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What The Hell?


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PK re-read Manxman's post, perhaps in relation to the one before it from Paul H.

Ta Declan. Sorry, I wasn't about earlier to clarify. Maybe I was unclear, but I was questioning the randomness of the concept of Birth Control for those that Paul H were 'not worthy' of being parents.


As soon as the state starts to decide who can and cannot procreate then IMO we have even more problems than we have today. Is it our wish to cleanse society and only allow the 'pure' to flourish?


Someone else tried that in Europe a few years ago...didn't go down to well I seem to recall.


P.K....I admitted to being confused by Paul H's post and asked him to clarify what he meant by 'birth control' which he has subsequently done. Did you really pick up from my post that I was proposing a method? I honestly don't think it reads like that.

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But then I wouldn't have been able to tease someone into making themselves look like a fool. Do keep up old bean.


And yes, it was out of context your comment. I wasn't offering any opinion on the severity of the crime or the impact on the victim. Just, as Declan says, pointing out there is a higher chance or it happening if you're a bloke.


I see youv'e lost none of your 'charm' Ans.

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P.K....I admitted to being confused by Paul H's post and asked him to clarify what he meant by 'birth control' which he has subsequently done.  Did you really pick up from my post that I was proposing a method?  I honestly don't think it reads like that.

I did realise you were being sarcastic. That is why my particular post is "unlike" me shall we say. It was just a tease in the hope you would then try and explain it away in an amusing way ie what a thicko you are PK etc etc. You didn't but others picked it up on your behalf - how good is that! This thread and "the disappeared" were the best in ages so I was just messing around a bit. Slow work day and all that.


I think PaulH is right in some ways though. Not exactly birth control in the common usage but more irresponsible parents should not be a burden on society. I mean, genuine need fair enough but the likes of the Bardsleys should not continue churning out children they obviously cannot support.



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