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Things Not To Do During Ramadan

- Paul -

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he council guide states: "Schools with a significant number of Muslim pupils should try to avoid scheduling swimming lessons during Ramadan to remove unnecessary barriers to full participation."


]It also suggests re-scheduling sex education classes during the holy lunar month, as Muslim followers who have reached puberty are required to avoid sexual thoughts during this period.


Because of the religious requirement for Muslims to avoid eating during sunlight hours, some pupils get up before dawn to eat with their families.


Schools have been advised this can disrupt pupils' sleeping patterns and it suggests examinations could be re-scheduled to reflect their lower levels of concentration.



"The overriding consideration should be that children do not feel disadvantaged in school activities because of their religious observance," the council added.


But every other kid that is not muslim has to feel disadvantaged because the school may stop some activitys to please them for ramadan.

The world has gone mad

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My view is if you want to follow ramadan then do so but don't expect everyone else to forego stuff so as not to offend you, if you find what others not of your religion do is offensive then I suggest you fuck off somewhere else for ramadan, get it into your biggoted thick skulls you are not the only religion, you are not a priority, you adapt or piss off. Society has now just about had enough of religions trying to dictate how we live our lives, the days of religion having a hold over man is about over.

Just to add I am all with France and it's burka ban, good on them.

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My view is if you want to follow ramadan then do so but don't expect everyone else to forego stuff so as not to offend you, if you find what others not of your religion do is offensive then I suggest you fuck off somewhere else for ramadan, get it into your biggoted thick skulls you are not the only religion, you are not a priority, you adapt or piss off. Society has now just about had enough of religions trying to dictate how we live our lives, the days of religion having a hold over man is about over.

Just to add I am all with France and it's burka ban, good on them.


OMG - another of your postings I agree with. You're not my long-lost evil twin sister by any chance?

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Society has now just about had enough of religions trying to dictate how we live our lives, the days of religion having a hold over man is about over.


Excellent post. Employers will be delighted that they no longer have to pay people for taking 'religious' holidays at Christmas and Easter (including non-Christians who are subjected to the same enforced work closures as their Christian colleagues). I imagine it will be less welcome news for chocolate and toy-makers, as well as Santa actors who will all suffer quite an income loss. If you have children they may also be a bit disappointed that you just banned two of the highlights of their year, but hey-ho, at least we get to stop another religion marking their religious festivals in their way.


Just to add I am all with France and it's burka ban, good on them.

Another excellent post. I fully agree the transient government of the day should be legislating on what we wear. After the burka, lets ban hoodies. Then we can ban socks and sandals being worn together. We can also ban above-the-knee shorts for men and stop women wearing trousers - I want to see their legs god damn it!

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Society has now just about had enough of religions trying to dictate how we live our lives, the days of religion having a hold over man is about over.


Excellent post. Employers will be delighted that they no longer have to pay people for taking 'religious' holidays at Christmas and Easter (including non-Christians who are subjected to the same enforced work closures as their Christian colleagues). I imagine it will be less welcome news for chocolate and toy-makers, as well as Santa actors who will all suffer quite an income loss. If you have children they may also be a bit disappointed that you just banned two of the highlights of their year, but hey-ho, at least we get to stop another religion marking their religious festivals in their way.

Religion ceasing to have a hold over man is nothing do do with employment, there will still be people who follow it of their own FREE will, also note I did not sy ban holidays that is just your stupid over the top interpritation of it. But for holiday, then why should people be forced to take christmas or easter off if they don't celebrate this, why can't they take these days off as normal holidays, I for one would rather have the choice of taking all these forced days off at a time of my chosing. As for your examples of xmas and easter, get real they ceased to be primarily religious years ago they are now both commercial events, you try telling kids they cant have xmas presents or easter eggs because they should celebrate the religious meaning of the 2 events and see what reaction you get.

Just to add I am all with France and it's burka ban, good on them.

Another excellent post. I fully agree the transient government of the day should be legislating on what we wear. After the burka, lets ban hoodies. Then we can ban socks and sandals being worn together. We can also ban above-the-knee shorts for men and stop women wearing trousers - I want to see their legs god damn it!

Again another load of bollocks, the main reason for the banning of the burka is the same reason banks and shops etc do not allow people wearing motorcycle helmet to enter them, for security, if you think about it, a man could walk in any city wearing a full robe and burka and have a weapon under it, they could then commit a crime without fear of recognition. It has nothing to do with religion in general, afterall nobody bans turban wearers from banks etc and they even get an exemption for motorcycles, as for socks and sandals, when did you last hear on the news police cannot give a discription of the attacker as they was wearing socks and sandals.

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Again another load of bollocks, the main reason for the banning of the burka is the same reason banks and shops etc do not allow people wearing motorcycle helmet to enter them, for security, if you think about it, a man could walk in any city wearing a full robe and burka and have a weapon under it, they could then commit a crime without fear of recognition. It has nothing to do with religion in general, afterall nobody bans turban wearers from banks etc and they even get an exemption for motorcycles, as for socks and sandals, when did you last hear on the news police cannot give a discription of the attacker as they was wearing socks and sandals.

No, it really isn't the same thing. With respect, I don't think you have read the news articles about it properly. Read about exactly what the ban covers. The reasons given in France and Belgium were not about security issues in banks and airports.
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censorship (and, to a lesser extent, bees earlier) do you really believe that most people have time off at christmas and easter to take part in/glorify some religious practice of some sort? Yep, I know they are historically religious festivals but ffs they are just a holiday period now unless you are part of the ever more dwindling tiny percentage of the population who believe there is a god. Hey, if that's you I'm not having a go, believe in what you like as long as you do preach to me or try and regress society back a hundred or two (or more) years to suit your interpretation of a story book.


Of course if you don't believe most people take time off at christmas and easter for this purpose, I'm don't understand your point so perhaps you could explain in a bit more detail?


Ps there is huge support (some reports say over 70%) of banning the burqa in public here in France. They simply don't want french society to be changed by a minority for absolutely no-one's good and to most people's detriment. I have to say I can see their point....




jim - agree with most of what you say but not the way you say it ;)

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Ps there is huge support (some reports say over 70%) of banning the burqa in public here in France. They simply don't want french society to be changed by a minority for absolutely no-one's good and to most people's detriment. I have to say I can see their point....
As I am sure you can understand, huge support doesn't necessarily mean that something is wrong or right.


Please elaborate on how French society is being changed to its detriment by Muslim women wearing a burkha? I hate the burkha and it is a sign of oppression, but what is this change you talk of?

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Again another load of bollocks, the main reason for the banning of the burka is the same reason banks and shops etc do not allow people wearing motorcycle helmet to enter them, for security


Well, that shows how little you actually know about this issue. This is ALL about the French government pandering to the right wing by targeting a very small group (estimated at 2,000) as easy targets. What better way to distract people from economic strife, rising unemployment and police investigations into political donations than to point at the 'outsiders' and criminalise their cultural choices.

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As I am sure you can understand, huge support doesn't necessarily mean that something is wrong or right.
I don't recall expression an opinion either way if it is wrong or right. Perhaps you could read my post properly and not come out with patronising stuff like "I'm sure you can understand".......


Please elaborate on how French society is being changed to its detriment by Muslim women wearing a burkha
Both the french government and (ok, a generalisation) french society believe that if you want to live here, you fit into the french way of doing things. If you do, you will be welcome and if you don't you won't. ( Not a bad idea for comeovers now I think of it). Of course, should you be of a mind, you can argue until the cows come home what the 'french way' is but one think that's for sure is the attempt of a minority religion to permanently change western values. The british appear to be accepting these changes and the french don't. They believe that such changes are a detriment and perhaps I could say (if I was a patonsing git) "I'm sure you can understand that".
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