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Surprise Surprise - Moronic 'roid Rage' Bouncer Flips His Lid


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I know where your coming from h'boy.


I bet most people have looked at the northern Newcastle nutter and thought, he reminds me of that fella in Douglas, or thoughts along those lines.


It makes me laugh when they deny using roids, and then when you see them in another 12 months skint and thin.


Roids + fake/injected tan + bulldog + " I do the doors" = Seen to many gangsta films dreamer.

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It's a serious matter of course but I couldn't help noticing this:


"Moat's letter, which was riddled with spelling errors, "


Jeez, so what, I could say that about some of the degree students I have worked with.

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Looking at half the pumped up fuckwitt bouncers over here I'm amazed there's not a siege a week in Douglas




This sort of stuff should be a more frequent event.



This entire post smacks of "I got completed pissed in a pub/club, acted like an arse, got thrown out and now have issues with all bouncers".


I'm guessing you don't know any bouncers personally, otherwise you would know that they are not all shaved gorillas with a "roid" issue.


I know several on the island that hold down professional jobs and are very pleasent people.


And making the connection that that latest gun toting fool was a bouncer is hilarious. The other fellow was a taxi driver. Should we all be wearing flak vests to get in a taxi now?


Hboy, you have excelled yourself in the idiot stakes this time.

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Dear Mr Moat


It has come to my notice that John Terry has been shagging your missus while you were in prison.


Yours Sincerely



Wayne Bridge


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This entire post smacks of "I got completed pissed in a pub/club, acted like an arse, got thrown out and now have issues with all bouncers". I'm guessing you don't know any bouncers personally, otherwise you would know that they are not all shaved gorillas with a "roid" issue. I know several on the island that hold down professional jobs and are very pleasent people. And making the connection that that latest gun toting fool was a bouncer is hilarious. The other fellow was a taxi driver. Should we all be wearing flak vests to get in a taxi now? Hboy, you have excelled yourself in the idiot stakes this time.


There is a stereotype about bouncers, just as there is with taxi drivers and lorry drivers. Whilst a stereotype cannot be applied to all members of a profession, it is usually based on a certain degree of truth. I have never been ejected from anywhere by a bouncer for anything, and I do know some people who work 'security'. Some are decent, but it remains the case that there are quite a few who embody the stereotype - gym-junkies, shaved heads, staring eyes and just one incident away from turning psycho. They will typically have a bottle-blonde girlfriend with a perma-tan and nothing behind the eyes, and a 'high-performance' chav-mobile.

There are plenty like this in the Isle of Man.

The need to bulk their bodies and gain some type of 'authority' by standing outside the door of a piss-poor nightspot bossing people around smacks of some serious self-esteem issues (small penis and testicles due to steroid abuse, ashamed by their homosexual urges, angry that a girlfriend has left for a man who doesn't suffer massive moods swings and threaten personal violence, abandoned by dad?). This guy just proves the point - obsessive body builder, bouncer, shaved (ginger) hair, history of abusing partners, who blames everyone else in the world because his decision to embark on a life of crime saw him lose everything. His solution, damage the world.

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This entire post smacks of "I got completed :whistling: pissed in a pub/club, acted like an arse, got thrown out and now have issues with all bouncers".


I'm guessing you don't know any bouncers personally, otherwise you would know that they are not all shaved gorillas with a "roid" issue.


I know several on the island that hold down professional jobs and are very pleasent people.


And making the connection that that latest gun toting fool was a bouncer is hilarious. The other fellow was a taxi driver. Should we all be wearing flak vests to get in a taxi now?


Hboy, you have excelled yourself in the idiot stakes this time.


Take a chill pill MDO, lay off the 'roids' for a while, your coming across a bit angry and not making sense

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The need to bulk their bodies and gain some type of 'authority' by standing outside the door of a piss-poor nightspot bossing people around smacks of some serious self-esteem issues (small penis and testicles due to steroid abuse, ashamed by their homosexual urges, angry that a girlfriend has left for a man who doesn't suffer massive moods swings and threaten personal violence, abandoned by dad?). This guy just proves the point - obsessive body builder, bouncer, shaved (ginger) hair, history of abusing partners, who blames everyone else in the world because his decision to embark on a life of crime saw him lose everything. His solution, damage the world.


See its like I said, stereotypes are fun.


This guy proves nothing.


He was mentally unbalanced. If he had been a baker or an accountant would that prove that all bakers or accountants have issues.


Your "evidence" is causativy. He was ginger...all ginger people are gun toting cop killers.

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See its like I said, stereotypes are fun.


This guy proves nothing.


He was mentally unbalanced. If he had been a baker or an accountant would that prove that all bakers or accountants have issues.


Your "evidence" is causativy. He was ginger...all ginger people are gun toting cop killers.


He proves SOME people with self-esteem issues can become dangerous. He is also evidence that SOME people with destructive self-esteem issues seek to overcome those issues by enhancing their bodies, taking on low-level authority positions (bouncer rather than cop or soldier cos they wouldn't get into the uniformed services), becoming abusive to partners and indulging in violent crime. This is not true for all people, but has been true for a sufficient number of people for these traits to become a stereotype.

The bullying people are subjected to for having ginger hair is an example of how a person's self-esteem can be damaged and, when this happens to a certain type of person, it can have a dramatic and catastrophic effect. I don't think anyone would argue against the fact that for SOME people having ginger hair will impact on their levels of self-esteem.

I would bet this person, and many of the stereotypical bouncers I have met over here, were bullied as children and the path the rest of their life took (gyms, club doors, violent tendencies) all flowed from that.

Are you bouncer or a 'door whore'?

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I would bet this person, and many of the stereotypical bouncers I have met over here, were bullied as children and the path the rest of their life took (gyms, club doors, violent tendencies) all flowed from that.

Are you bouncer or a 'door whore'?


When you say met, as in you have been "ejected" from a premises or you have actually spoken to them.


I'm guessing also that you are trained in psychology to be able to assume that the were as children.

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When you say met, as in you have been "ejected" from a premises or you have actually spoken to them.


Why don't you try reading posts before you respond? I said earlier

I have never been ejected from anywhere by a bouncer for anything, and I do know some people who work 'security'.
I'm guessing also that you are trained in psychology to be able to assume that the were as children.


Yes, what of it?

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