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Iran To Execute Woman Convicted Of Adultery.

- Paul -

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Correct, grant. Brand someone a racist and job done! No more discussion required (that even reach might reach some common ground). Trouble is such superficial shallow reasoning never solves anything except in the mind of the person labelling someone a racist! :angry:

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Correct, grant. Brand someone a racist and job done! No more discussion required (that even reach might reach some common ground). Trouble is such superficial shallow reasoning never solves anything except in the mind of the person labelling someone a racist! :angry:

The good thing with this is that being a muslim is not a racial thing, there are muslims in every race and nationality so the racist card is ineffective.

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As usual Jim, your words paint a picture :)


I think the real problem here is that this (and many other apparent demands of an increasingly vociferous religious minority) has the ability the alter the face of a country forever. I think all racially tolerant people (and I think that is most people, despite this forum and the Daily Wail) welcome the diversity that multiculturalism has brought to the British Isles. Unfortunately when a minority, whose beliefs are based on some 7C story book, want to change the established norms of that country to match their perception of this story book things are going to go wrong.

If you are going to make an argument for cultures and norms being changed then at least find a good example.

This isn't about a vociferous religious minority, but the fact that a very large community does things a different way.

What harm does it do to accommodate the fact that they shit in a slightly different way and therefore install additional toilets.


Sh*tting in a hole ain't that much of a big deal but its the relentless pressure of minority groups to change basic norms that I don't like. However this is completely separate from racial intolerance although many people like to link them for their own arguments and ends.

Judging from your outlook you'd see the pressure from religious groups on state practice as being the same as a group wanting a different form of toilet. I can only imagine that you find the issues terrible confusing or just lump them all together and think of it all as a threat to YOUR culture. I don't think you are as multi-cultural or aware as you profess.
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Very, very well put BB. It is the absolute truth. The problem is, you're not allowed to say it, because you get called a racist.

But if the topic is about the installation of toilets and others fear of the elimination of their culture, then I think the term 'stupid' or 'dumb' is far more apt, nevermind 'racist'.


"Aaargh, the council are allowing these Ethnics to poo as they want, what's happening to Britain?"

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this is completely separate from racial intolerance although many people like to link them for their own arguments and ends.
Is that you then LDV? :blink:


Look, whatever I say, you will semantically disassemble to suit your own views in your usual patronising way (eg you find the issues terrible confusing or just lump them all together )


Whilst some of you views in the past have been so far off the wall I think you must be on some sort of big wind -up trip I'll resist the huge temptation be be any more offensive than that. So, let's look at your post in detail shall we (see what it's like to be patronised now? ;))


First of all my (?) culture, as you put it is, bound to evolve and that is a good thing. Many old ways of doing things (like rolling witches down hills in spiked barrels) really is a bit naughty these days and we should stop it. We should all be adaptable to social evolution that is for everyone's good rather than the wishes of some extremes of a small pressure group. Just wondered btw, how large is your 'large' community and just how many of them want to use these hole in the floor conveniences? F all of a small percentage, I'll wager.


I think I might have said in a previous post that this toilet thing, per se, really is a non issue to me. It's someone else's example of the slow but sure change of britain for hardly anyone's benefit. The same might be said by some for celebrating enforced niqab/burqa wearing, suggesting the stopping of swimming lessons in ramadana (for everyone....)and the howling from the minarets from mosques in our cities. All the examples (and that's all they are, just a few examples rather than my perception of actual problems that need dealing with) show an evolution well away from the general benefit to everyone in society for the demands of a tiny minority. Each examined on its own does no real harm but the general change that most reasonable people see will give a reason for some to start a backlash and we just don't need that. The perception of changes are not some paranoid ramblings but the self confessed desires of the nutters who push for stuff like this in their desire to change the west.


This has nothing to do with race. If aryan tattooed skinheads with wanted to evolve society in the direction they wanted in an equally undemocratic way, I should perhaps feel the same antipathy towards them solely because they are an extreme group wanting to change society. Their origins and colour are non issues.


Judging from your outlook you'd see the pressure from religious groups on state practice as being the same as a group wanting a different form of toilet.
There you go again. It matters not one jot whether this is a political group, a religious group or any group and ffs this toilet thing is just an example not THE problem!!


I hope you are amused by occupying 40 minutes of my time following something that took you 2 minutes to write. I realise there is a distinct possibility that's why you did it.

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Look, whatever I say, you will semantically disassemble to suit your own views in your usual patronising way (eg you find the issues terrible confusing or just lump them all together )

Whatever I say you will endeavour to shirk responsibility for your views.


When you things like this:


I think the real problem here is that this (and many other apparent demands of an increasingly vociferous religious minority) has the ability the alter the face of a country forever. I think all racially tolerant people (and I think that is most people, despite this forum and the Daily Wail) welcome the diversity that multiculturalism has brought to the British Isles. Unfortunately when a minority, whose beliefs are based on some 7C story book, want to change the established norms of that country to match their perception of this story book things are going to go wrong.
...you really do give the impression that you believe a vociferous religious minority has the ability to alter the face of the country forever.

You offer the impression that the matter of these lavatories is one that is motivated by others religion and with it being so that there is something wrong; that established norms of others are being changed or have the potential to be changed; that the potential changing of established norms such as those surrounding pooing would be problematic; and that something might be wrong with this sort of thing.


If this is not the case then are you not talking about this lavatory issue or moved onto another greater topic unrelated to this? You say this toilet issue is not a problem for you but then continue to talk about your dislike of establish norms being overriden or changed.


There you go again. It matters not one jot whether this is a political group, a religious group or any group and ffs this toilet thing is just an example not THE problem!!
But this is the nub of it. Why do you think it is an example of the problem? What is THE problem that this toilet thing relates to? Why the problem?


I hope you are amused by occupying 40 minutes of my time following something that took you 2 minutes to write. I realise there is a distinct possibility that's why you did it.
Don't flatter yourself. I have to take the time to read it.
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If I was shirking responsibility for my views I wouldn't be assed to answer you last post which really said very little. However


...you really do give the impression that you believe a vociferous religious minority has the ability to alter the face of the country forever.
Good that's what I believe. It will take a long time but it does have the ability if allowed to run unchecked.



You offer the impression that the matter of these lavatories
Well I suppose that "offering an impression" is an improvement on your "I assume" from last week. Why are you fixated on the lavatory question after I have said in two separate posts it on its own is a non-issue and only mentioned it as an example.



Why do you think it is an example of the problem?
Because the british isles has never had them before and are only considering them now as part of some daft appeasement of some minority group.



What is THE problem
The slow creeping pernicious islamistion of your country by a group who have no democratic mandate to change established protocol. It is the self confessed desire of the most extreme members of this group to challenge law set by democratic government and introduce their law based on some 7C story book. I very much doubt that this will be challenged by the majority of non-militant muslims come the day.



I have to take the time to read it
No you don't, nobody is forcing you, go and read something else if it's a problem!
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...you really do give the impression that you believe a vociferous religious minority has the ability to alter the face of the country forever.
Good that's what I believe. It will take a long time but it does have the ability if allowed to run unchecked.
But how is it related to the topic? What is about these toilets that ties them to a RELIGIOUS group?



You offer the impression that the matter of these lavatories
Well I suppose that "offering an impression" is an improvement on your "I assume" from last week. Why are you fixated on the lavatory question after I have said in two separate posts it on its own is a non-issue and only mentioned it as an example.
I didn't respond last week because it appeared that you were getting all wishy washy when pressed about what you think. I am fixated about the toilet issue because it is a pretty trivial event yet it has brought you to comment about religious groups changing established norms. Why?



Because the british isles has never had them before and are only considering them now as part of some daft appeasement of some minority group.
Right well, if you simply think it is daft then fair enough. I don't. I just think that it makes life a little bit more comfortable and easier for those who have different ways of doings thing. No big deal, no harm done. No cultural norms at threat and no changes of any real concern.



The slow creeping pernicious islamistion of your country by a group who have no democratic mandate to change established protocol. It is the self confessed desire of the most extreme members of this group to challenge law set by democratic government and introduce their law based on some 7C story book. I very much doubt that this will be challenged by the majority of non-militant muslims come the day.
But when you talk about this in this thread I am made to wonder if you are talking about the toilet issue, which isn't really about religion. If we were talking about sharia law it would be a matter I would agree with you about.
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We had a bit of a bet this end to see if LDV mentioned toilets yet again. If so, then it's got to be either 1) a wind up or 2) LDV is fixated on this issue despite the thread originally be about the despicable execution of women (only) convicted of adultery which has not unreasonably evolved into possible islamisation issues in the UK.


Well toilet has been mentioned again 3 times and I'm really inclined to think 1) applies despite LDV saying "I am fixated about the toilet issue". If so there's no point in saying any more. Suffice to say that if anyone really believes

No cultural norms at threat and no changes of any real concern.
regarding islamisation rather than toilets, then their head is well and truly in the sand.
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We had a bit of a bet this end to see if LDV mentioned toilets yet again. If so, then it's got to be either 1) a wind up or 2) LDV is fixated on this issue despite the thread originally be about the despicable execution of women (only) convicted of adultery which has not unreasonably evolved into possible islamisation issues in the UK.


Well toilet has been mentioned again 3 times and I'm really inclined to think 1) applies despite LDV saying "I am fixated about the toilet issue". If so there's no point in saying any more. Suffice to say that if anyone really believes

No cultural norms at threat and no changes of any real concern.
regarding islamisation rather than toilets, then their head is well and truly in the sand.

So where does the changing of norms fit in between the topic of Iran and toilets? You're very evasive.
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