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Iran To Execute Woman Convicted Of Adultery.

- Paul -

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All I can say is that it is just as well we do not have such harsh punishments for adultry! There would be public stonings on Douglas beach every hour of every day!

It would save all the crap about who gets the house and the kids, local solicitors would go bankrupt!

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Its exactly what you expect from such a retrograde religion. I mean besides all the general archaic stuff subjegating the rights of women, or homosexuals etc these are people who actively think that retrofitting a shopping centre in a first world nation to better facilitate people who'd prefer to shit in a hole in the floor is progress. It just shows how backward the thinking a religion can be on all aspects.




Ghulham Rasul Shazhad, who gave the course, said there was a large Muslim Asian community in Rochdale who preferred to use the squat toilet.


Its incredible that in this day and age that given the option of sitting on a nice comfy European bog, there is a group of people who actively prefer to do their shopping with shit-splattered socks because its their cultural preference.


Again this sort of retrograde thinking is more about making life more difficult for women than anything else.


Its completely backward, moronic and unnecessary.

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They aren't so different from the toilets I have seen in Paris.


Yes, but they are not going back through France retro installing filthy holes in the ground. Once you have move on why the hell would anyone voluntarily want to revert back to filth and squalor when technology has moved on?

How is it filth and squalor?
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Its incredible that in this day and age that given the option of sitting on a nice comfy European bog, there is a group of people who actively prefer to do their shopping with shit-splattered socks because its their cultural preference.


Well that counts as progress in racially tolerant Britain. I can just imagine the conversation you'd have with your wife / girlfriend at a crowded shopping precinct when there's a long queue. I'm sorry darling but because a bunch of spanners went on a racial awareness course your going to have to crap in a hole in the ground like a filthy animal because that is what is deemed as racially acceptable in 21st Century Britain.

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The conversation is just ridiculous. These sort of toilets are not just used in Europe. It isn't some barbaric custom and hardly filthy. Do you really thing there is something civilised or progressive about sitting down to take a shit rather than squatting? It's not some art form.

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Again this sort of retrograde thinking is more about making life more difficult for women than anything else.


The new toilets, one for women and one for men, will open next week.

The new squat toilets are for both women and men apparently.


How many people in the UK use a bidet? Probably not that many, and I'm sure there are a few Europeans who would think that we are backwards and disgusting for not doing so.


Does it really matter if some people prefer to use the squat toilets - just because we would not, it does not make them wrong?


Also apparently squatting for the toilet is more natural and actually better for your bowels and stuff clicky.

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Again this sort of retrograde thinking is more about making life more difficult for women than anything else.


The new toilets, one for women and one for men, will open next week.

The new squat toilets are for both women and men apparently.


How many people in the UK use a bidet? Probably not that many, and I'm sure there are a few Europeans who would think that we are backwards and disgusting for not doing so.


Does it really matter if some people prefer to use the squat toilets - just because we would not, it does not make them wrong?


Also apparently squatting for the toilet is more natural and actually better for your bowels and stuff clicky.

Until you take a tumble backwards and land in it!

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As usual Jim, your words paint a picture :)


I think the real problem here is that this (and many other apparent demands of an increasingly vociferous religious minority) has the ability the alter the face of a country forever. I think all racially tolerant people (and I think that is most people, despite this forum and the Daily Wail) welcome the diversity that multiculturalism has brought to the British Isles. Unfortunately when a minority, whose beliefs are based on some 7C story book, want to change the established norms of that country to match their perception of this story book things are going to go wrong.


Sh*tting in a hole ain't that much of a big deal but its the relentless pressure of minority groups to change basic norms that I don't like. However this is completely separate from racial intolerance although many people like to link them for their own arguments and ends.

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As usual Jim, your words paint a picture :)


I think the real problem here is that this (and many other apparent demands of an increasingly vociferous religious minority) has the ability the alter the face of a country forever. I think all racially tolerant people (and I think that is most people, despite this forum and the Daily Wail) welcome the diversity that multiculturalism has brought to the British Isles. Unfortunately when a minority, whose beliefs are based on some 7C story book, want to change the established norms of that country to match their perception of this story book things are going to go wrong.


Sh*tting in a hole ain't that much of a big deal but its the relentless pressure of minority groups to change basic norms that I don't like. However this is completely separate from racial intolerance although many people like to link them for their own arguments and ends.


Very, very well put BB. It is the absolute truth. The problem is, you're not allowed to say it, because you get called a racist.

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