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un f**king believable he shouldn't just be sent to jail he should be tortured on a daily basis for being such a gimp


Taken from BBC site


A schoolboy who murdered a pizza shop worker by stabbing him through the heart in a row over a special offer has been given a life sentence.

Hakeem Johnson, 14, of Highbury, north London, attacked Noor Kasimi, 32, at the Twin Star shop when he was refused a £1 pizza after the offer had ended.

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He was only 14, hardly a responsible adult.


At the age of 14 young people should know what is right or wrong.


But here we go again, once more views may be accepted by the bloody do-gooders. That gives mitigation to the crims and forget the victim.


No wonder the streets of Douglas are no longer safe for people to walk home at night alone.

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No wonder the streets of Douglas are no longer safe for people to walk home at night alone.


Hmm i must be taking my life into my own hands every time i go out then. Douglas is nowhere near being like London is, hell it's nowhere near what Stoke is like at night.


I agree that at 14 he should know what is right or wrong but to sentence him to death ot torture for life at the age of 14 is a tad unfair, i think the sentence was about right. At 14 he is not mature enough to fully realise the consequence of his actions.

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Err, right. So when you were 14 you weren't fully aware of the consequences of comitting murder? I know I certainly was.


In actual fact, it states that he was 13 when the murder was actually comitted, but that doesn't make any difference. By that age everyone is perfectly aware that murder is wrong, and of the dire consequences of the act.


From the BBC article:


"Johnson, who was 13 at the time of the murder, had been excluded from Homerton College of Technology after he threatened a teacher with a hammer in May last year.


A year before the murder the teenager had been placed under a supervision order after being convicted of common assault.


He had also been questioned about a number of knife-point robberies."


Sounds to me like he knew exactly what was going on and he's just another low-life knife-wielding sh*t, who has ended a life unnecessairly and devastated a family, who deserves to be locked away for a very long time.

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An eye for an eye and all that, and as for Douglas being safe maybe it is and maybe it isn't for guys on their own, but for a girl on their own it ISN'T. Maybe you guys should look out for us girls a bit more.


1 rape or assault on a female is too much - how many have we had in the past year ?

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This kid at 14 has no direction in life, he can't see any more than a year or so in front of him. To sentence him to life (meaning life) or torture or whatever is not going to do society any good. Why don't we just bring back the death penalty and wipe him out for good?


Maybe he was going nowhere, and end up on the dole, sponging off the state etc. But the cost of him sponging off the state would have been significantly less than the cost of locking him up for years on end.


My question is why more wasn't done to supervise this kid, it's fairly obvious he was at high risk of doing something like this. To have a supervision order placed on you at the age of 12 and to have been questioned for a number of knife-point robberies before the age of 13 is something of an indicator that all is not right with this child. And remember that, he is still only a child. Not mature enough to make the correct decisions in life, that is pretty much what i meant by not knowing the full consequences of his actions.


He was excluded from his college, what was done? From what i have read a social worker visited him once a fortnight and that was it!


So what are we doing with him now, sticking him in a juve detention centre and forgetting about him. In 6 months time you won't be able to name him, you won't know what he's been up to. He will probably leave this detention centre in 8 years time and have picked up much worse habits than carrying a knife, but it's fine because you'll probably never hear his name again and therefore you can feel safe in the knowledge that the system works. It doesn't!

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1 rape or assault on a female is too much - how many have we had in the past year ?


The total of reported combined rapes and assaults is dwarfed by the number of reported assaults on men. Seems it's safer to be a girl actually.

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This type of crime goes on every minute of every day, somewhere in the world. But in the western world it seems we spend much money and waste much time on these criminals both before and after the event.


Simple solution: If someone is found guilty of such a crime hang them and a member of their family. Such a deterant would perhaps make parents more responsible! :ph34r:

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My question is why more wasn't done to supervise this kid, it's fairly obvious he was at high risk of doing something like this. To have a supervision order placed on you at the age of 12 and to have been questioned for a number of knife-point robberies before the age of 13 is something of an indicator that all is not right with this child. And remember that, he is still only a child. Not mature enough to make the correct decisions in life, that is pretty much what i meant by not knowing the full consequences of his actions.



I really don't agree with you on this one. Perhaps he's not mature enough to take out a mortgage, or drive a car, or father a child, but he's certainly mature enough to be aware of the consequences of murdering another human being, and as such ought to be held fully accountable for his crime.

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Maybe you guys should look out for us girls a bit more.


I always try :)


As for this kid, lock him up and throw away the key. Given that he has a history of criminal activity he should have been watched a lot more. I can understand that since hre was 13 he is young and the authorities have rules about minors, but the fact that he killed a man for a cheap pizza surely says something. Anyway, if he's getting life it had better mean for his whole life. Although that still seems too good for him.

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You lot make me sick, the way you compete with each other to find more and more outlandish ways of punishing the guy.


He's a murderer at 13 and that means he's beyond hope? There is no intervention that can be made, or no personal growth that he can make, that will mean he can ever, under any conceivable circumstances live as a decent member of society, so we must dispatch him as quickly as possible.


Well I'm not ready to give up on human nature just yet, if that's ok with you.

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Perhaps he's not mature enough to take out a mortgage, or drive a car, or father a child, but he's certainly mature enough to be aware of the consequences of murdering another human being, and as such ought to be held fully accountable for his crime.


At 13 were you fully grown up? You were never immature, you never made decisions that on reflection were completely idiotic. I know i did. How can you sentence a 13 year old to life imprisonment or death? I am so disturbed that this appears to be the popular consensus, a child should be killed or have no chance at living life for behaviour that really has been nurtured by the society he lived in.

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