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Gurkha Beheads Taliban

- Paul -

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Smuggy Wailoid article here


The precise circumstances will not be determined until an official report has been completed, but reliable military sources have confirmed that a Gurkha patrol was sent out with orders to track down a Taliban warlord described as a 'high-value target'.


Having identified their target, a fierce battle ensued during which the warlord was killed. To prove that they had got their man, the Gurkhas attempted to remove the body for identification. Further enemy fire necessitated a fast exit minus corpse. So, an unnamed soldier drew his kukri - the standard-issue Gurkha knife - removed the man's head and legged it.


Ten out of ten for initiative. Nought out of ten for diplomacy.


It transpires that the Gurkha soldier has been removed from operations and sent back to his barracks in Kent pending further investigations.



Original article here


A Gurkha soldier has been flown back to the UK after hacking the head off a dead Taliban commander with his ceremonial knife to prove the dead man’s identity.



IMPO the soldier responsible should not be punished for doing what he decided was best in the middle of a firefight.



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I do not see what is wrong with what he did, being able to behead an animal is part of Gurkha training and is why they have the respect of anyone opposing them.


The Taliban 'fight' using hidden roadside bombs.

When they go hand to hand with a Gurkha or a Para, they should be aware of an equal lack of respect.

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Well they killed a Gurkha the other day so maybe this will teach them not to fuck with our little Nepalese friends, the man did his duty, he brought back possitive proof.

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I do not see what is wrong with what he did, being able to behead an animal is part of Gurkha training and is why they have the respect of anyone opposing them.


The Taliban 'fight' using hidden roadside bombs.

When they go hand to hand with a Gurkha or a Para, they should be aware of an equal lack of respect.

Not to say I am a fan of the Taliban, but what is the problem with attacking an enemy force with such things as roadside bombs? The weaker side ought to do what it can. You think it is civilised to fight conventionally?

If you wage war or attack something or someone then you'd be a fool to think that they should choose a method of fighting back that puts them at a serious disadvantage.

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As more and more of our young men return in boxes because of improvised bombs get the chap back out there and tell him to cut all the basxxxxs heads off ! oh and give him a medal too.


Sense of fair play my arse, this is a war, whether we should be involved or not is a subject for another place.

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I am not too comfortable with idea of thinking of them as MY young men or OUR young men, just because they are from the British Isles (or even if they were from the Isle of Man). And I would find it just as sad if it was Frenchmen or Germans coming back in boxes.


But these men are fighting a war and are therefore fair game by those who have been declared as the enemy. Yet it is telling how eager we are to forego our better sense of morality when we would condone sawing off someone's head. I doesn't really give the impression of the civilised fighting that others seem to think the British forces conduct and I very much doubt this sort of moral thinking would be applied to an 'enemy' that was from a western country. I'd think we'd find it just a little bit distasteful were this incident to have not occurred in Afghanistan but in the Balkans twenty years ago.

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I have many many tuppences to add to this, sadly these days as an armchair warrior.


The fact that they have admitted that a Gurka Regiment is in Afghanistan is there to put the willies up the 'taliban' is one thing.


To then say that one Gurkha Private is willing to play the 'taliban' at their game is even more a PR stunt.


The 'taliban' have promised to skin alive any western or NATO soldier they capture. The fact that the British Army have now shouted out that the Gurkha Regiments are now in Afghanistan and are there on a PEACE mission will make many part time 'taliban' think again about picking up their AK and having a pop.


All this Sky/BBC/Fox twaddle about the 'taliban' being idealogist allah fuelled warriors is bollocks! Out and out bollocks!


Makes my shit itch. It really does.


Nothing but a vile bunch of shit stinking bullying knobbers that can't get some on a level playing field!


Fuck'em and fuck'em hard!

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They(assorted tribes in Afghanistan) will end up fucking the Brits/Americans hard.No doubt when the time arrives to leave Afghanistan, the politicians from the west will claim victory.I dont know much about the Afghans but to have repelled the Russians and the west within thirty years deserves respect.

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They(assorted tribes in Afghanistan) will end up fucking the Brits/Americans hard.No doubt when the time arrives to leave Afghanistan, the politicians from the west will claim victory.I dont know much about the Afghans but to have repelled the Russians and the west within thirty years deserves respect.

You have a valid point there, historically no country has ever managed to hold complete control of the country, these include Atilla the Hun who pulled out after suffering massive loses in the mountains, Gengis Khan who after a brief invasion declaired it a country of ungovernable barbarians, Alexander the Great who kept it only as staging route and kept away from the mountain, he also used it as a punishment posting for rogue generals, The British Raj, much has been written about the Kyber Pass, the Russian who tried every method going short of a neuclear device but failed, and now we get George Bush who says I've got a great idea let's invade Afghanistan and this time drag every other country in, not only do the yanks not learn from the pasting the recieved in Vietnam and the history of occupying forces in Afghanistan, but this time the drag every other poor bugger in NATO in.

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They(assorted tribes in Afghanistan) will end up fucking the Brits/Americans hard.No doubt when the time arrives to leave Afghanistan, the politicians from the west will claim victory.I dont know much about the Afghans but to have repelled the Russians and the west within thirty years deserves respect.

You have a valid point there, historically no country has ever managed to hold complete control of the country, these include Atilla the Hun who pulled out after suffering massive loses in the mountains, Gengis Khan who after a brief invasion declaired it a country of ungovernable barbarians, Alexander the Great who kept it only as staging route and kept away from the mountain, he also used it as a punishment posting for rogue generals, The British Raj, much has been written about the Kyber Pass, the Russian who tried every method going short of a neuclear device but failed, and now we get George Bush who says I've got a great idea let's invade Afghanistan and this time drag every other country in, not only do the yanks not learn from the pasting the recieved in Vietnam and the history of occupying forces in Afghanistan, but this time the drag every other poor bugger in NATO in.

I don't think it deserves respect or any admiration. These instances involve very different circumstances in very different times.


The fact that Afghanistan has never been successfully occupied by the British, Russians, and now by NATO is nothing more than a historical 'curiosity' that some media commentators have made into a very popular idea. It seems to have created some silly, almost mystical idea of 'Afghanistan - The Unconquerable'.


In these three instances the reasons why the other forces were ultimately unsuccessful was not always about some tenacity of the people and not always about difficulties relating to topography or geographical location.

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