead No.1 had put his foot in the doorway!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I politely asked him to remove his foot, but he declined, so I then Slammed the door with some force trapping his foot....

oh my god did he squeal!!!!!!!!!!!! But I think he got the message, because he left, sorry limped away!!!!


To be clear.. these visitors at your door were not missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints.


They will have been from another Christian denomination.


Correct me if Im wrong but I did Not at any time say that they were missionaries from "your" church now did I????

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I have just had a couple of these "visitors" at my door, heres how the conversation went..............


no.1 "visitor!.. good afternoon madam may we have a few minutes of your time to discuss our bible?

Me........ sorry Im not interested.

No.2......As my colleague says it will only take a few minutes...

Me .... And as I have said Im sorry but Im not interested!!

No.1.......... On page 23 of our bible Jehovah says...

Me....... What part of Im not interested dont you not understand????

No.1...... Jehovah says...

me............. Right!!! Thats it, I have been polite and Ive been sarcastic now Im going to be abusive F**k off!!


I then went to close my door only to find Dickhead No.1 had put his foot in the doorway!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I politely asked him to remove his foot, but he declined, so I then Slammed the door with some force trapping his foot....

oh my god did he squeal!!!!!!!!!!!! But I think he got the message, because he left, sorry limped away!!!!


I am of the opinion that this conversation existed only in your own mind, or at least that you are stretching the truth somewhat.

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I have just had a couple of these "visitors" at my door, heres how the conversation went..............


no.1 "visitor!.. good afternoon madam may we have a few minutes of your time to discuss our bible?

Me........ sorry Im not interested.

No.2......As my colleague says it will only take a few minutes...

Me .... And as I have said Im sorry but Im not interested!!

No.1.......... On page 23 of our bible Jehovah says...

Me....... What part of Im not interested dont you not understand????

No.1...... Jehovah says...

me............. Right!!! Thats it, I have been polite and Ive been sarcastic now Im going to be abusive F**k off!!


I then went to close my door only to find Dickhead No.1 had put his foot in the doorway!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I politely asked him to remove his foot, but he declined, so I then Slammed the door with some force trapping his foot....

oh my god did he squeal!!!!!!!!!!!! But I think he got the message, because he left, sorry limped away!!!!


I am of the opinion that this conversation existed only in your own mind, or at least that you are stretching the truth somewhat.



Ok and you were there were you? No I think not... I admit it may not have been quite word for word but it was as near as damned, my memory not being as good as it used to be. Please do not imply that I have made this up because I assure I have not!!!

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And neither mormons nor witnesses are considered Christians, except by themselves.


That's simply not true. But go on...


From what im given to understand on the subject, mormons and witnesses are not real christians as they do not accept the essential doctrines of christianity.


real christians accept each others doctrinal differences, but reject those christ-like cults that are too far removed from the core beliefs that make a christian, christian.


But if its any consolation you're all as crazy as one another to me......

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Even the door approach is different! ;)



And so it should be. One 'religion' is based on a book made up, for profit, by a known con-man.


The other is at least based on the writings and beliefs of some desert tribes a few thousand years ago, who actually existed.

Though only Mormonism is slightly less untrue than the older Christianity. Just more bollocks on top of the rest.
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Now they've targeted Mrs. Sausages. Leaving the front door to get the little chipolota out of the car, they asked if they could tell her about their bible. "Not now, I've got to get the little 'un out of the car". She ran to the car, they ran after her shouting "We can help you spend more time with your family in the afterlife!" "Not now, I'm busy". "It'll only take a minute". "I'M BUSY!" - all while she was unstrapping the baby chair. What is wrong with their brains? Brain AIDS, that's what.

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