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I Can Fix Your Rrod X360!

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Hi all,


If you have a Xbox 360 which is out of warranty and has got the 3 red ring of death (rrod) error then i'm willing to help repair the X360 for a small price. I say it's worth it since you've got nothing to loose, rather a very good chance that it will come back to working order. After the fix, LIVE will still function properly! I will not install mod chips.


Msg me here or send me an e-mail at ankur@manx.net and we can discuss your X360's situation.


Hank out.

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Hi all,


I've worked out the pricing for the rrod fix. There is an up front fee of £15. You will also have to choose a package that you would like for your X360. If the fix is successful you will then have to pay the remainder. If the fix is unsuccessful then you will pay nothing extra.


- £15 up front fee

- £15 extra for the successful fix

Total: (if successful fix) £30


- £15 up front fee


- £20 extra for the successful fix

Total: (if successful fix) £35




- £15 up front fee


- £35 extra for the successful fix

Total: (if successful fix) £50


I have used the Pro package on my own X360. The X-Pro comes with a few extras that will help stop most E74 errors. If it is a genuine rrod problem (i.e. no internal/external damages due to water spillage etc) then all the packages have around 100% chance of the fix working! The main difference in the packages is that the chances of further issues in the future are reduced on the X-Light and X-Pro packages.



Terms and Conditions:

1. I'm not liable to any damages caused to your Xbox 360 or you.

2. In most cases this fix is a better fix than what Microsoft will do but in some cases it can also be less affective.

3. This fix comes with a one month warranty.

4. If i find that your Xbox 360 has already been tampered with (i.e. attempted fix before; has a mod chip installed; has other internal damages; has external damages; or the Microsoft's warranty sticker has been tampered with) before i do the fix then i will not be able to give you the one month warranty even if i am able to fix your Xbox 360.

5. In the case where the X360 rrods again (within in the warranty period) then i will either fix it again or refund the full amount for the original service. If you or anybody else tampers with the Xbox 360 within the warranty period then the warranty will be void.

6. If Microsoft/LIVE has not banned your Xbox 360 from Xbox LIVE then i will do a check before and after to make sure that this is still the case. PLEASE DO A QUICK XBOX LIVE TEST BEFORE YOU GIVE ME THE XBOX 360 AND TELL ME IF IT WORKS ON XBOX LIVE. If you are unable to do the test yourself and i find that Microsoft/LIVE has blocked your xbox 360 then i will confirm this with you before i do the fix.

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