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Gurkha Beheads Taliban

- Paul -

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I think there is. At least on the matter of 'supporting' the troops I can feel I have additional confidence in my argument not being drivel when morons refer to it as such and when nobody has even bothered to share exactly how they are supporting these people.

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So, LDV, the answer is yes, you really are that stupid - result of being a callow youth with so little experience of the real world outside The People's Republic of Salford (aka LaLa Land).


Better to address the main issue which is that the best way of really supporting the people who have been sent there (and their families) is to bring them home before any more of them are killed fighting a war which has no defined purpose and which cannot be won.


Better than arguing with other.

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Pongo - If that is how you feel then fine - but that is a matter in the political sphere, not the military one.


As to LDV - he really does need some exposure to realities. If he had a grasp of them he surely wouldn't spout such idealistic and impractical nonsense.

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Presumption is a bad thing to start any sentence, but I'm presuming that support might be considered and meant like this?

Moral Support

i.e; Moral support is a way of giving support to a person or cause, or to one side in a conflict, without making any contribution beyond the emotional or psychological value of the encouragement.

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Probably loads of different viewpoints, but to offer encouragement initially meant to me that people want to keep that person or groups moral up as in the expression, keep your chin up.

This may be to offer letters, pictures or some other memento of a happy thought from family and friends to their offspring/partner/friend who are in a dangerous or unusual situation or place.

Thats what I believe moral support and encouragement means.

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LDV - as they say, "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink". I honestly believe that you are so far divorced from reality that you are incapable of understanding the points that I, and others in their different ways, have made and frankly, if you don't understand by now you never will. As to which of us is the complete idiot on this point, I leave it to others to make their own minds up on the evidence of this thread

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I don't suffer idiots gladly


Paul Daniels* said that once it an interview IIRC. But it never quite works as intended when people use it about themselves.


* ETA: or it could have been Noel Edmunds. Come to think of it.


ETA2 - no I remember now. It was Jeffrey Archer. Definitely Archer.

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Probably loads of different viewpoints, but to offer encouragement initially meant to me that people want to keep that person or groups moral up as in the expression, keep your chin up.

This may be to offer letters, pictures or some other memento of a happy thought from family and friends to their offspring/partner/friend who are in a dangerous or unusual situation or place.

Thats what I believe moral support and encouragement means.

I think think telling people to 'chin up' can be classified as a form of support, very much so. And certainly can and do provide things which offer people (servicemen) things to keep them going in hard times. It is, however, not the same as the 'support' that people refer to when they say they 'support the troops'. You can tell this in the forms in which the message takes and the context in which it is used.
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Sorry, LDV, but the reason I never went into teaching is because I don't suffer idiots gladly. And once you remove the absolute nonsense from your posts, you haven't provided anything useful either.

Useful? Other than demonstrating the hollowness of particular concepts, I don't think I have provided anything of particular use, unless the reader wants to re-examine the ideas that people have in relation to the military. You haven't told anyone why people such accept your view.
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